Those Blasted Germans Again

It seems there must be a lot of “Islamists” in Germany named Johann, Heinz, and Klaus, because so many of them have German passports. But we don’t know for sure, because the security services won’t make their first names public. Funny about that.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

In North Rhine-Westphalia, 80% of those who pose a threat are Islamists — and the majority have a German passport

The majority of those who pose a threat in North Rhine-Westphalia have a German passport — and therefore cannot be deported. As the Westfalen-Blatt reports, citing current figures from the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of the Interior, there are currently 464 people living in the state whom the security authorities consider to be a threat. More than 80% of them are “German”.

The greatest threat comes from Islamists. 378 of 464 dangerous individuals fall into the area of “religious ideologies”, which corresponds to almost 82%. 47 people (10%) are classified as right-wing extremists, ten people (3% percent) as left-wing extremists. In the area of “foreign ideologies” — which includes Turkish right-wing extremism or Kurdish extremism — the authorities have identified 22 dangerous individuals (6%).

Strictly speaking, the security authorities differentiate between dangerous individuals and “relevant persons”. While the former are assumed to be capable of committing politically motivated crimes of considerable importance, the group of “relevant persons” is assumed to play the role of leaders in the extremist or terrorist spectrum, to be supporters or to have contacts with dangerous individuals.

According to the security authorities, there are currently 213 dangerous individuals and 251 relevant persons living in North Rhine-Westphalia — that is, 464 people who pose a direct or indirect threat. Around 20% of them (96) are female. The vast majority of all registered individuals are 21 years old or older.

First name query could jeopardize investigations

Explosive: According to the Interior Ministry, 310 people in North Rhine-Westphalia have German passports, which is two-thirds. The ministry’s figures do not indicate what proportion of this group consists of people with a migration background — nor do they provide precise statistics on nationality in the individual areas of the phenomenon. Given the large number of Germans, however, a significant proportion of the people considered Islamists are likely to be German.

As the Westfalen-Blatt newspaper reports, AfD MP Markus Wagner from Bad Oeynhausen recently wanted to know more details about the high proportion of German citizens among those who pose a threat and therefore asked the Interior Ministry for their first names. However, the Interior Ministry rejected the request. According to the report, such information could jeopardize the investigations of the security authorities. Particularly in cases in which the police’s state security departments are conducting covert investigations against people, the number of people who are informed of their classification as a threat must be kept small in order not to jeopardize the success of police work. [I’m making an educated guess here, but I’d lay any bet that most of those names aren’t typical German names, and they don’t want people to know that.]

Afterword from the translator:

The way the German government gives out passport like confetti at a Carnival parade, I’m not surprised by this figure. I’m also pretty sure that those are the ones they know, and those are just the tip of the iceberg. After all, those “lone wolf” attacks is what we’ve seen over and over again in the past, present and unforeseeable future if nothing changes drastically.

Historically, the worst and most violent Muslims have been Christian renegades. And one of the worst, in my humble opinion, was a former Dominican and Inquisitor called Kara Hodja, a Corsair captain in the 1560s and ‘70s. Apparently he kept his Dominican friars robe and wore it on his raids. The bags he sent to the Sultan, with the heads of the Christian villagers he had slaughtered, were labeled by age and sex. Men and women together? It’s against Sharia and Allah’s will, now isn’t it? Go figure.

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