“Islam is the Future for the West”

In the following video from France, Islamic culture-enrichers speak in both French and English about their confident anticipation of an emerging European caliphate.

Many thanks to HeHa for translating the French, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:06   Here in France, of course, jihad has not been launched yet.
00:09   We are not here to kill people.
00:12   We are simply wondering, “Ah, maybe it’s time get prepared.”
00:15   Because, seeing how oppressed we are, we never know.
00:18   You see? We are starting to be truly worried.
00:20   “Our anger today, it is more than visible!
00:24   Not even! And it is also legitimate!”
00:27   People are starving, their cupboards are empty,
00:30   their fridges are almost empty.
00:32   And what are we worried about? Our clothing.
00:35   To know whether our beards or the women’s niqabs
00:39   will improve the situation of the French?
00:42   “Do you still agree with democracy now?”
00:45   “No!” “The reality is, if you are French, if you are a Muslim,
00:49   you are second-class or even a third-class citizen inside France today.
00:52   Islam is the future for the West, it is the future for Paris,
00:55   it is the future for France, it is the future for Europe.
00:57   Islam will come and take over all these capitals, one by one.
01:00   Islam is on the streets, it’s in the newspapers, it’s on the magazines.
01:04   It is a talking point.
01:05   And the reason it’s a talking point, it’s because it’s a challenge to the system
01:08   and the way of life people are living here today.
01:10   It’s an alternative.
01:11   I believe that we are definitely a danger to Western democracy.
01:15   Not because it carries weapons, but because it carries ideals.

5 thoughts on ““Islam is the Future for the West”

  1. Dear Lord the arrogance of this cult. Their time is actually ending. Islam was abolished by Saudia Arabia 2011. As a Bishop I can tell you the Churches are filling again! Do you really expect this bunch of comics is going to win after all the violence against Israel?

    It is hilarious actually. Where is the straight man?

    Give me Israel any day!

    • Hello Guy. Welcome back. I hope you are well. As for Islam, I sincerely believe it is a Satanic ideology, working in tandem with leftism to overthrow the democratic west.

      I think you will find that most people on this website support Israel but you knew that already.

      • “I think you will find that most people on this website support Israel but you knew that already.”

        The fly-in-the-ointment is that most people aren’t on this website (and would likely demand its closure if they were).

    • Yes, they are going to win. In the West, we can think of three different blocs as vying for control. There are (1) Muslims, (2) elites, and (3) non-elites. Muslims are pushing for Islamic law, and their birth rates are such that they will be a significant force in the future in Europe. The elites are empowering Muslims, not in order to have Islamic law, but to have a multicultural society. They are clueless, but unfortunately they wield an immense amount of power.

      We non-elites don’t want the Islamification of the West, but we have virtually no power to stop it, so it will happen. Our only hope is to persuade the elites that what they are doing is stupid, and that they won’t like the results. But they live in a bubble or echo chamber which is nearly impossible to penetrate.

      I used to think that someday some elite would see that what they were doing was stupid and would persuade the others to change course, but what seems to happen is that such elites slink away to the far right where they have no influence on their former friends. Moreover, for every elite who does this, there are ten young people coming of age who will replace them. So, I just don’t see any hope that Islamification won’t happen.

      As for the people filling the churches, they are non-elites who have no power. Power today rests not in churches but in academia, the media, NGOs, etc.

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