Football Jihad

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

One week before the start of the European Championship: State security and police arrest IS terrorists for threatening attacks

One week before the start of the European Championship in Germany, the police and state security in North Rhine-Westphalia may have prevented a terrorist attack against public viewing events. Bildreports this exclusively, citing intelligence sources. According to the report, a 23-year-old German-Moroccan-Polish citizen named Soufian T. was arrested after he wanted to apply to work as a steward at UEFA [Union of European Football Associations].

As Bild reports, the man from Bonn wanted accreditation for EURO 2024 as a steward and security guard for so-called “side events” outside of football stadiums. These include fan miles or public viewing events. During the background check, it was discovered that the State Security and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution had information about Soufian T. that suggested he had Islamist views. The Cologne Police Headquarters ultimately ensured that the man did not receive accreditation for such jobs.

The media report goes on to say that state security officials also found evidence that the Islamist had applied for two major events in Rhineland-Palatinate: the “Rock am Ring” festival, which is taking place this weekend at the Nürburgring. And the 24-hour race at the Nürburgring, which was held on the first weekend in June. It is also suspected that the terror suspect had booked a one-way ticket for a trip from Cologne-Bonn Airport to Istanbul in May.

Federal Prosecutor General investigates support for ISPK

Investigators then contacted the Federal Criminal Police Office, which conducted further investigations into the Islamist’s money flows and internet activities. Because the suspicion of terrorism became increasingly strong, the Federal Prosecutor General initiated an “investigation on suspicion of supporting a terrorist organization abroad.”

The terrorist organization is said to be ISPK, which means Islamic State in Pakistan and Khorasan. This IS offshoot group is considered particularly dangerous. It operates in a decentralized manner, often in small cells, and relies heavily on online propaganda. ISPK is behind the terrorist attack on the concert hall in Moscow in May, which left more than 140 people dead, but also vague threats of attacks that led to Cologne Cathedral having to be protected during the Christmas period.

The ISPK is also behind the plans to attack Cologne Cathedral and St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna on Christmas and New Year’s Eve last year, which is why they had to be protected — and behind the devastating attack on a concert hall in Moscow, in which more than 140 people died. In March, two Afghans were arrested who are said to have planned an Islamist-motivated attack on the Swedish parliament in Stockholm. The knife attacker in Mannheim, the Afghan Sulaiman A., is also said to have been radicalized by means of ISPK online videos. [A visit on Friday to the mosque doesn’t seem to cut the camel curd any longer. To me this looks as if all these guys are completely illiterate so that they need someone else to read them Islamic Scripture online. Tsk, tsk…]

Arrest at the airport, subsequent apartment search

The Federal Prosecutor General, who is now handling the case, applied to the Federal Court of Justice for an arrest warrant for Soufian T., including a search warrant, based on the evidence of concrete terrorist plans. As Bild reports, the 23-year-old was arrested on Friday with his mother and sister by investigators from the Bonn State Security Service and federal police officers at Cologne-Bonn Airport. Several cell phones and €2,500 were confiscated. The terror suspect is said to remain silent on the charges.

His mother said that she and her son wanted to make a pilgrimage to Mecca. The woman was also able to show tickets that showed a planned onward journey to Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. She also had return tickets with her. After the arrest, the Islamist’s apartment was searched and other cell phones, data storage devices and computers were confiscated. Investigators also seized suspicious recordings. Soufian T. was taken to Karlsruhe and brought before the investigating judge at the Federal Court of Justice.

The case is reminiscent of the problems facing investigators in France. The Interior Committee found that the security authorities had been able to identify Islamists in a number of cases during the application and registration process for security services at the upcoming Olympic Games in July. These are so-called “fiché S” threats, which are kept in a separate file in France. At the end of May, French security authorities arrested an 18-year-old Chechen who is believed to have planned an Islamist attack on the Olympic Games.

Afterword from the translator:

And the German government is flying in more of the same daily, by the looks of it. Shows you how much they hate the native Germans, now, doesn’t it?

Also, according to them, these are all “lone wolf” attacks that have nothing to do with the “Religion of Peace”, even though the common denominator of Chechens, Afghans, Syrians, Moroccans and the rest stares them right in the face. That also shows you clearly that all of this has been and is still being done deliberately, and the outcome is all to clear for anyone to see. Although I doubt that our respective puppeticians throughout the EUSSR want a Caliphate; this is more in the nefarious line of creating a problem in which they produce a solution that is aimed to enslave the population afterwards. It’s for their own “safety” that these draconian measures are then put into place. How these useful idiotically useless ideological retards, that are constantly demonstrating against deportation and remigration, cannot see their own executioner approaching steadily towards them is beyond me, and because of these morons this will all end in bloody tears. That is if the megalomaniacs in governments don’t start WWIII in the meantime and everything that should be obvious even to the dumbest ideologue will be moot.

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