Ship Those German Racists to the Gulag!

Sylt is a barrier island facing the North Sea in the German portion of North Frisia. It is a popular tourist resort, and famous for its FKK nude-bathing beaches.

A video recorded on Sylt has caused a huge controversy in Germany. It seems that a group of teenagers at a drunken party recorded a version of a popular ditty to which these lyrics had been added: “Germany for the Germans, foreigners out” (Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer Raus).

Well, as you can imagine, those youngsters’ boisterous antics landed them in a heap o’ trouble. Uttering such sentiments in Modern Multicultural Germany is the worst possible crime, worse than mass murder or gang rape. You just can’t say that!

Below are two articles about the fallout from the Sylt video. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating these pieces from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets.

The first article:

“Siberia is always an option”

These are the most extreme reactions to the Sylt video

A former candidate for chancellor calls on citizens to doxx, and a Green politician posts allusions to the Soviets’ gulag mass murder. Politicians react to the Sylt video with harsh words. The JF collects the most blatant derailments.


The so-called Sylt video with people chanting “Germany for the Germans” has prompted politicians to make drastic demands. The former CDU candidate for chancellor, Armin Laschet, praised the fact that the names of the people were made public. “In a very short time, all the names were public; they all lost their jobs. And I think as a society we have to make sure that this applies to all of these incidents,” Laschet told ARD. [Yep, since the Islamic gang-rapists and mass-murderers live on the dole and cannot lose their “jobs” — which they have NO intention to get anyway — this outrage only applies to the natives.]

Laschet stressed that he would like to see “every individual who is anti-Semitic, racist and different” punished. He cited the president of Berlin’s Humboldt University Julia von Blumenthal and the Islamist group Muslim Interaktiv as examples. [What does he mean by “different”? Opinion or white and native German?]

Twitter video

[Disclaimer — Do not to listen to this if you want to keep your blood-pressure low and your breakfast down.]

Publishing the full names of private individuals, colloquially known as doxxing, is a criminal offense under German law. Since 2021, it has been listed in the Criminal Code as Section 126a StGB “Dangerous distribution of personal data” and can be punished with a fine or imprisonment of up to two years. [But this doesn’t apply to these moral-less moral apostles of HATE, now, does it?]

Green Party office manager makes Gulag allusions

Former Bundestag member Niema Movassat (Linke/Leftist Party) called for the video to be shared. Since the party guests’ lawyers are trying to “get the video off the internet,” it is “all the more important” to share it. “So that the faces are not forgotten.” Anyone who “smiles into the camera” while singing such songs should “face the consequences.” [And those that rape and murder native German women must be protected, right? After all, making their names and faces public would be against their human rights, isn’t it? These people make me sick.]

Bas wants to severely punish Sylt video people

The office manager of the Berlin Green Party, MP Tonka Wojahn, Daniel Eliasson, commented on the incident on the social platform X with the words “Nazis out”. When another user asked where they should be sent, Eliasson replied: “Siberia is always an option.” It is “a tried and tested method against Nazis of all kinds,”. Starting in the 1930s, the Soviet government murdered at least 2.7 million people in the Siberian gulag camps. It was common for the government to refer to its victims as “fascists”. [I guess that’s exactly what they would love to do to anyone who refuses to commit suicide, and fights them.]

Bundestag President Bärbel Bas (SPD) had already called for the “maximum penalty” for the people in the Sylt video during the Democracy Festival on Saturday. It was an advantage that the people could be identified from the video recordings. In such a case, criminal law “must also be applied” and “perhaps even imposed a maximum penalty”. [But a murderer who kills women and children while shouting “Allahu Akhbar” is not to be prosecuted because he was under “influence” of drugs and alcohol. Someone like that needs psychiatric treatment and is seen as an prospective “asset” to the New Germany.]

Afterword from the translator:

What we’re seeing here is a “society” that has gone completely insane. This is no longer like 1933, but it’s like 1936… onwards!

I first noticed that Germany was going down the drain years ago, when Frank Walter Steinmeier — so-called President of the German Republic — was asked on a talk show whether Islam belonged to Germany and he answered — to thunderous applause from the audience — yes, Islam belongs to Germany, and has done so for more than two thousand years. What can one say to such blatant lies and imbecility? Or the belief that ancient Christian churches in Turkey, which are being torn down by angry mobs because they were built on top of a previously standing mosques, is a move in the right direction to address historical wrongs. How is it possible that these mediocre people can come to power? It boggles the mind. “History’s tragedies reveal great men, but unfortunately those tragedies are always provoked by the mediocre.” One can only hope that this old medieval proverb will prove to be spot-on in the end.

The second article provides greater detail on the reaction to the Sylt video:

Sylt and hypermorality

What the Federal Government says — and what it doesn’t

The relatively minor incident on Sylt is commented on in detail by the German government, but it remains silent about much more serious events. This has to do with our hyper-moral belief system, says Fabian Schmidt-Ahmad.

You can do anything, but you must not press this one switch under any circumstances. Lead a group of young people into the room, give them plenty of alcohol to drink and you can be sure that the switch will be pressed at some point. Plenty of alcohol may also have been behind the idea of adding the neo-Nazi slogan “Foreigners out — Germany for the Germans” to the pop ballad L’amour toujours. According to legend, the crazy idea was born in October 2023 at a village festival in Bergholz.

Smartphones and TikTok have since taken over the rest. It is rarely so easy, so effortless, to generate attention on the internet. As a precaution, the song is rarely played at parties. But on Sylt, word doesn’t seem to have gotten around yet. It happened as it had to. A young woman recorded the video of a boozy party, sent it to someone, who sent it to someone else, and eventually it ended up on the news. Some lives had already been ruined by this point.

The Federal Government sets priorities

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz commented on the video: “It’s clear: such slogans are disgusting, they are not acceptable.” It is right “that all our activities are aimed at preventing this from becoming a problem that spreads.” Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser also commented on the video: “What we see there is disgusting and inhumane. Anyone who shouts such Nazi slogans is a disgrace to Germany.”

What neither of them commented on was, among other things, the occupation of the Humboldt University in Berlin, which lasted for days and during which anti-Semitic slogans were chanted. Or the Tawhid confession of the football player Antonio Rüdiger, who will represent Germany at the European Football Championship. Even when a man in Magdeburg stood protectively in front of his disabled friend and was subsequently beaten to death by youths who continued to walk around freely after the attack, nothing was heard from either of them.

Belief system of “hypergoods”

All of these events happened not so long ago and are of much greater significance than the video of drunks on Sylt. Nevertheless, they were only acknowledged very reluctantly — if at all. Why is that? It is because we now move within a hyper-moral belief system. It is no longer about an objective perception of reality, but about positioning oneself on absolute values, so-called “hypergoods”.

It is not what we do that is important, but how we position ourselves in relation to these “hypergoods”. One of them is “anti-racism”, for example. Whatever that may be, you have to be for it. Everything else is horrific. If foreign youths trample a German to death in a bestial manner, you have to ignore it. Because this perception endangers the hypergood “anti-racism”. The concrete action, the trampling to death, is comparatively unimportant and should therefore be ignored.

“Hypergoods” always require human sacrifice

That makes things a little difficult. We can evaluate actions objectively. This person does this, that person does that, so I evaluate them too. But what about the position on “hypergoods”? What is “anti-racist action” supposed to be? Essentially, I can only determine that ex negativo, that is, from the negative. I have to find someone who I can accuse of “racism”, that is, that they disregard this “hypergood”. That is the missing action through which I can then be evaluated again.

A system of “hypergoods” therefore always requires human sacrifice. Where can I find a deviant, where can I find a denier whom I can spy on and convict? This is the action by which I can improve my position. This is how a group of partygoers can get more attention than a group of murderers. And thanks to the new media, this hunt can involve a mob of millions. The story of the young woman who flew from New York to Cape Town in 2013 is legendary.

During the flight she was gossiping about other passengers who should use deodorant and so on. And then the fateful tweet: “On my way to Africa. Hopefully I won’t get AIDS. I’m joking. I’m white.” Unbeknownst to the woman, this post took on a life of its own and was shared millions of times. And everyone had to add their hyper-moral disgust. When the plane touched down in Cape Town, this woman’s career was already in ruins.

The path from hunter to prey is easy

Playing with fire. A member of the mob can easily and suddenly become a target themselves. The SPD found this out when they wanted to exploit the Sylt incident for the European elections and came up with something — as they probably thought — quite clever: “Germany for THE Germans who defend our democracy.” Too much punning for hypergoods preservers and defenders. Because like all fanatics, they go about their work without any sense of humor. The only thing that helps is to throw yourself into the dust.

They were deeply shocked by the video from Sylt, said the people responsible. “We didn’t manage to find a tone that would appeal to everyone. We would like to sincerely apologize for that.” Let’s see if it’s enough. Certainly not for the partygoers on Sylt, who now have the public prosecutor breathing down their necks. And the bloodhounds of “Hypergoods” are already sniffing out other victims. An employee of the semi-governmental research network “Correctiv” is asking for help:

“Where else were those ugly slogans from Sylt yelled to the song ‘L’amour Toujours’?” he asks. And with inner rejoicing: “There are certainly more. If anyone has anything, please send it to us,” says the Spy. “We want to record it.” As I said, hypergoods systems require human sacrifices. And not all victims make it as easy as the partygoers from Sylt.

Afterword from the translator:

Hypermoral belief system? It’s much simpler and much more barbaric. It must be kept secret and ignored that the government and parties are mercilessly plundering and slaughtering the German people. This is best achieved when the people are discredited as much as possible. Every fart of a German is blown up into a global moral catastrophe. Every knife murder and every gang rape and every demonstration for the caliphate, on the other hand, is shrunk to the size of a speck of dust and has no supra-regional significance.

Either you obey Faeser, Haldenwang, Habeck and Scholz or you are a right-wing extremist bastard who needs to be locked away for good. And the fact that people who demand the caliphate have become citizens and continue to become citizens means nothing. Don’t be so stubborn, you stupid ox.

The fact that knife murderers and gang rapists are marching into Germany is an effective relief for their homeland. Every Eritrean knife murder in Germany is one less knife murder in Eritrea and improves living conditions there. Syria — so I heard — apparently has far fewer gang rapes now than it did up until 2015. The strong, fertile boys are gathering here. They are to believed to be the future by these ideologues in the German government.

And if you’ve seen a German MSM newspaper, you’ll have noticed immediately that the faces of the “Germany for the Germans, foreigners out” shouters are not pixilated at all and that their full names are given.

In the case of foreign perpetrators, the faces are obscured and names or ethnicity are not even mentioned!

What does that tell you?

6 thoughts on “Ship Those German Racists to the Gulag!

  1. The youngsters were published on the internet with their full names and addresses, making them sitting ducks for murderous attacks. Germany is back to old form, I hate to say.

  2. They said something that sane Germans are thinking! They are nazis! Ruin their lives!
    And lets let in millions of young men who want to finish what the nazis started!

  3. The German government is literally throwing Germans into prison for objecting to being genocided. Which they only dare to do while drunk anyway.

    I hope the Germans rise up and overthrow these people. Siberia as an option goes both ways.

  4. The tighter they squeeze, the easier it is all going to slip through their fingers, now the youth of German speaking areas and other parts of Europa are singing this song with the idea that they can’t dox us all and flipping the finger to authorities. I have hope things are starting to turn around.

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