Knife Attack on Michael Stürzenberger in Mannheim

Long-time readers will remember the stalwart German Counterjihad activist Michael Stürzenberger. I met him at the second Brussels conference, and Vlad has interviewed him many times (see the archives for a list of previous posts). For more than a decade he has been a prime target for culture-enrichers in Germany, due to his weekly anti-sharia demonstrations and speeches.

Mr. Stürzenberger has been hit with fists and rocks in the past, but today’s knife attack in Mannheim took the violence to a whole new level. He was speaking at a Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa event when a disgruntled “New German” treated him to an Allahu Akhbar moment with a bladed weapon.

Here’s a Twitter video of the attack and its aftermath.

The Daily Mail has an article about the incident with lots of pictures. It says the mujahid was shot dead, which is at variance with what the article below says.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Politically Incorrect:

Breaking news from Mannheim: Knife attack on Michael Stürzenberger!

Terrible news from Mannheim: At today’s rally of the citizens’ movement Pax Europa in Mannheim from 12 noon to 6pm, Michael Stürzenberger was stabbed several times with a knife by a man — probably a Muslim — at around 11:30am The bearded man was quickly overpowered by the police. Stürzenberger suffered severe injuries from the stab wounds. We will keep our readers updated as soon as we learn more about Michael Stürzenberger’s health.

Update 12:45pm:

  • According to eyewitness reports, Stürzenberger suffered severe stab wounds to his face. He was cut open from the middle of his face to his lip and also has stab wounds to his leg. He has since been transported to the Ludwigshafen Accident Clinic, where Niki Lauda was also treated after his serious accident at the Nürburgring on August 1, 1976. According to as yet unconfirmed information, Stürzenberger is now out of danger.
  • A police officer who tried to stop the attacker was stabbed in the back and neck with a knife and also had to be taken to hospital.
  • The attacker was shot by the police, but apparently survived the shot.
  • The area around the crime scene has now been cordoned off with tape. Nevertheless, a large number of Muslims have gathered there.
  • The original video of the live stream had to be removed from the YouTube channel “Augen auf!” on the instructions of the Police. The Deutschlandkurier has now published a video of the decisive scene.

Martin Sellner writes on Telegram about the police officers’ behavior:

Michael Stürzenberger is in the hospital! We have feared this for years. Now it has happened. The video of the attack shows a total failure of the police that could be called criminal.

— The bloodthirsty migrant stabbed for 15 agonizingly long seconds. More than eight police officers stand around doing nothing. — Then they intervene. But they hit the WRONG ONE! A police officer brutally throws one of Stürzenberger’s brave helpers to the ground and turns his back on the knife-wielding migrant. — Only when this police officer is then stabbed in the neck from behind by the migrant does the state intervene and shoot him.

Then four more minutes pass before officers put a tourniquet on Stürzenberger. If it had been an arterial wound, he could have been dead.

Scandalous statements by Rainer Wendt, head of the police union, about the attack on “…several extremists probably clashed with each other…”

Video statement by Stefanie Kizina (BPE): “It was a terrorist attack against Michael Stürzenberger!”

Here is the complete live stream from the beginning of the rally to the assassination attempt on Stürzenberger (the Mannheim police wanted to delete all videos of the incident).

Afterword from the translator:

From the response time of the police one can only assume that this attack on Michael Stürzenberger had been “sanctioned” by Germany’s Interior Minister, Nancy Faeser. It looked to me as if the police had instructions not to interfere too soon if an attack were to take place, and so save the intended victim. Only after one of their own got culturally enriched did they take action against the stabber. And if “Stürzi” had become the German version of a Pim Fortuyn, I’m pretty sure that the popping champagne corks would have started WWIII even sooner.

For links to previous posts about Michael Stürzenberger, see the Michael Stürzenberger Archives.

8 thoughts on “Knife Attack on Michael Stürzenberger in Mannheim

  1. Cop gets stabbed by knife wielding Muj because he pulled away the guy holding down the knife wielding maniac. There’s something rather symbolic in all this

  2. Germany in 2024 – An innocent bystander trying to stop violent migrant is being held down by a cop, and the cop gets stabbed in the back by a violent migrant the innocent bystander tried to stop…

    Karma is a female dog, to be honest…

  3. I am reading the comments of Germans on the youtube video of the attack, and as always I am struck by the relevance of Napoleon’s assessment that Germans turn on each other. Volumes of criticism about the police response as if the police could be or should be a solution for the hellscape that they have voted upon themselves

  4. I hope that all video evidence will be preserved for posterity, the more so when state actors want to get it deleted for such obvious reasons. Any consequences from this will be meticulously preserved as well, for a time when amends can be made. None of this was unexpected, of course. Best wishes to Mr. Stürzenberger for a speedy recovery.

  5. The police are doing everything they can to create the conditions for the SHTF, thus in the process are making themselves targets. When enough of them are injured or killed, they will go after the 3 rd worlders, it is inevitable.

  6. I spoke to Stürzi on the phone on Sunday this past Sunday asking for his input for the upcoming OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting in Vienna. (Report coming soon)
    If it could happen to him, it can and will happen to all of us. An attack was bound to happen, it was only a matter of time. We all must work on serious security protocols. I know I am starting… TODAY.
    Stürzi will not be deterred. Neither should we.
    Freedom must prevail, and I will do all I can to fight for it.

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