Iran’s Mullahs Quake at the Sight of Strong Independent Women

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Iran’s Mullahs Quake at the Sight of Strong Independent Women

by Clare M. Lopez

  • This month’s issue is dedicated to the women of Iran who suffer brutal abuse from their own government.

Our focus this month, appropriately enough as it turns out, is the Islamic Republic of Iran. As the following news items will attest, the jihadist regime of the mullahs is above all a misogynist regime. Fear of individually free, strong, independent women runs like a collective shiver through the clerical, judicial, Pasdaran, and police ranks of Iran. This is why the mass regime hysteria over Iranian women and girls who might show a bit of their hair — their hair! — sends them into a frenzy of assault, rape, and torture. This Iranian regime, even having lost its President and Foreign Minister in a helicopter accident this month, is incapable of normal, sane behavior towards its own people, most especially its women — and there is no chance for any change towards the better until this regime is replaced with a government of, by, and for the Iranian people.

Iranian Police Assault Girl for Hijab Non-Compliance” from the Iran International Newsroom, May 12, 2024

Iranian women violently dragged from streets by police amid hijab crackdown” by Deepa Parent at the Guardian, April 24, 2024

Iran intensifies violent crackdown on women” by Omid Barin at DW (Deutsche Welle), April 29, 2024

‘I Feel Suffocated’: Iran Intensifies Crackdown on Women” by Solmaz Eikdar at, May 16, 2024

“The Guardian view on the women of Iran: still resisting repression” by Editorial Staff, April 20, 2024

“Iran Reinforces Ban on Women in Stadiums Amid Broader Crackdown” by Payam Younesipour at Iran Wire, May 6, 2024

Killings of Women Surge in Iran: 23 Killed by Male Relatives” by Iran International Newsroom, 05/12/2024

For previous essays by Clare Lopez at Sharia TipSheet, see the Clare Lopez Archives.

2 thoughts on “Iran’s Mullahs Quake at the Sight of Strong Independent Women

  1. To be honest – I doubt that Mullahs of Iran quake at the sight of “strong independent women”

    It’s clearly the “strong and independent” women who shake at the Republic of Iran here – and rightly so, because if there is anything that destroyed the West in the first place – it was unleaching the female sex drive from its constraints and producing a ton of illegitimate children that are damaged by being born as bastards…

    Back in the Old Testament Age – the “Strong and independent” women would also kill children by their hundreds of thousands – sacrificing them to the “gods”, because yeah we like sex but we don’t like children…

    You all know how God had dealt with these practices in the past?

    He “replaced the population” – with those who did not do such things.

    So – behold the future of the “Strong and Independent Women TM”

    …you couldn’t handle your freedom ladies, and give it to whoever, while looking down at every honest hard working man who “isn’t a king”…

    and that’s why Islam will take over the world.

    • Oof. Well, people believe what they want to, anyway.

      The “Wild Women of the West” are a self-correcting episode, as nature deals with unsustainable developments in its own ways. If they don’t procreate, they’ll go away. If you want to see a deity’s hand in this, fine. But equally unsustainable is any form of exponential growth within limited space, which is a mathematical law, whether by divine origin or not. Standing at 8 billion, we still don’t know where the exact breaking point is, but that it lies ahead on this curve is a certainty. And what kind of civilisation do we want to prevail within this limited space? From every individual viewpoint, the ones who believe the same things, of course… Now think this through strategically for a moment, even strictly utilitarian. The flaw with women in our time could serve as a tool to push back against the savagery that is Islam and dares to call itself a religion. They are not entirely stupid about self-preservation, but everything else about this cult is simply appalling. Why should we stand in the way of the feminist virus spreading there? We should encourage them instead. Islam has its jihad, which includes any non-military means one can think of. This is one of many possible responses. The human species will not die out from this because, again, nature is self-correcting.

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