ISIS vs. the FSB: Who Will Win?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online German-language news portal Nius:

Arrests after attack in Moscow ++ Terrorists hide in the forest ++ ISIS claims responsibility for the crime that left 93 dead

First arrests after the Moscow attack!

According to the Russian domestic intelligence service FSB, eleven arrests have been made so far following the attack on a concert hall near Moscow. Four of those arrested are said to have been directly involved in the attack on the event center, FSB chief Alexander Bortnikov said on Saturday, according to the Russian state news agency Tass.

On Saturday morning, MP Alexander Chinstein announced two arrests: The suspected getaway vehicle was stopped in the Bryansk region with weapons inside, Chinstein writes on his Telegram channel. Other suspects were being searched for in a forest, according to a politician from the Kremlin party United Russia.

The vehicle failed to stop during a police chase on Friday evening, was shot at and then overturned. “One terrorist was arrested on the spot, the others hid in the forest,” said Chinstein. A second suspect was arrested early in the morning. The number of deaths has now risen to 93.

The search for the other suspected perpetrators will continue. A pistol, a cartridge magazine and a Kalashnikov as well as passports of citizens of the Central Asian Republic of Tajikistan were found inside the vehicle.

After the terrorist attack on an event center in Moscow, investigators seized weapons and ammunition in the building. This was shown in a short video released by Russia’s State Investigative Committee early Saturday morning. On display were a Kalashnikov submachine gun and belts full of magazines. The investigators collected bags of spent cartridges.

The victims of the attack had all been taken out of the building by Saturday morning, the Russian state news agency Tass reported, citing a correspondent at the scene. According to authorities, 93 people were killed and around dozens injured in Crocus City Hall on Friday evening when several gunmen opened fire. Firefighters battled a fire for hours in the huge building, which burned in an area of almost 13,000 square meters. After it was initially said that the fire was under control, open flames appeared again in the morning, as Tass reported. They came from inside the building and were clearly visible on the roof. The fire department extinguished the fire with water from outside. Firefighting helicopters that were initially in use were withdrawn. Crocus City, with concert and event halls as well as a shopping center, is located right on the outskirts of Moscow in the city of Krasnogorsk.

Terror expert Neumann: IS letter claiming responsibility for attack near Moscow is real

The terrorist militia Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack early on. A search was carried out at night for the perpetrators, without any new information.

Terror expert Peter Neumann from King’s College in London believes the letter of responsibility from the terrorist militia Islamic State for the attack near Moscow is genuine. “The message of confession was broadcast through all official IS channels. I and my colleagues can confirm this 100%,” Neumann wrote on Twitter.

The German-born scientist also warned against false news circulating on Russian Telegram channels claiming that the IS message was fake. There is “already a lot of fake news — probably to spin the narrative that Ukraine was responsible for the attack,” wrote Neumann.

In a message distributed on the Telegram channel of the IS mouthpiece Amak, it was previously said that IS fighters had carried out the attack with dozens of deaths and many injured in the city of Krasnogorsk in the Moscow region and then fled to safety.

Neumann believes it is very unlikely that IS will claim responsibility for the attack without actually being behind it. The letter of responsibility alone is not a 100% reliable indication, but in conjunction with the other evidence, he thinks it is “pretty certain that it has something to do with IS,” said the professor of security studies at the dpa. Among other things, he pointed out that the US embassy in Moscow had already warned of the danger of an attack in Russia at the beginning of March.

Neumann made particular reference to the IS offshoot in Afghanistan, which calls itself the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISPK) and has been waging an armed conflict with the militant Islamist Taliban for several years. The ISPK recruits very actively in ex-Soviet states in Central Asia and the Caucasus and is also associated with plans for Christmas attacks in Cologne, Vienna and Madrid.

Afterword from the translator:

I think it’s HIGH time to fight fire with fire, and each Muslim terrorist should be executed — tied to a stake — on a pile of Islamic “religious” scripture, set alight with an old fashioned “Lucifer” match. The ashes need to be scattered afterwards in pigsties — the ash makes the cleaning away of pig-[ordure] so much easier. Also, that way there’ll be NO more mollycoddling in their favourite recruitment facility, the jail — at taxpayers’ expense — for the followers of a rabid megalomaniac and genocidal 7th century desert lunatic. Let’s send those bastards to their lord and master in an appropriate manner, and that way the recruiting of imbeciles in jails will be stopped, too.

It’s a thought.

19 thoughts on “ISIS vs. the FSB: Who Will Win?

  1. Islamists found guilty of murder by means of terrorism should be executed – by women. A female should pull the death switch or press the trigger of extinction. Apparently if a female kills a Moslem, he doesn’t collect all those virgins and his relatives can’t slink into paradise on his frock tails.

    • When General John “Black Jack” Pershing was in the Philippines as a young officer, he directed that slain members of the Moro insurgency – who were fanatical Muslim fighters mostly from Mindanao in the southern part of the country – be denied an Islamic ritual burial, and instead be buried in unconsecrated ground with pig entrails shoveled into the grave with them.

      There was also the dipping of cartridges into pig lard or fat, anything porcine being considered unclean by Muslims.

      In these politically-correct times, such measures might be seen as barbaric, but the men of those now-distant times did not mince words – or their deeds – when it came to dealing with trouble. And sometimes, in war, civilized men must be prepared to act in uncivilized ways in order to survive and win.

      And no matter how brutal the methods adopted, one may rest assured that the believers have done much, much worse. When it comes to violence against infidels, there appears to be no low to which they will not sink. No limit on their cruelty and barbarism.

      As the old proverb says, those who live by the sword shall perish by it.

      • I know not many will like it but

        why arent they turned into women and dropped by parachute into Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran or Saudi-Arabia.

        From top of the food chain to lowest of the low.
        Should be quite the experience.

      • Geogia, when dealing with 3rd wolders/muzzy’s, we are losing because do gooders think that by taking the high moral ground and being civilized to uncivilized savages in war somehow makes you this virtuous individual, it doesn’t, it makes you dead and buried in that high moral ground, it is why the west hasn’t won a war since WWII. It is why we cannot win fights against these savages. It is why I have never used civilized tactics against them. especially since I went into the private sector. In my govt USMC days, I went scorched earth, and guess what, it works. In the private sector, I do much worse.

  2. ISIS: “We did it”
    Russia: “Liars”
    Americans: “We told you this would happen”
    Russia: “You didn’t tell us enough”
    Americans: “Actually we were pretty specific”
    ISIS: “Seriously though we did it.”
    Russia: “No. It was Ukraine”

  3. If you remember the riot in Dagestan about a planeload of Jewish evacuees after October 7 and the attempt to blame Russia for the riot by US neocons. In fact, Putin sent in the Russian army to suppress the disorder which is more than the US or any NATO country has done for similar riots. But were there sinister forces organizing the event. Yes, it turns out that the organizer was an anti-Putin Russian, resident in Kiev and working with Western intelligence agencies. A scenario like that is at least plausible here given that the ISIS faction involved is also at war with the US (Afghanistan), Israel (Gaza) and Iran (who knows). Opportunity to stir the pot and it wouldn’t be the first time.

  4. It’s a bit too neat. The US announced there’d be an attack a couple months ago, to shift blame. ISIS doesn’t come in a getaway car and leave in the same vehicle all together. Tehy fight to the death for Allah or run out of ammo and get arrested. Obvioulsy, those involved would not be witting, but “Muslim Terror” is exactly what Israel needs right now to empty Gaza and develop seaside villas…to the sea.

    Seeing is not alway believing and this smells like a Western intelligence operation, same as the Nordstream or wvwn the “kidnapping” of the cuckoo governor of Michigan with as many FBI agents involved as culprits. PROVE ME WRONG

    • It was almost certainly a deep-state black-bag op, i.e., involving most likely the Ukrainians, plus the CIA, MI-6, and who knows who else. ISIS/IS was created by these entities (plus the Turks and Sunni Arabs) in the first place some years ago, so it tracks that these same three-letter agencies would dust off this previously-used blueprint and use it again. Lather, rinse, repeat.

      From their standpoint, jihadist direction-action/terror groups make a lot of sense in terms of plausible deniability, there being a more-or-less inexhaustible supply of would-be martyrs to be found throughout the Islamic world. Today, Dagestan, tomorrow Chechnya, maybe Sudan next week, and so on…

      Strategically, terrorism is a weapon of the weak in most instances, so the fact that the western deep-state is switching to these methods is a tacit admission that the conventional war in Ukraine has been lost and is unwinnable.

      Another data point of evidence pointing to the black bag operators in the West and their surrogates is the fact that after the Russian Federation went into Syria starting in 2015 and promptly cleaned up the various jihadists there after months of dithering and failure by the U.S. and NATO, the word went out in the Middle East and North Africa not to cross the Russians – or risk getting an epic beating in return.

      The same happened after the devastating reprisals inflicted on the Chechens after the 2004 Beslan School massacre; the believers learned the hard way not to cross the Russians, who were/are past masters at scorched earth take-no-prisoners warfare.

      Don’t play stupid games, won’t be any stupid prizes….

  5. Has anyone noticed that many generally staid, non-hyperbolic economic organizations’re starting to sound….well, hyperbolic? To wit..

    “Any American who now votes for a Democrat is voting against their own future and that of their family. This is just out of control…Illegal aliens are flooding the United States to alter the census and the Electoral College to ensure that the Democrats will always win. This is getting so outrageous, you just can’t make up this [offal] anymore….THIS IS OUTRIGHT TREASON AGAINST THE AMERICAN PEOPLE [my emphasis….and I couldn’t agree MORE]. They are even starting to replace American workers, reducing the cost of labor.”

  6. America has no military business in Russia, Europe, Africa nor the Middle East. Our Founding Fathers were very specific in the warnings, yet here we are.

    • @ Jeff E.

      Re: “America has no military business in Russia, Europe, Africa nor the Middle East. Our Founding Fathers were very specific in the warnings, yet here we are.”

      Want to know why the U.S. has been involved militarily, in the Middle East, Africa and SW Asia so often over the last fifty years, and especially over the last thirty years? The answer is because of the petrodollar regime and its implications.

      Back in the early 1970s, unhappy that the budgetary cupboard was bare due to Lyndon Johnson’s spending on the Vietnam War, the Nixon administration severed the last remaining links between the USD (U.S. dollar) and gold, which left the dollar to float freely on international exchanges.

      In its place, Nixon and Kissinger negotiated the so-called petrodollar arrangement instead. This agreement, largely negotiated/agreed-upon in secret, saw the Sunni Arab oil kingdoms of OPEC agree to conduct sales only in dollars and no other currency. In return, the U.S. government pledged to protect the members of OPEC – especially its head, Saudi Arabia – from all enemies, foreign or domestic.

      The agreement granted an enormous and much-resented financial advantage to the U.S. government and banking systems, which reaped enormous financial rewards as a result.

      The Arabs, rich beyond imagining with a virtual sea of petrodollars in profits, parked much of it in western banks. They also began buying enormous amounts of U.S. government debt, primarily in the form of treasury (T-bills) bills. Soon, like a drug addict hooked on cheap narcotics, the U.S. federal government became utterly reliant upon this source of cheap and easy money.

      As you might imagine, the petrodollar gave the Arabs a firm hand on the tiller steering U.S. government policies of various kinds, especially our foreign policy pertaining to that part of the world.

      In practice, the petrodollar meant that if the Saudi king called the President of the United States – his calls got put through right away – but moreover, if the king said “Jump!” POTUS had to do it – or risk losing all of that cheap and easy credit and access to all of that Arab oil.

      If this was 1960, perhaps – emphasis perhaps – the U.S. could get away with spanning much of the globe with its defense commitments, but this is the 21st century, not 1960, and we are much less-dominant in comparison to the rest of the world than we were sixty-four years ago.

      Perhaps it is time to recall the sage observation of the Prussian leader Frederick the Great, namely, “He who defends everything, defends nothing…”

  7. One thing I’m sure of, if the Russians figure out who is behind it, they’ll treat them in a way that will make view an Israeli prison or even Guantanamo as a vision of paradise by comparison.

    I wouldn’t put it past them to torture them until they are willing to commit suicide… with the only available means to them being feeding to pigs, or some such.

    The Russians can and will out-brutalize the Islamists. It’ll be interesting to observe (from afar) what that leads to.

  8. Interestingly last week in hungary a tajik person was arrested, who was very hostile to the personel and police and threatened them with death. The cause was he missed his flight to Turkey. Hopefully the appropriate services did pick this up and questioned the person and looked into his background, as there is a chance he missed this attack because of him missing the flight. (As per information the tajik perpetrators came all from Turkey.)

  9. I am relatively confident that the Russian leadership and its intelligence services are not so stupid to believe the narratives sounded out for strategic reasons, which sound eerily close to Western delusion when it comes to Islam. So, “Russia respects all religions and we’re living together peacefully here…” yadda yadda. When I look at some Telegram channels where people meet who at least try to get some understanding of Russian positions in the current conflict through the veil of Western censorship, you’d think that you’re among people who know better, but they’ll jump your throat just as easily as the rest when you dare to alert them about how Islamic core scripture lends justification to such acts. You just want to give up on everybody already. Hoping that at least those who matter in Russia know that they’re living with a rattlesnake in their bedroom seems like a last straw. The other thing is the government’s open siding with China on the Taiwan issue. They talk about friendship (and it’s not irrational given the length of border they share) but for China this is all just strategy, and they will want to cash in on it when they decide to make their move. If Ukraine doesn’t do it, this would be a way to draw Russian soldiers into a direct conflict with the US and NATO. I hope they know better than letting that happen, too.

  10. Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia- what allies!
    You lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.
    Always follow the money. We were less tied down before Biden when our energy independence took off. But this administration is determined to take down the US for one world equity. That eventually means Islam dominance, as they only go along until they can conquer more easily. It seems Russia, China, and a few nations that value their culture and survival like Hungary and Israel will not capitulate.
    Islam=Iran=Hamas=Hizbollah=Houtis=ISIS(every branch)=Boko Haram=Islam,etc

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