Breaking Bad

I don’t know about you, but after a hard day of starvation, I like to break my Ramadan fast with a yummy bar of KitKat™ Iftar chocolate!

My sweetie feels the same way — as soon as the sun sets, she can’t wait to go behind the modesty screen, lift the top of her burka, and break off a delicious bite of KitKat®.

Seriously, though — this report from Canada is pretty sickening. I’m used to corporate pandering to the Muslim market, but this Iftar chocolate product is really pushing the envelope.

Below are excerpts from a report by RAIR Foundation on this popular halal product. I couldn’t bear to embed the two KitKat© commercials, but I include links to the videos (or you can see the embeds in the original). Marion Maréchal is a different matter, though — I left in the embed of her video:

Ramadan Conquest: Nestlé’s KitKat ‘Iftar Bars’ and Western Cultural Erosion

by Amy Mek

Nestle Iftar bars represent not a celebration of multiculturalism but rather a troubling trend of cultural appeasement and submission to Islam.

The launch of Nestlé’s KitKat Iftar Bars in Canada for Ramadan is another example of Western corporations promoting the Islamization of nations for profit. This move, marketed as a gesture of “inclusivity” to a religion that does not extend inclusivity beyond Islam, is viewed as a calculated attempt to profit financially while undermining the cultural identity of the host nation.

While regular KitKats typically feature two or four chocolate-covered wafer fingers, this Islamized version boasts 30 fingers — one for each day of the holy month.

[Video 1]

Nestle Canada claims that this Ramadan snack was crafted to honor the Iftar tradition observed by Muslims, where they break their fast at sunset with an evening meal after abstaining from food and drink throughout the morning and afternoon during Ramadan. With KitKat’s iconic advertising slogan, “Have a break,” the company aims to celebrate the breaking of the fast at sundown.

[Video 2]

However, these Nestle Iftar bars represent not a celebration of multiculturalism but rather a troubling trend of cultural appeasement and submission to Islam. This trend is not unique to Canada; it’s seen throughout Europe, with initiatives like Ramadan lights in Oslo, Norway, and Frankfurt, Germany, symbolizing a broader pattern of accommodation that threatens Western cultural identity.


In the pursuit of profit and under the thin veneer of inclusivity, Western corporations and governments continue to compromise the foundational principles that define their societies. Their failure to stop this trend is one of the causes of the continued erosion of Western cultural identity and the flourishing of Islam. This ideology is antithetical to Western values, as Marion Maréchal, the conservative candidate representing France’s Reconquest Party in the European Union elections, recently expressed.

As these Western nations bend over backward to accommodate Islam, they risk sacrificing their own cultural heritage and values. The proliferation of Ramadan-related initiatives, coupled with demographic shifts, underscores the urgent need to address the erosion of Western identity and values in the face of cultural appeasement.

Furthermore, demographic projections highlight the significant growth of the Muslim population in Western countries like Canada. According to a new report titled “The Future of The Global Muslim Population,” it is estimated that by 2030, Canada will be home to approximately 2.7 million Muslims, constituting around 6.6% of the population. Presently, Muslims account for about 2.8% of the country’s population; however, this figure may be higher due to factors such as illegal immigration and underreporting of religious affiliation.

The introduction of KitKat Iftar Bars in Canada is not merely a marketing gimmick but a symptom of a broader societal trend that threatens the fabric of Western civilization. It’s time for Western nations to reassert their cultural identity and resist the encroachment of ideologies like Islam that seek to undermine it.

Ms. Mek emphasizes the need for Westerners to “to reassert their cultural identity and resist the encroachment of ideologies like Islam that seek to undermine it”, but this is where the problem gets sticky. How, precisely, do we resist?

I, for one, am resisting by not buying any halal products or watching any Islam-themed commercials. But I don’t think that’s enough to halt the trend.

The Muslim market exists. Mega-corporations need to make money, so they’re bound to exploit it. The Islamization of commerce will continue, regardless of what any of us non-Muslims might want.

The only way to make this nonsense stop is to reduce the market for Muslim products. And that’s not going to happen — not without initiating a nasty process that I prefer not to contemplate, at least not for public consumption.

They’re here, we’re kafir — get used to it!

9 thoughts on “Breaking Bad

  1. Baron, you might not have heard that the flag Pakistan is being flown on top of Westminster Abbey in London. For ramdam. No other flag, not even our own flag, the Union Flag.

    That just shows what Mr Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury thinks of our country and his boss, Jesus Christ.

    And the musselmen have been out in force praying in the streets and in Trafalgar Square. And that shows who the diminutive muslim mayor of London thinks is in control of our capital City, with no apparent opposition to his treachery. Talk about the enemy within.

  2. I said over two years ago that it was the muslems who won the war. Not in battle, but for the fact that the world’s governments, educators and culture influencers surrendered. No, nay-sayers, it was NOT a formal surrender taking place on a battleship or a train car with the signing of papers and lowering of flags, but it was a surrender none the less. Our governments, schools and the shapers of culture have caved in to the muslims, going out of their way to accommodate the triumphant invaders.
    America’s millions of guns and trained people will not save us because we have no one who has the courage to say: “Now is the time, follow me!”.

    • “Our governments, schools and the shapers of culture have caved in to the muslims, going out of their way to accommodate the triumphant invaders.”

      Muslims’re only one (of at least five by my count) miscreant threat that our ‘toddler-infested governments’ve bowed to.
      Questions: “Press 6 for English.”

      “America’s millions of guns and trained people will not save us because we have no one who has the courage to say: “Now is the time, follow me!”.”

      For now, I believe you’re correct.

      Tho’ ultimately a failure, I reckon one could make a cogent argument that “January 6” is the example that disproves this. That said, come the [inevitable] next Franz Ferdinand-STYLE incident (aka “black swan” event), I reckon the future “J6” will be a bloody success, specifically BECAUSE Obamerica’s [still] got “millions of guns and trained people”. “Bloody” being the operative word here..

    • It’s not over yet! And, if things get bad enough, America’s millions of guns, and people who know how to use them, will make a difference. There is simply no way patriotic Americans will allow this country to become Islamized, with all of the horrors that entails, without a fight.

      • “There is simply no way patriotic Americans will allow this country to become Islamized, with all of the horrors that entails, without a fight.”


        “There are now about 140 mosques in Michigan, increasing 65% from 2010 to 2020.” (Mar 2024)

        If you accept that Michigan’s a microcosm of Obamerica (I do), I think a case can be made that Islamization—and the “horrors that entails”—has already established (and ingrained) itself into the fabric of our increasingly nebulous [i.e., borderless] state; and with nary a shot fired in anger by ANY patriotic American.

        Unless I’m very much mistaken, the best we’ve so far been able to muster is a Viking-capped “J6” skirmish to steal Pelosi’s lectern (later returned) and alotta chin-wagging and idle threats. Meanwhile, our enemies’re getting guano DONE!

        If ever there was a case that demonstrates the self-evident efficacy of the boiling frogs axiom, the [quietly-accelerating] Islamization of Obamerica is one of ’em.

        • Sooner or later there comes a Black Swan event or crystalizing moment that shows that peace with our enemies is only possible if there are no enemies left to fight, until none are left. History has pointed this out since time immortal. This is no different, the muzzy’s and 3rd worlders will push until all hell breaks lose, it will be sudden and completely unexpected and none stoppable once it starts.

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