Refugees Unwelcome

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Apollo News:

Contracts have already been terminated

After attacks on women: Bavarian mayor wants to demolish refugee shelters

The tranquil town of Gachenbach in Bavaria has two refugee accommodations. However, after an attack on women, Mayor Lengler wants to put an end to it. The relevant contracts have been terminated and the refugee accommodation is to be demolished next year.

The Bavarian town of Gachenbach is a tranquil community near Munich in which around 2,500 people live — and where two refugee accommodations have been set up. According to its mayor, the municipality is the place with the most refugees per capita. But that should now be over: “We can’t do it anymore and we don’t want to do it anymore,” says Mayor Alfred Lengler (CSU) in the BR [Bavarian Broadcaster] format “jetz red i” (“Now I’m speaking”) .

Lengler explained his actions by saying that two young migrants were said to have “abused women” at the end of 2022. The mayor therefore finally decided to draw a line under the admission of migrants. Gachenbach’s two refugee accommodations have been closed. One from the municipality, the other from the private side. According to Lengler, as soon as the refugees are out of the buildings, they will be demolished. He emphasizes that he is no longer willing to “take on another one.”

“We don’t dare go out anymore”

When asked by the moderator whether this was his “private opinion” or “the mayor’s opinion”, Lengler declared that the citizens of the Bavarian community live in fear of the arriving refugees. The street lights in his community recently went out. “We don’t dare go out anymore,” was then made clear to him by several older women. As mayor, he was asked to restore lighting to the streets as quickly as possible to ensure the safety of his citizens.

The mayor also misses support from federal and state politicians. Gachenbach had “the highest proportion of refugees” compared to the population for over seven years. In the beginning the support was huge. Now, however, it has decreased dramatically. But this is also due to the people of Gachenbach themselves. They can no longer do so, explains the mayor, and due to the attacks on women, many have no longer supported the acceptance of refugees. The contracts with the refugee accommodations expire on December 31, 2023 and March 31, 2024. Then the acceptance of refugees will probably come to an end.

Afterword from the translator:

Here are a few comments that already say what I was about to say, but some still haven’t fathomed what this is all about. The total destruction and annihilation of Germany, Europe and its native population. The only way this will change is when the entire NATIVE population rises up as ONE and gets rid of their parasitical puppeticians along with all the laws that keep them in power, and make new laws, especially against lobbying by big business and ideologies, and a new constitution that CANNOT be altered by any government/puppetician to fit the political aims of their ideology or overlords. Otherwise it will be business as usual.

The comments:

1.   ‘In the beginning the support was huge’, naïveté meets reality
2.   I can well understand the mayor. The man takes his office seriously and cares about the well-being of “his” people. Something our government has completely forgotten.

In 2016, after a knife attack, by a refugee, with a seriously injured person (the family had taken the refugee in), the welcome atmosphere in our community also completely changed, turned into the opposite. In our community, almost 100% are AGAINST further migration.

Soon there will be more municipalities and mayors etc. who will resist the instructions of their state government.

2.1.   One question: Has your community actually managed to stop accepting asylum seekers? In our city of 10,000 residents it is also catastrophic. An entire, approximately 300 meter long street is now migrant. You can’t even drive your car down the street anymore. They see from a distance that someone is coming and park their car across the street. You have to stop and get attacked. Nobody dares to go out in the dark anymore. Two women were raped here, too, last year. The Green mayor was voted out, a CDU mayor should take care of it. Nothing has changed, nothing at all. I live outside in a residential only area. Residents patrol here on alternate shifts in the evenings, which is even officially tolerated because we don’t have a police station. It’s already that far.
2.2.   To answer your question, yes, we are free of “refugees” and the like. Persons.

Your CDU mayor is good for the green course that a Merz, Wüst or Daniel would definitely take.

The CDU was gutted and emasculated by the FDJ [Freie Deutsche Jugend, Free German Youth, the Communist youth movement] member Merkel. Now there are almost only your former gossips and those who stick to their guns. There are no longer any people with backbones there.

3.   The few real refugees like Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are not allowed to enter Germany. Neither with nor without a passport. Suddenly it is no longer enough to say “asylum” at the border in a reasonably understandable way. Real refugees who are threatened with a political trial in the USA are being pushed back! The right to political asylum was written into the constitution precisely for such people!
4.   According to paragraph 16a, a person who enters our country from a neighboring EU country has no right to asylum. Why is this not taken into account? I’m tired of paying taxes for these people from all over the world. It is enough.

2 thoughts on “Refugees Unwelcome

  1. And the evil, benighted people who not only passively allowed this to happen but who actively promoted it – and who silenced anyone with a dissenting view – will never be held accountable for what they have done.

  2. Ha! – silent praying is now an offence. But screaming ‘Death to Israel’ is open to a range of meanings.

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