Portuguese Casualties of Hamas

Below is a brief news report from Portugal that was published today. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Correio da Manhã:

Young Portuguese-Israeli woman who disappeared in Israel found dead

Dorin Atias was 22.

The young Portuguese-Israeli woman who had been missing in Israel since the surprise attack launched by the Islamic group, Hamas, has been found dead. Dorin Atias was 22, and was at the festival near the border with Gaza that was invaded by the Palestinian group.

The information was reported by SIC Noticias (News).

On Tuesday, the death of another young person of Portuguese origin was confirmed in Israel. Rotem Neumann, 25, was studying in Tel Aviv. According to Tomer Neumanna, the victim’s cousin, quoted by AP, Rotem spoke to his parents for the last time when he heard rocket fire at the festival.