Bodyguards for Silvia Sardone

Silvia Sardone is an Italian member of the European Parliament. Formerly of Forza Italia (Silvio Berlusconi’s party), she now represents the Lega. Her outspoken opinions on immigration and Islamization have been featured several times previously in this space.

Ms. Sardone’s expressed opinions make her the target of repeated death threats, which have recently increased in frequency, so that she now travels with a bodyguard when in public.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Il Giornale:

“I will continue to be free”

Sardone under escort due to threats from Islamists

by Francesca Galici
October 23, 2023

The climate of tension in our country is palpable, and the escalation in the Middle East war has recently exacerbated the tensions. The consequences can be very grave, and it is for this that the anti-terrorism system is on alert. As the ministers have explained several times, at the moment, there are no specific threats in our country, but the risk that there exist lone wolves ready to strike sensitive and symbolic targets is very high. Among the targets, there are prominent political personalities, especially those who expose themselves by countering the spread of violent and supremacist Islam. Among these, Silvia Sardone stands out, whose vulnerability increases considering the fact she is a member of the European Parliament and often travels between Brussels and Strasbourg.

She receives threats daily, many of these from people in the Muslim world residing in Italy. Particularly worrisome are those death threats directed at herself, but also at her two children, especially in a historical moment such as this one. For this reason, considering the strong risk she is exposed to, now Silvia Sardone has been provided with an escort. “Obviously, for these extremists, it is particularly bothersome that it is a liberated woman expressing certain ideas, not oppressed and silent as many of them would like,” explains the Euro-Parliamentarian in a note. The Lega representative is often at the barricades and has no fear of expressing her positions on the Islamic veil, the Islamization of Europe, and illegal mosques.

“I have also recently reported the new death threats sent to me on social media and in the mail to the competent agencies. Notwithstanding the obvious worry in my family, I will continue to express my opinions freely; I will not back off of our values, which are put in danger from extremism,” she declared, making it clear that the threats will not force her to self-censure, that it will not happen. “I firmly believe that in Europe, and also in Italy, there are dangers of radicalism and of a growing Islamization of our cities: In the face of an Islamism that is gaining strength, it is worrying that there is weak behavior, in particular, on the part of European institutions, which respond with do-goodism and political correctness,” she added, stressing the right of defense of local traditions at the expense of substitution. For that reason, she concludes, “it is important to be present at the Lega demonstration Saturday, November 4 in Milan where we will be there to reiterate the values of liberty and democracy in the fight against terrorism, anti-Semitism, and Islamist fanaticism.”

3 thoughts on “Bodyguards for Silvia Sardone

  1. What a brave woman, She telling absolutely truth about Islamization of Europe, and this freaking weak wimps – EU. And all weak governments all over Western Europe, God bless Her and protect Her for bravery and speaking the truth..

  2. I give this woman credit, she calls it as she sees it. I hope she is smart enough to realize that the EU minions would like nothing better to see her gone, so she had better be picky as to the security she has.

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