No Reprieve For Holders of a Forged Vax Pass

The “pandemic” may be over in Germany, but there will be no reprieve for offenders who held forged certificates for receiving the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Politics rejects amnesty

[But they want us to forgive and forget the crimes against humanity they have perpetrated. Why am I not surprised?]

Police continue to hunt down holders of fake corona vaccination cards

The state is not letting up on Corona: 26,000 procedures are now underway for fake vaccination cards. There are house searches and prison sentences. The police say that’s why investigations into other crimes have been left uncompleted.


In the fight against fake vaccination certificates, the judiciary and police are still investigating at full speed. There are now 26,000 cases pending across Germany. Die Welt reports this with reference to information from the individual federal states.

The police union therefore complains that the investigators have a high workload. However, politicians reject an amnesty for people and doctors who tried to circumvent the quasi-obligatory vaccination by 3G with a wrong stamp in the vaccination card.

Fake vaccination cards: Three years in prison for a doctor

In Berlin alone there were 110 house searches. A doctor from Recklinghausen who certified 600 patients for a Corona vaccination without having carried it out has now been sentenced to 34 months in prison.

The investigators are getting a tailwind from the Federal Court of Justice. It had decided that if an accused could not be found guilty of forging health certificates, he would have to be prosecuted for forging documents.

Due to Corona investigations, other crimes remain untouched

The police union criticized the fact that colleagues were “taken out of the so-called regular organization” in order to clarify the cases of fake vaccination cards. The federal chairman Jochen Kopelke told Die Welt that these officials were neglecting the investigation of other crimes. “The backlog of issues to be processed is therefore immense.”

Not only does the federal government reject an amnesty, but also the opposition Union. “Anyone who forges an important medical document is acting criminally,” says the health policy spokesman for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Tino Sorge. The relief of the police should not play a role either. [Obviously, they don’t want the mass murder they helped perpetrate to be investigated. Instead attack those who wouldn’t/couldn’t become their victims. Go figure.]

Afterword from the translator:

Why does this sound to me as if the NAZIS have taken over the investigation and prosecution for crimes against humanity in Nuremberg?

Technically, each of these millions of alleged vaccination certificates is a forged document, since it clearly testifies to genetic manipulation that is fraudulently called a “vaccination”.

And when the Taliban in Afghanistan falsify their documents in order to get to Germany, then they even get the blessing of the Foreign Ministry. Forgery of documents is not the same as forgery of documents in the “Best Germany of All Times”, by the looks of it. After all, how many millions of so called “refugees”, with or without false documentation, are currently living off taxpayers’ money in GERMONEY?

They claim that they have ”equal rights for everyone” in Germany — it would be laughable if the truth weren’t so terribly sad and frightening. I’d call this: “discrimination at its finest”.

12 thoughts on “No Reprieve For Holders of a Forged Vax Pass

  1. I wonder if these NAZIs would suspend investigation of other offenses including killings of those doing these Gestapo crimes?

    At least there’s 26k Germans who aren’t brain-dead Kool-aid drinkers.

  2. 34 month for fake blood clot shot vaccination cards ,if a cultural enricher raped a native young German boy he would get a lighter sentence because of a “sexual” emergency. Yes have those German police hunt down people who believe they should have control of what drugs go into their own bodies. While rape cases, assault cases, drug dealing, welfare fraud on a grand scale go on by the imported pets of the elite. Have all hands on deck to keep up this witch hunt for people who believe with their eyes, ears and souls that the state does not have their best interest at heart . Lock up more taxpaying, employed citizens lets ruin the lives of people that are an asset to the community they are fully a part of ,while wild jihadist do their jihadist thing in full public view. The beating will continue until moral improves .

    • A muslim did rape a young German Boy at a swimming pool. The judge actually deemed him not guilty because it was a ‘sexual emergency” Angela Merkle destroyed her own country by siding with the MUslim trash.

      Muslim countries should be bombed back to the stoneage.

      • They already are in the stone age.

        But I wouldn’t mind seeing the native-born elites getting sodomized by their pets back into the stone age.

      • Yes that is the point police limited resources to punish taxpaying productive citizens while cavemen on welfare rape children face no punishment.

      • “Muslim countries should be bombed back to the stoneage.”

        Shortly after 9/11, a meme appeared depicting a mushroom cloud rising above the ashes of Mecca as the B-2 that delivered its “stupid prize” returns to civilization.

        Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!

  3. The pLandemic has morphed into a state of permanent NWO tyranny everywhere — and of course this was the goal all along.

    But I guess most people are not aware of this stealthy shift yet, because a Potemkin Village of the Old World is being run, in order to deceive them…

    The Matrix has you.

    • In Satan there is slavery, but in Jesus Christ through His salvation there is liberty, which is why Satan is working to destroy Christianity. He HATES competition.

  4. What incredible luck (or foresight?) I got out of there before this started. Everything good about our culture is offset by this simmering hatred, gloating and petty power greed over and against one’s own. Thís maelstrom never ends, just goes in cycles.

  5. And now be prepared for climate lock down, Klaus Schwab is working on the full speed, God help Us all ..

  6. I take comfort in the comments by my fellow countrymen, and the words of the Dutch anthem:

    Mijn schilt ende betrouwen
    Zijt ghy, O Godt, mijn Heer.
    Op U soo wil ick bouwen,
    Verlaet my nimmermeer;
    Dat ick doch vroom mag blijven
    U dienaer t’aller stond
    Die tyranny verdrijven,
    Die my mijn hert doorwondt.

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