We Are the Carbon They Want to Remove

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this essay from Report24:

Resist the climate cult!

The annihilation of the economic and agricultural bases in the name of “net zero” will be our civilization’s downfall. How much suffering will this climate cult cause? Must hundreds of millions of people starve and freeze to death before people realize they are the carbon to be removed?

Commentary by Heinz Steiner

First of all: A responsible and sustainable use of natural resources and effective environmental protection measures make absolute sense. We all want to live in a world worth living in. But as everywhere in life, it is important to work with moderation and to avoid extremism. Because if there is one thing history has taught us, it is that fanaticism and extremism ultimately only led to dictatorship, oppression and persecution of those who think differently.

How many people have been slaughtered in the name of God/Jesus or Allah, or invoking political ideologies such as Nazism or Communism in the last few centuries? And how many people are now supposed to languish miserably in the name of “net zero” because the representatives of this disastrous climate ideology are destroying the energy supply and dumping the agricultural base into the abyss?

We cannot deliberately destroy the foundations of human civilization just because the climate is changing, as it has been doing for tens of millions of years.

Since the emergence of mankind we have been confronted with hot and ice ages. Our habitats have changed over and over again. Where the Sahara of sand and boulders is today, there used to be lakes, rivers and thriving early human civilizations. The northern hemisphere was covered in ice and snow for a long time during the last Ice Age, and yet our ancestors settled there. (Do you really think we could have stopped that ice age with more CO2 if we had the technology then that we have now?) We are adaptable. We have proven this time and time again over the past hundreds of thousands of years.

But are we actually presuming to be able to actively influence the climate by reducing CO2 emissions? Here in this report is proof that this is just a climate swindle . And for that we should convert our energy supply to the completely unreliable sources of wind and sun? Should we no longer fertilize the fields, fields and meadows and dramatically reduce the number of livestock? In doing so, we not only create complete de-industrialization , but also destroy the basis of human nutrition .

Instead of pouring huge sums of money into ultimately useless “decarbonization”, it would make more sense to think constructively about how to deal with the inevitable: How can we make the most of what is to come? Which measures can help us to minimize damage and maximize the positive? But that doesn’t work if you twist facts to adapt them to your own twisted narratives.

Resist the climate cult and its disciples who want to push us into a dystopian future. A future in which we should submit to the decarbonization diktat that targets us humans. A global depopulation agenda in which the apologists of this climate cult will sacrifice the deaths of hundreds of millions, if not billions, of people. Only to finally realize that all those sacrifices were in vain because decarbonizing the economy has little impact on the climate.

Afterword from the translator:

A new “religion”, a new “priesthood” and more human and animal sacrifices than even the Maya, Aztec and others ever dreamed off. That’s the Climate Church, and its disciples will stop at nothing and will sacrifice each and every living being on this planet to kill off Mother Earth and turn her into a piece of space debris with the oceans like the bottom of the Black Sea, in which only certain bacteria can survive.

I really don’t know if these people believe that they can survive such a lifeless “future”, and why they would want this? Vast amounts of money? Maybe, but haven’t they ever heard of King Midas? What are you going to do with all that looted wealth? You can’t even buy an apple with it in the end. To me it doesn’t make any sense at all. But who really knows what’s floating around between their ears?

8 thoughts on “We Are the Carbon They Want to Remove

  1. What’s more, how they think their influence would ever reach the lion share of the human biomass that is outside of the Western bubble, is unfathomable. It must escape their imaginative capability that those wouldn’t just stop in their tracks and follow upon hearing the glad tidings, as much as it escapes our imaginative capability how our own kin can be so deluded. Sure, if you never learned critical thinking nor questioning the narratives given to you and considering wider consequences, you’ll believe you’re the only wise one, and since changing the world begins with changing things at your doorstep, you’ll arrive at that course of action. Setting them straight might require hanging them by their feet for enough time to allow the increased blood flow to the brain showing an effect, either insight or expiry. But this won’t happen since we have legal restraints that they don’t, or they believe they are justified to overstep it for the good cause which we don’t. Only one thing is certain, nature deals with unsustainable developments in its own ways, always, reliably and unpityingly. Human nature is part of that nature, of course. This includes the possibility of one generation choosing to sacrifice its innocence and take up a fight for what it thinks is right, and if different factions of our species come to different conclusions, we have another chapter of more of the same history.

    • They dont want to convince them.
      They will force them.
      By military means if necessary. Or worse methods (famine, stealing food like Stalin etc)

    • If the population of the Europe and North America is devastated, then the demand for a lot of the exports from the developing world will also collapse. These latter nations would make heroic efforts to pick themselves up and I hope they will succeed in the endeavor.

  2. “How many people have been slaughtered in the name of God/Jesus…” Yes, please tell me how many people you think were slaughtered in the name of Christianity. (Perhaps you think the Crusades shouldn’t have been fought.)

    • How many people did the pagan Roman Republic and Empire kill?

      How many pagan Romans were killed by other pagan Romans?

      Will the pope convert to Islam and restore the hegemony over Europe that he once had?

      Is the Roman Catholic Church a continuation and legal successor to that Empire?

  3. It’s spreading like wildfire. Even in Eastern Europe you can hardly find a midsize company that doesn’t bow down to the Sustainability Cult.


    The purging of the Arian Christians after the Council of Nicaea.
    The sack of Jerusalem during the 1st Crusade.
    The Albigensian Crusade in southern France.
    The 30 years war between Roman Catholics and the Protestants.
    The witch hunts of Europe after the publication of “Malleus Maleficarum”.

    Know your history. Yes, Christianity by scripture deplores violence. History shows that ideals can be compromised. For every Saint Francis of Assisi, their is a Saint Ignatius of Loyola. For every Saint Augustine of Hippo their is a Tomás de Torquemada.

    And for the rest: think Buddhists are bunch of saffron robed pacifists? The Japanese would like to introduce you to the Sōhei and the Ikkō-ikki. The Chinese would like you to view the history of the Shaolin Temple.

  5. Well, we’ll see how powerful a political force that the farming community is in Ireland. Bill Gates’ land agents, in Leinster House, are writing themselves a political suicide note. With any luck.

    Obviously, the bold Bill is trying to reduce the competition for his artificial meat and bug burgers in the guise of fighting the fake bogeyman of global warming.

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