Members of the European Parliament have voted to continue, and even accelerate, the Great Replacement that is currently underway in Europe.
Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the blog Die Freie Welt. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:
AfD [Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany] sharply criticizes the decision in the EU Parliament
Majority of MEPs vote to import millions of migrants
“The European Parliament has now voted to import millions of migrants, a decision that is firmly opposed by the vast majority of citizens in the member states. This is both a disregard for democracy and a monstrous betrayal of ordinary people.”
The EU Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs voted on the provisions of the new EU migration pact this week. Some voting lists were not circulated until late in the evening the day before the vote, some even a few hours before it. The session was correspondingly chaotic, with MEPs barely able to determine what they were voting on.
According to the accepted reports, migrants will only need three years of legal residence instead of five to obtain a work permit and a long-term residence permit. They should also be able to move on to other EU member states. Legal residence in different member states as well as seasonal work and vocational training should all count towards the said three years of residence.
Migrants do not need to show knowledge of the language or culture of their country of residence. The language skills should only be sufficient for booking a hotel room or ordering in a restaurant — and even then the member states must offer language courses. [Language courses? For whom? Afghan, Syriac, each and every Pakistani one from Urdu to Pashtun or just Arabic for the native population? My guess is that it will be the language of the invader.]
Asylum procedures are to be accelerated: the decision on an application for long-term residence should not take longer than 60 days. Once their relatives have received work permits, migrants’ family members may automatically join them, regardless of their status.
Dr. Nicolaus Fest, member of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs for the AfD delegation in the EU Parliament, comments as follows:
“If you think this is a copy of the 2018 Marrakesh Pact on Global Migration, then you are right: it is exactly the same. The EU Parliament has now voted to import millions of migrants, a decision firmly opposed by the vast majority of citizens in member states. This is both a disregard for democracy and a monstrous betrayal of ordinary people.” [Since when have these globalist shills ever taken into account the will of the people? After all, the EUSSR is a DEMOCKERACY.]
Afterword from the translator:
This is nothing more and nothing less a part of a massive genocide on the white race. From poisoned ideologies, food, medication to mass-invasion by hostile cultures, because they want us gone for good so that they can play at being “gods”.
I think — and right now I really don’t care about the aftermath — that Europeans will need to rise up and start tearing down the monuments of their slavers along with the killers of their children’s future.
Caedite eos. Novit enim Satanas qui sunt eius. (Kill them. Satan knows those that are his own.)
Yes, kill them all and let God sort them out.
This is a problem that cannot be solved by voting or any other kind of peaceful method. Any victory gained by those means is just a temporary setback or a tactical withdrawal for the reptilians while they figure out how to escalate the white replacement even further. Victory in this battle is every one of these traitors hanging from a lamppost or riddled with bullets ala Ceausescu along with their entire bloodline for good measure. The orcs will have to be dealt with too, but they should be given a very short window to leave Europe peacefully since they were given inducements by these traitors to invade.
I really really want to be there to see the look on these traitors faces as the stools they are standing on is kicked out from underneath them hanging from piano wire, or as Moon said above, waiting their turn in line with their wretched families at the edge of a trench waiting for that bullet in the back of the head.