Revolting Migrants Use Children as Human Shields

As I reported a couple of days ago, asylum seekers at a reception facility in the German state of Thuringia staged a revolt after being put under quarantine due to infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus.

The following video is an excerpt from a press conference about what happened at the asylum center. Note that one of the officials states matter-of-factly that inmates of the facility used children as human shields during their uprising.

Also note the number of police that were required to contain the disturbance — “they were summoned from all over the state.” What would happen if similar uprisings occurred simultaneously at multiple facilities?

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

The article below on the same topic (also translated by MissPiggy) is from inSüdthü It was posted here separately on Sunday:

Suhl — After the illness of a resident with Covid-19 and the quarantine imposed on Saturday night for all 533 residents of the country’s first reception facility (EAE) in Suhler-Friedberg, Thuringia, the migration minister, Dirk Adams (B90/Greens) and the president of the Thuringian State Administration Office, Frank Roßner visited the facility (outside the fence) on Saturday afternoon to assess the situation.

The site of the first reception facility has been guarded by a large police force since Saturday morning. According to Wolfgang Nicolai, head of the Suhl State Police Inspectorate, they were summoned from all over the state. “As expected, there were initial problems,” says Nicolai.

Several residents had to be prevented from leaving the facility — but without the use of physical force, which could also be used in an emergency under the Infection Protection Act. In the facility itself, the situation is tense.

Among other things, there is said to have already been a call for a hunger strike because of the “confinement” and several residents were prevented from going to the dining room. “At the moment the situation is calm, but we are prepared for the situation when this may not remain the case in the next few days and possibly weeks,” Nicolai said. The country has pledged its support to deal with the situation in the form of the deployment of supra-regional forces.

As residents of the EAE told our newspaper, they feel abandoned. The infected man is believed to be an Afghan who entered via Sweden and Hamburg and did not arrive at the EAE until Friday morning. During the day, his condition deteriorated sharply; he looked bad, coughed heavily and had a fever. In the evening the ambulance service arrived and examined him, a young man said.

“We try to stay calm”

The fear, especially among families with children in the institution, is very great. “We want protective masks, but we don’t get any. And we want a medical examination with a test to get clarity so that healthy people can go out as normal,” he says. The tension is very high. “We’re trying to stay calm, but I don’t think we’ll see it that way if we’re locked up here for even longer.”

Mayor André Knapp and the Suhler district doctor Marion Peterka as well as the spokesman for the SRH Central Hospital Suhl emphasize that the infected person was not taken to the hospital — apparently a mistaken assertion from the other residents because of the ambulance at the door. “Since the symptoms weren’t strong, no inpatient admission was necessary,” says Marion Peterka. The person concerned had been taken to the sheltered quarantine station of the facility. There he was asked by an interpreter about his contacts — and whether he had been in the city on Friday. There is no feedback on this yet, Peterka said.

She mentions the “precarious situation” at the EAE concerning the staff — from guards to medical staff, including a doctor, to kitchen staff — who were also initially quarantined. The staff only protect themselves with normal surgical masks. Currently, the quarantine of the facility is expected to remain in place for at least two weeks. A number of volunteers have offered help and want to talk to the residents in the EAE, said Migration Minister Dirk Adams. This commitment is highly appreciated, as is the work of the city and the police.

Adams had discussed the situation with the crisis unit at City Hall in the early morning and took initial measures. These include providing residents with free supplies of stimulants, such as tobacco and chocolate, which they cannot currently buy themselves. In the afternoon a Suhler civil protection truck arrived on-site. As Adams went on to say, Thuringia opted out of the federal government plan to take in refugees. The EAE has halted admission and transfer until further notice. In addition, surgical masks procured at short notice will soon arrive as respiratory protection in order to equip the residents with them, said Frank Roßner, who certifies the “professional approach” of the city of Suhl.

The city, meanwhile, had already announced its coronavirus phone hotline — which is scheduled to start on Monday — on Saturday. From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. specially trained staff will answer questions about the coronavirus by calling 03681/794040. In addition, the Lord Mayor announced that all public facilities such as CCS, Ottilienbad, Tierpark, all museums, music school, etc. would be closed. In addition, the requirements and regulations for events are to be further tightened. “I appeal to all Suhlers to keep calm and to restrict social contacts as much as possible. We are doing our best to deal with the situation.”

Video transcript:

00:00   Otherwise there’s nothing special to highlight [in the city of Suhl].
00:04   However, in Suhl-Friedberg it’s slightly different.
00:07   As expected, the 533 occupants (at the refugee facility) do not appreciate the quarantine measures.
00:17   Since yesterday afternoon we have had ten to twenty people, mostly young men,
00:24   trying to escape the facility by climbing the fence.
00:33   Yesterday they also started threatening to set the refugee facility on fire.
00:38   They also removed manhole covers
00:42   in an attempt to reach the city through the sewer system.
00:50   We were able to prevent this yesterday with help of the police force.
00:58   Today at 11:40 A.M., thirty people gathered in front of the main gate, as I said, mostly young men.
01:10   Their nationalities were mainly citizens coming from Georgia as well as the Maghreb region.
01:19   They were holding up an ISIS flag and tried to break down the gate.
01:24   They created a very aggressive atmosphere.
01:28   In doing so, they used children, placing them in the first row,
01:31   using them as protection in order to continue their actions.

14 thoughts on “Revolting Migrants Use Children as Human Shields

    • Actually, it isn”t that hard to shoot to kill when the invaders are using children as human shields. You just have to aim a little bit higher to clear their heads.

    • And those migrants are free to roam up to Germany, or fly there – they have a special exemption to the 30-day border closures. From the FAZ:

      “… In der Mitteilung werden auch sämtliche Ausnahmen von der Einreisesperre aufgelistet. So müssen sämtliche EU-Bürger, deren Familienmitglieder und Drittstaatler ausgenommen sein…. Auch Personen, die um internationalen Schutz bitten, eingelassen werden….

      Just say the magic word “Asyl” and you’re in like Flynn.

      • Your statements are misleading John.

        This refers to the proposed Schengen-wide measures by the EU commission, not national level measures, and which have not been implemented as it is the suggestion to prevent internal border closures which have already happened. As of writing there is not a single country that has lifted these national controls or agreed to the proposed measures.

        • Germany is currently allowing entry of 400–500 illegal migrants a day as asylum seekers, treating the great majority as exemptions to Dublin II: that they be returned to the first country of entry. I agree that not a single country has lifted their national controls, because Germany (still) does not have any on those asking for asylum. If someone asks for “Asyl”, they are let in. I expect this will continue for as long as Merkel remains in power.

          The asylum seekers currently have a special exemption through the failure to enforce the law. They will explicitly have a special exemption under the 30 day border closure edict, I presume so that it does not compound the illegality of current and ongoing German practice.

    • “We underestimated coronavirus, admits EU Ursula von der Leyen”. “Me too on the stupidity of my supporters a sympathetic feminist Angela Merkel.

  1. If these citizens of other countries desire to leave, why not send them home? No fighting, no explanation of public health, just a ride to the airport — guarded, or course.

  2. That’s what Merkel &CO doing bringing this “children “ to the country every if this virus is spreading, those not children, those are ISIS fighters , WTF this Germany is doing??, I think they lost their minds along with That evil Merkel , no words , no words , ..

  3. War should be declared on turkey, and our army navy airforce, a task force, like in the falklands unleashed.

    But o.

    Just silence from our supposed leaders, while this slimy dirt bag turk, muslim hitler turdogan, mocks us, the eussr, merkel, our elected political lezders have brought shame on us al!!!

    We are laughing stock of fools and cowards, traitors, sitting back and handing over our countries, propertys, lands, women, welfare, to these muslim organised invaders, being portrayed by our own traitor fake news media as poor refugees, and leftist traitors being financed as so called ngo,s, to ope our borders and let this muslim army invade and destroy our countrts!

    This is war!!!!

    The greeks better start [intemperate recommendations redacted]!!!!

    Then the german whore, a merkel apprehended and detained. The Eussr gang,
    Arrested, detained, and eu disbanded, all muslims deported from europe, mosques demolished, yes, this has to happen now.

    • This has to happen now !!, deport all this Muslim horders to Islamic countries !!!, Europe is under Islamic , attacks, only Merkel/ Macron biggest traitors support this insanity, get rid of them ASASP..

  4. I betcha our enemies are cached and stashed around our homelands like the sisterhood haven’t even begun to imagine.

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