Jiří Janeček is the leader of the Citizens’ Conservative Party in the Czech Republic. He was one of the speakers invited to the party congress of the Front National in Lyon on November 29-30, 2014, along with party members and leaders of other European anti-immigration parties.
Below is the speech given by Mr. Janeček at the event. Many thanks to Gemini for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:
A full transcript of the Czech original is below the English transcript.
Transcript (English):
50:00 | I feel very honored to be allowed to be here today and address a few words to you. | |
50:06 | My name is Jiri Janecek, and I am the head of the Citizens’ Conservative Party (Obcanska konzervativni strana). | |
50:13 | In the past I used to be a member of Czech parliament, and Prague’s municipal council. I have already been active in politics for ten years. | |
50:24 | Europe is in danger and leftist governments do not want to recognize it at all. | |
50:29 | Immigrants easily receive the same rights as Europe’s indigenous inhabitants. | |
50:33 | Hardworking citizens and entrepreneurs are put under more and more pressure to pay ever-increasing taxes. | |
50:46 | Leftist governments collect funds for their populist programmes from the taxes of the self-employed, | |
50:52 | entrepreneurs and hardworking people. | |
50:55 | It’s completely commonplace that families of the unemployed have the same living standard as those families where both parents work. | |
51:02 | The origins of today’s crisis go back to the socialist politics of the European states after WW2, when Europe’s rulers | |
51:09 | decided that no war should ever occur again, and that’s why social reconciliation had to be established. | |
51:20 | This reconciliation has unfortunately been set in such a way that those who do not work live as comfortably as working people. | |
51:26 | How long is it possible to oppress and exploit those who work hard? | |
51:32 | I think, that time is approaching when self-employed people and those who pay ever increasing taxes, those who suffer | |
51:39 | from Brussels’ bureaucratic directions, are going to give up this fight. This will be the end of civilised Europe. | |
51:48 | Our duty is to protect these people, and prohibit other immigrants from entering our Europe. | |
52:00 | Immigrants take job opportunities from our citizens, abuse our social welfare system, and are not willing to tolerate our culture. | |
52:14 | Justice has to return to Europe. | |
52:17 | Those who don’t work cannot have the same living standard as working people. | |
52:27 | We have to unite and build a wall resisting the leftists’ populism and immigration. | |
52:33 | People have to understand that not everyone can live well. | |
52:36 | And this is going to be a big problem when it comes to our political programmes, and a chance to succeed notably in elections. | |
52:42 | People tend to vote for the parties promising social welfare rather than parties telling the truth. | |
52:55 | The Citizens’ Conservative Party wants a Europe with clear and fair conditions for honest and hardworking people. | |
53:00 | A conservative is responsible for himself, his family, surroundings, job and state. | |
53:14 | He is willing to pay effective taxes, expecting education for his children, | |
53:20 | medical care, security, a functioning justice system, | |
53:26 | and a forthright social policy directed at those who really need it. | |
53:38 | The state cannot be allowed to bother and limit hardworking citizens with bureaucracy, | |
53:44 | endlessly supporting with social benefits those who could work and immigrants. | |
53:52 | We are ready to join the ranks led by the head of the FN, Marine le Pen, | |
54:01 | and help to bring justice and order back to Europe. | |
54:07 | Long live Le Pen! |
Transcript (Czech):
50:00 | Jsem velice podcten, ze mohu dnes pred Vami predstoupit a zdelit Vam par slov | |
50:06 | Jmenuji se Jiri Janecek a jsem predseda Obcanske konzervativni strany a v minulosti jsem zastaval funkci poslance ceskeho parlamentu, radniho mesta Prahy a v politice se pohybuju deset let. | |
50:24 | Evropa je ohrozena a levicove vlady to vubec nechteji vnimat. | |
50:29 | Emigranti lehce ziskavaji stejna prava jak puvodni obyvatele Evropy. | |
50:33 | Zvysuje se obrovsky tlak na pracovite obcany a podnikatele, kteri plati cim dal tim vyssi dane. | |
50:46 | Levicove vlády ziskavaji finance na sve levicacke populisticke programy prave z dani zivnostniku, | |
50:52 | podnikatelu a pracovitych lidi. | |
50:55 | Je zcela bezne, ze rodiny, které nepracuji mají stejou zivotni uroven, jako rodiny, kde oba rodice pracuji. | |
51:02 | Puvod dnesni krize je v socialisticke politice evropskych stáatu po druhe svetove valce, kdy si vladci Evropy rekli, ze jiz nesmi byt nikdy zadna valka a proto musí byt nastaven socialni smir. | |
51:20 | Tento smir je bohuzel nastaven tak, ze lide co nepracuji se mají stejne dobře jak lide co pracuji. | |
51:26 | Jak jeste dlouho lez utlacovat a vykoristovat pracovite obyvatelstvo? | |
51:32 | Myslim, ze se blizi doba, kdy zivnostnici a lide co plati dane pod tihou zvysujicich se dani a byrokratickych prikazu Bruselu tento boj vzdaji a to bude konec civilizovane Evropy. | |
51:48 | Nasim ukolem je ochranit tyto vrstvy obyvatelstva, zabranit dalsim emigrantum vstup do naší Evropy. | |
52:00 | Emigranti berou praci nasim obcanum, zneuzivaji nas socialni systém a nejsou ochotni tolerovat naší kulturu. | |
52:14 | Musí se vratit do Evropy spravedlnost. | |
52:17 | Ti co nepracuji nesmi mit stejonou zivotni uroven jako lide co pracuji. | |
52:27 | Musime se sjednotit a vytvorit hraz proti levicovemu populismu a emigraci. | |
52:33 | Lide musí pochopit, ze se nemuzou mit vsichni dobře. | |
52:36 | A to bude veliky problem s nasimi programy, vyrazne uspet ve volbach. | |
52:42 | Lide budou radeji volit strany, které jim slibuji socialni istoty nez strany, které rikaji věci, tak ja jou. | |
52:55 | OK strana chce Evropu s jasnymi ferovymi podminkami pro pocitive a pracovite lidi. | |
53:00 | Konzervativni clovek je zodpovedny vuci sobe, sve rodine, svemu okoli, sve praci a státu. | |
53:14 | Chce platit efektivni dane, za které pozaduje vdelani pro sve deti, | |
53:20 | zdravotni peci, bez pecnost, funkcni soudnictvi | |
53:26 | a jasnou adresnou socialni politiku pro ty, kteri to opravdu potrebuji. | |
53:38 | Stat nesmi otravovat a omezovat byrokracii pracujici obcany a dlhoudobe podporovat praceschopne obyvatelstvo a emiogranty na socialnich davkach. | |
53:52 | Jsme ochotni se zaradit do jednoho siku pod vedenim predsedkyne FN, Marine le Pen, | |
54:01 | a pomoci vratit do Evropy rad, spravedlnost a poradek. | |
54:07 | At zije le Pen! |