What the German Civil Service Needs Is… More Culture-Enrichers!

That’s what Interior Minister Nancy Faeser thinks. More Turks, Afghans, Iraqis, Kosovars, and Somalis pushing paper and enforcing regulatory minutiae against Hans and Heidi. What could possibly go wrong?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Focus online:

Should reflect diversity

Faeser wants to make more migrants civil servants with new law

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) is committed to increasing the involvement of people with an immigration background in the public service. A new law is intended to specifically promote this development.

Faeser plans to increase diversity within the federal administration by making more migrants civil servants and promoting them. This plan is to be implemented with the Federal Participation Act, the 22-page proposal of which has been made available to Bild.

The aim of the law is to reflect social diversity in the federal administration and to strengthen the participation of people with a migration background. Concrete measures provided for in the draft law include, among other things, the explicit desirability of applications from people with an immigration background.

Criticism of Faeser’s diversity efforts

But there is criticism of the planned law. The constitutional lawyer Christian Hillgruber believes the plan is “misguided from the outset.” “We need an efficient federal administration and not one that is now subject to migration proportions after gender proportions,” Hillgruber told Bild. He fears “reverse discrimination to the detriment of Germans without a migration background.”

According to Stefan Luft, a migration researcher from Bremen, such a policy creates the impression of preferential treatment of migrants and thus divides society. “The Federal Participation Act will have the effect of a large state advertising campaign for the AfD,” said Luft.

The Interior Ministry confirmed the plan to Bild.

Afterword from the translator:

Why am I so sure that these new “bureaucrats” will mostly come from Islamic backgrounds and will be employed by Home Affairs, Judiciary, Housing and Social Welfare exclusively? Let’s face it, that way more migrants will be able to “legally” get citizenship, voting rights, free homes… you name it. While the native population will be robbed blind and destitute through excessive parasitical taxation. After all, it’s all part of their genocidal plan.

3 thoughts on “What the German Civil Service Needs Is… More Culture-Enrichers!

  1. It would be expected – 100% – that the “Germans with migration background” are going to be put over the natural Germans as police.

    When I worked in Skandinavia, the private security services like Securitas would be full of mohammedans – in a way, I guess, it is natural carreer path for a Mohameddan to become police officer, or a bureaucrat.

    When us European kids dream of being cosmonauts and explorers, many of the middle easterners want to be in the government.

    The only problem is – quite unexpected to the likes of Interior Minister Nancy Faeser – that the middle easterners come from a “low trust society” where being “in the government” means “competitive advantage” over “your neighbor”.

    What the likes of Interior Minister Nancy Faeser don’t understand is that the western power structure has been build by and for different kind of people – high trust people who think that the social contract is real.

    The two worlds can’t meet – in “one government”.

    The government will therefore be reduced to the middle eastern standards. That means bureaucrats doing bureaucracy for personal gain, corruption, and a very hands on approach to dealing with bureacrats you don’t like, because vigilante justice might just be the only justice around.

  2. How long before Nancy F appears in a photo, upside down like Mussolini , headless courtesy of her foreign friends?

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