The Knives Are at it Again

Those migrating knives were in action again yesterday, this time in Frankfurt and Saarbrücken. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating these reports from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

The first article concerns the attack in Frankfurt, where a 19-year-old Afghan culture-enricher stabbed a woman on a park bench multiple times. Once again, a carpet knife/box cutter was the weapon of choice:

Horrific attack in Frankfurt: Afghan (19) stabs woman in the neck with a knife. She flees, stumbles, he continues to stab…

A woman was attacked with a knife in Frankfurt am Main (Hesse). The perpetrator, a 19-year-old Afghan, was arrested by the police.

In the city of Frankfurt, a man attacked a woman on a park bench with a knife on Monday afternoon — June 10th — seriously injuring her. The horrific act: the 19-year-old suddenly stabbed her in the head and neck from behind with a carpet knife.

The public prosecutor’s office and police announced this on Tuesday. The 41-year-old woman was able to escape a few meters. Then she stumbled and fell — when she was on the ground, the man continued to stab her.

The crime took place on the Main riverside promenade. Only when witnesses ran to the crime scene did the attacker let go of the woman and flee.

On Monday afternoon the police discovered the Afghan in a bush shortly after the crime. According to information made available to NIUS, and the current state of the investigation, the victim and the perpetrator did not know each other. The woman had to be taken to hospital.

The 19-year-old was taken into custody. He is being investigated for attempted murder, among other things. According to the statement, the background and motive of the crime are initially unclear. As NIUS learned, the perpetrator had no previous criminal record. [Start looking in the Quran, Surah 47:4.]

Senior Public Prosecutor Dominik Mies told NIUS: “The civil courage of the passersby is to be expressly praised. This civil courage and subsequent excellent police work led to the arrest of the suspect very quickly — and thus something worse may possibly have been prevented.” [It wouldn’t have happened at all if the German government hadn’t imported them — and is still importing them.]

NIUS documents the police press release:

“Joint press release from the Frankfurt am Main Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Frankfurt Police Headquarters

On Monday, June 10, 2024, at around 1:55pm, a 19-year-old man stabbed a 41-year-old woman near the banks of the Main. She was seriously injured. The 19-year-old Afghan national was arrested.

According to the current state of investigation, the woman was sitting on a park bench on the banks of the Main when the suspect approached her unnoticed from behind, grabbed her by the shoulder and suddenly stabbed her head and neck several times with a carpet knife. The woman was able to briefly escape the grip of the unknown attacker and escape a few meters. When she stumbled and fell to the ground, the suspect is said to have caught up with her and stabbed the victim several times again as she lay on the ground. The woman’s screams alerted witnesses to what had happened and they went to the crime scene. The suspect is said to have then let go of his victim and fled.

The witnesses provided first aid and called the police and rescue services, who cared for the victim. Extensive search measures were immediately initiated, which also involved a police helicopter, and soon led to the suspect being found, who had hidden in a bush on Oskar-von-Miller-Straße. He was temporarily arrested and the carpet knife was confiscated.

The public prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt am Main today requested an arrest warrant from the investigating judge at the Frankfurt am Main district court on suspicion of attempted murder in conjunction with dangerous bodily harm, which was issued. The suspect is in custody. The investigations, particularly into the background and motive of the crime, are ongoing.

The second article concerns an attack on a stranger by a Turk at the railway station in Saarbrücken:

He stabbed the victim in the neck without warning: Saarbrücken knife attacker is Turkish

After a knife attack on a regional train in Saarland, the perpetrator has turned himself in. The 32-year-old was arrested on Monday evening at Saarbrücken Central Station, and is a Turkish citizen.

The man is to be brought before the investigating judge today, Tuesday, said a spokeswoman for the Saarbrücken Federal Police . On Monday evening he suddenly attacked a 21-year-old with a knife on a regional train, stabbing him in the neck and seriously injuring him.

Victim and perpetrator did not know each other

The murder weapon was found at the station after the incident. Video footage from the regional train was also analyzed, said the Federal Police spokeswoman. According to current information, the victim and the perpetrator did not know each other; they were sitting opposite each other in a group of four on the train.

According to reports, federal police officers provided first aid to the injured 21-year-old. He was then taken to a hospital and operated on. It may be assumed that there were witnesses to the incident, said the spokeswoman. So far, no one has come forward.

The attack occurred shortly before the train stopped at Saarbrücken main station. The suspect fled from the train when it stopped. After a two-hour search in the area, in which federal and state police were involved, the man turned himself in, the spokeswoman said. The 32-year-old is now being questioned about the motive for the crime. According to current information, he has not previously come to the attention of the police.

Afterword from the translator:

“Strike the necks of the unbelievers… inflict great slaughter…” —Surah 47:4

They know exactly what the motive is and are just pretending to be stupid so that they don’t have to draw conclusions, and so that they can push the population exchange forward even more energetically. The real criminals here are all those people that have for years now welcomed these monsters with open arms. If there were a rule of law in Germany, everyone that has and still is involved in this mass migration business should be in jail as an accessory to mass murder. But that is wishful thinking with such puppeticians in power.

5 thoughts on “The Knives Are at it Again

  1. It’s been scary to go on the streets this days in Germany , I think thirsts the influence of killing tgat poor police officer .. just unbelievable..

  2. I think I should send this video-clip to the Investigative Authorities in Germany.

    >In a disturbing video, a Christian man interviewed a Muslim immigrant living in London. The Muslim man said: “Any Christian, any Jew, I hate you all for the sake of Allah. If we were at war, I would chop your head off.” <

    How much more clear-cut evidence about the Motive of these attacks is needed?
    Notably with the Black Flag of Islam – the Flag of War – always displayed by Muslims all over in Non-Islamic Countries.

  3. @Hellequin

    Re: “How much more clear-cut evidence about the Motive of these attacks is needed?
    Notably with the Black Flag of Islam – the Flag of War – always displayed by Muslims all over in Non-Islamic Countries.”

    Yes, that is precisely correct. Why? Because Islamic doctrine divides the world into two and only two parts ~ Dar al-Islam and Dar al-Harb.

    The former contains all of the Muslims in the world, wherever they may reside; this world-wide community is referred to as the umma. “Dar al-Islam” means “The House of Islam,” sometimes also said as “The House of Peace/Submission.”

    The latter, “Dar al-Harb,” means “The House of War” and it contains all of the non-Muslims/kafirs/infidels in the world, regardless of where they call home.

    The prophet of Islam, Mohammed, said some 1,400 years ago that the duty to engage in jihad against the infidels is so important that it ought to be considered as the “sixth pillar” of Islam, alongside the five other duties required of each believer. He continued that any soldier of Allah or shahid (“true believer”) who dies while engaged in it is immediately elevated to paradise upon his death.

    It is for this reason that Muslims – in particular young fighting-age males – are sent out into the non-Muslim world in such vast numbers. They are commanded to establish a presence there, and then work patiently to subdue and conquer in the name of the faith ~ by the sword if necessary but also by other means such as deception.

    Conquest-by-migration has been used since the time of the prophet, and it is so effective that it is still used today. There is even a word for it ~ they call it “hegira.”

    Muslims flying the ‘black flag’ which you mention, are sending a signal to the kafirs and unbelievers that they – the soldiers of Allah – have arrived and are conquering territory in the name of the prophet.

  4. I don’t even know why are you surprised .
    This is clear from 700 ac
    Ah of course, the teutons where protected by the blood of the Eastern Europeans
    The blood of Spaniards and pols
    The west was protected
    Now it’s the time to understand and stand for freedom
    However the German blood is not blood
    Looks like it is water
    It will take too long and it will be too late
    This time the east will not sacrifice
    And stop saying Vlad the impaler was a vampire
    He was a patriot
    I , like him would like to impale some Muslim scum
    Good luck teutons

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