Junior Sharia Police Enforce Ramadan in Alsace

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the French weekly Le Journal du Dimanche:

An adolescent (13) attacked for not respecting Ramadan

In Achenheim, (Bas Rhin [Alsace]), a 13-year-old minor was beaten by four Muslim minors who reproached her for not respecting the Ramadan fast while getting off a bus going to their school. Accompanied by her father, the adolescent filed a complaint Tuesday afternoon for the acts of group violence.

April 9, 2024

The day before Eid-al-Fitr, the holiday marking the end of Ramadan, a female adolescent (13) was accosted by four minors in Achenheim (Bas-Rhin). On a bus heading to their school, she was accosted by four other pupils of the school who reproached her for not respecting the fast imposed by Ramadan. While getting off the bus, the victim, of North African origin, was beaten, according to our information from a judicial source. The adolescent was lightly injured, her face showing redness.

Complaint filed

After the attack the four minors, of Muslim faith, fled. As they are still in the process of being identified, the victim went to the police headquarters of Wolfisheim, accompanied by her father. She filed a complaint for the acts of group violence. With the matter in hand, the Gendarmerie brigade will begin an investigation.

2 thoughts on “Junior Sharia Police Enforce Ramadan in Alsace

  1. And the odds of the assailants ever being identified, or if identified being prosecuted are pretty much nil. Like in the US, certain protected classes are above and outside the law.

    Subotai Bahadur

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