Filip Dewinter: “Antwerp Should Be a Flemish City”

Filip Dewinter is one of the leaders of Vlaams Belang, the Flemish separatist party in Belgium. In the following video from Antwerp, Mr. Dewinter talks about the need to stop the Islamization of the city.

Many thanks to Henk for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:01   This is the Sint-Jansplein in the north of Antwerp, the most Islamised neighbourhood of Antwerp.
00:08   More than 50% of the population here is Muslim.
00:11   In a city like Antwerp, almost one in three Antwerp residents is an Islamist.
00:18   In primary and urban education, the future of this city
00:23   is that more than 54% of the school population is Muslim.
00:29   This means that Antwerp will become an Islamic city in the future.
00:36   Certain parties, such as the Islamocommunists of the PvdA, are doing everything they can
00:44   to realise the jihad and halal agenda of Islam.
00:51   They are making sure that Antwerp will eventually
00:56   become an Islamic city.
00:59   The Flemish government is trying to put an end to this.
01:03   We are convinced that Antwerp should be a Flemish city.
01:08   Because whoever imports the third world, becomes the third world.
01:13   No, the choice that Bart de Wever offers Antwerp residents
01:18   between the PvdA and the NVA,
01:22   the so-called choice between Moscow and Rome, is a false choice.
01:29   The real choice is between Rome and Mecca.
01:34   And we choose the side of Rome.
01:37   We don’t want Antwerp to become Antwerpistan.
01:41   Give Antwerp back to the Antwerp people.
01:44   Antwerp is ours again.

One thought on “Filip Dewinter: “Antwerp Should Be a Flemish City”

  1. Beware Europe! You are quickly heading towards October 7 in your own countries. The Bataclan in Paris and Manchester concert atrocities were the precursor to the Nova Festival slaughter in southern Israel. This is not unique behavior of Hamas, but normative Islam throughout the world.
    You sanction Israelis for trying to defend their citizens and values instead of standing up for those in the front lines of this existential struggle.

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