The Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden, Part 20

Adjö, Ibn Rushd!

Previous posts about the Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden have discussed the Ibn Rushd Association (most recently here). Now the Swedish government has cut off state funding for it, forcing it to close.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Dagens Nyheter:

Ibn Rushd Study Association ceases operations

The Muslim study association Ibn Rushd has discontinued its operations. The cause is that the association is excluded from allocations of public funding in the coming operational period 2025-2027 after a decision by the Public Education Council, Ibn Rushd announces in a press release.

Several communities and regions have withdrawn their support for Ibn Rushd after an investigation by the Public Education Council, which showed that the study association has had study materials targeting children that maintain that child molestation is acceptable, that homosexuality is a sin, and contain anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.

— Marit Sundberg

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