Enricher vs. Enricher in Solingen

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

Perpetrator sets himself on fire

Many injured in attack in Solingen

Incredible scenes in the middle of Solingen: According to witnesses, an apparently African man tried to storm a bar that was said to belong to a large Arab family. Then there was an explosion. Large parts of the city center were cordoned off.


At least six people, including the attacker, were injured, some seriously, in an arson attack in Solingen. Photos on social media show the attacker, who appears to be an African, with severe burns.

According to a report in the Bild newspaper, he is said to have thrown a bomb-like object into an arcade in the city center, which is said to belong to a large Arab family. According to WDR, an anti-clan raid took place in the building two years ago. According to police, nothing is known about the background to the incident. The security forces and the fire brigade are on-site in large numbers. The attack is said to have taken place shortly after 2 p.m.

An eyewitness told the newspaper: “He pulled something out of the front of his trousers. It looked like an explosive device. Then he probably accidentally spilled a liquid, then there was a big bang and the man was on fire. Witnesses then put out the fire and provided first aid.” Large parts of Solingen’s city center are cordoned off.

Afterword from the translator:

It’s getting more and more colourful in Germany. A real witches’ cauldron. Where does this left-green hysteria come from?

My speculative answer: The traces of the left-greens lead back to the Nazis via two levels. The first level leads to the completely crazy ‘68ers. And they in turn had the DNA of their brown parents in their blood — second level. A striking number of the ‘68ers come from parents who were convinced Nazis. They did not take on the content from their parents. What they did unconsciously take on from them are the methods, the totalitarianism, the radicalism and the complete lack of rationality. In this respect, the left-greens are blood relatives of the Nazis, without of course being Nazis themselves.

Nicolaus Cusanus from Bernkastel-Kues spoke of the coincidentia oppositorum: of the extremes touching each other. Perversely, the left-greens want to abolish the family and are based on a stupid voluntaristic worldview. But their family roots with Nazi parents/grandparents prove the exact opposite, namely that no one can escape their origins without a comprehensive self-analysis. But the left-greens are too megalomaniacal for the latter.

2 thoughts on “Enricher vs. Enricher in Solingen

  1. Thank God He die , less mouth to feed from tax payers money, they not working and they never will, never mind the integration, absolutely madness

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