A Mental Disease Called Islam

I reported last night on an Iranian culture-enricher named Hassan A.N., who brought a gun to a cinema in the German city of Krefeld and attempted to set fire to the place, but was shot before he could succeed.

More details have emerged about the mischievous youngster: he has an extensive criminal record, has used multiple false identities, and has been arrested and released numerous times, despite his record of violent crimes.

Also: the police are certain that his acts do not constitute “terrorism”, because… wait for it… he is mentally ill.

I never saw that one coming.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

27 identities and repeat offender: Iranian Hassan A.N. wanted to set fire to Krefeld

After the serious act of violence on Thursday evening in front of a “CinemaxX” Movie Theater in Krefeld, in which the police had to shoot down a 38-year-old incendiary attacker, new details have now come to light: The perpetrator is the Iranian Hassan A.N., who was known to the authorities and the police. He had repeatedly attracted attention in Europe for violent attacks and had disguised himself with a total of 27 different identities. Bild reported exclusively on these details.

According to the report, the Iranian had already attracted attention several times in Krefeld a few days previously. He smashed the windows of a gas station and was taken away in handcuffs by the police, but was released shortly afterwards. Two days before the incident in the cinema, the man also threatened an employee of the immigration office because the latter did not want to issue him a residence permit under a false name. Hassan A.N. is said to have threatened the officer: “You will have bigger problems.”

According to information from Bild, Hassan A.N. is registered under 27 different identities in the European refugee system. In his most recent incident, he also gave a false name to the police. The man is also said to be mentally ill and unpredictable. [And why is he then still allowed to create mayhem throughout Europe? It’s wanted, that’s why.]

The Interior Ministry in North Rhine-Westphalia also pointed to the Iranian’s mental illness: “He was known to the police, he was conspicuous and he was in our program area that deals with the mentally ill,” said Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) on Friday. [What program area? The local mosque with a radical Imam from Faeser’s special Madrassa in Osnabrück?]

Already more than four years in prison

The Iranian is said to have entered Germany illegally for the first time in 2002. Since then, he has been tolerated, despite several rejected asylum applications. Documents show that Hassan A.N. traveled through Europe as a criminal in the following years. He mostly stayed in France, where he also committed crimes. In 2010, he was sentenced to four years and six months in prison in Germany, for charges including grievous bodily harm, damage to property and attempted rape. [For 22 years they knew that this guy was serious bad news for the natives, and that’s why he was allowed to stay.]

On Thursday, the Iranian is said to have lastly visited the cinema after setting three more fires. According to police, there is no evidence of an extremist background. First, he smashed the window of a car and set the vehicle on fire. He then set fire to his apartment and went on to the employment office, which he also set fire to. [So 22 years of extreme criminal behaviour doesn’t count as extremely dangerous? Well, who would’ve thought? But I guess since he never committed a thought-crime against the establishment, so… not an extremist.]

The police later corrected the report that his apartment had been set on fire first. When Hassan A.N. finally tried to set fire to the cinema’s foyer with a flammable liquid, officers shot him. “There were over a hundred people in the cinema during the operation. No cinema-goers were injured,” said a spokesman. [How is it possible that these thugs can get apartments easily, but the locals have to run around for years and produce two incomes to be even considered? There’s something seriously wrong with that picture.]

Afterword from the translator:

It would be nice if the so-called “police” didn’t try to fool the citizens, but simply told the truth. How is that not a terrorist motive if it is pure terror?!? Well, I guess nobody heard the battle-cry “Allahu Akhbar”, and if they did hear it they are too scared to say so, because the thought-police might come — heavily armed — knocking down your door.

Question: What kind of people are allowed to walk around freely these days in Germany? Answer: “Traumatized” culture-enrichers in need of protection. One thing is for sure: it’s definitely NOT traumatized locals who have been culturally enriched.

And then, one wonder which identity did he use to throw the incendiary devices and commit the crimes on Thursday? Was it a different identity each time? If so, then it gets complicated. Each crime must then be treated individually under criminal law.

The only thing missing is that one of the identities was as a female. But I’m pretty sure that this guy is finding right now his “feminine” side and will want to be addressed as Fatima A.N. from Afghanistan to get away with this. With the insane traffic light regulations and the latest ruling by the ECJ, you have to be prepared, and expect anything.

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