Och, The Puir Wee Bairns Make Out Like Bandits

The German government seems to have taken a knife and slashed open bags of state money to make it that much easier for culture-enrichers to grab as much cash as they need.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

This is how much the costs of citizen’s allowance for foreign children have exploded

Billions of euros are at stake: the German state is spending more money on foreign, underage recipients of citizen’s allowance than ever before. An AfD politician has clear words.


Last year the German government spent significantly more citizen’s allowance on minors without German citizenship. A total of €3.3 billion was given to foreign children and young people, according to a response from the federal government to a minor inquiry from the AfD parliamentary group. This represents an increase of more than 26% compared to the previous year. In 2015, the asylum crisis year, however, the figure was just under €800 million, when unemployment benefit II was used instead of citizen’s allowance.

German benefit recipients under the age of 18, on the other hand, received around €2.3 billion, more than €400 million less than in 2015. This means that underage recipients with German passports received as much as foreigners from four countries combined. Leading the way were Ukrainian refugees with €1.1 billion, followed by Syrians with €708 million, Afghans with €316.4 million and Iraqis with €158.4 million.

Number of foreigners receiving citizen’s allowance increases

The number of foreign minors who depend on the citizen’s allowance also reached a new record last year. There were around 894,000 people, almost 6,000 more than in 2022. In contrast, the number of benefits recipients with German citizenship fell from around 931,000 to 907,000.

René Springer, the social policy spokesman for the AfD parliamentary group in the Bundestag, voiced clear criticism. “This is not a second economic miracle, but a new underclass and coming social conflicts,” he warned the news portal Nius. On closer inspection, the problem of widespread child poverty turns out to be the result of mass migration. Against this background, the MP spoke out in favor of “rejecting illegal immigrants without exception” before they even cross the border, as well as abolishing the “long-standing and additionally augmented by the traffic light [coalition]” incentives for migration into the social systems.

Afterword from the translator:

It would be common sense not to give them any incentives to come in the first place, but as we all know by now, common sense is frowned upon by the establishment, although they call it racism.

9 thoughts on “Och, The Puir Wee Bairns Make Out Like Bandits

        • We can only dream of such a lovely outcome. I fear that the EU will knuckle under as dhimmis to the Islamic invasion and Western Civilization in Europe will be extinguished and there will be no remembrance that it was ever in existence at all. Islam erases the past of those they have conquered.

          • Until the European man gets angry and slaughters all that vex him, this is what is coming, for in every Euro mans DNA is the gene of conquer all before me and killem all and let their God sortem out, it only takes the right set of circumstances to unleash it all, this is no different, the age of the strong ruthless man is upon us, the weak and feckless man will be shortly be made extinct.

  1. I have family left in Germany, in the middle between Ramstein Airbase
    which since recently again could become a possible target if we’re bringing nuclear missiles there, and the glitzy financial center of Frankfurt with its rotten underbelly of imported crime and hostility. I told my relatives before I left that this is not going to end well, and as only response got barked at “we were on holiday in Egypt and everybody is nice there.” This while knowing that I had come from a year of experience between some of the largest muslim countries in Asia. It just doesn’t sink in before someone gets a knife held to their throat… Our dear parents can no longer be harmed. The rest has done everything in their might to make me stop caring. The kids I cannot blame, it is exactly our generation that has failed them.

    • That is the main purpose of the Greens.

      To spend the money and make the germans poorer.

      And of course import as many muslims etc as possible.

      I cant wait to see what happens when the muslims take over power in Germany and all those LGBT… Greens are confronted by reality.

      Should be funny.

      And for them painful and drawn out.

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