Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 17

Below is the seventeenth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 17: Is It Even a Vaccine?

The Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are an entirely new and experimental means of combating disease. Vaccines in the past were simply a weakened — and thus safe — version of a dangerous virus. When injected into the body they safely kick-started the immune system into building a defence against the full-strength virus capable of seriously damaging or killing humans.

The new Covid-19 vaccines don’t do this. They contain a genetic sequencing code which instructs our body to create spike proteins. The immune system recognises the manufactured spike proteins as dangerous and initiates its natural resistance operation.

The spike proteins are not the virus, but they are dangerous because they provide (and were designed in a laboratory to provide) the mechanism which allows a virus to enter our cells. The truly bizarre aspect of this is that during 2020 we were locked down, muzzled and terrorised for one reason only — which was to avoid contracting the spike protein present in the Covid-19 virus.

And then, in late 2020 and throughout 2021, we were fanatically encouraged and coerced into taking a vaccine specifically designed to carry out one single task, which was to instruct our own bodies to manufacture the exact same spike protein we had been “encouraged” to avoid contracting in 2020. This really should make people extraordinarily angry…

We were (and still are) told the vaccine-induced manufacturing of spike proteins in our bodies would only last for a few days, but that appears to be yet another criminal lie. Many people who accepted the vaccines now find themselves repeatedly suffering from colds, coughs, influenza and chronic fatigue.

The term “Long Covid” is propagandised as long-term ill-effects resulting from contracting Covid-19, but it is much more likely that the vaccine-induced spike proteins, which allow viruses to enter our cells, continue to be manufactured in the bodies of mRNA vaccinated people and are thus opening the cellular-level door to every single respiratory virus currently doing the rounds.

This is much the same as AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS didn’t kill humans; it simply lowered the ability of our immune systems to counter-act viruses that could. If the Covid-19 vaccines continue to instruct our bodies to manufacture spike proteins, then all the people who took them might just as well have been jabbed with a serum containing AIDS.

I mentioned earlier that the vaccines contain a genetic sequencing code. Many people are still unaware that this code is manufactured by a computer and is the exact same code first developed to manufacture the Covid-19 virus in China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology. This, again, is something people should be extraordinarily angry about.

Just as they should be about the genetic aspect of these crimes. mRNA vaccines are gene-therapy, which your doctor, health regulatory agency, President/Prime Minister never informed you about. Nonetheless, that is precisely what they are, and we see them doled out to babies, toddlers, pregnant women and healthy people of all ages.

An article in the Daily Telegraph (6 December, 2023) discusses problems with this genetic platform: “mRNA jabs, such as the ones created by Moderna and Pfizer, use a string of genetic material to tell the body to create a specific protein… and that problems arise when the genetic sequence is misread — which leads to ‘frame-shifting’ and the production of rogue proteins which can lead to immune system flare-ups.”

One of the “experts” the DT quoted was Professor Anne Willis, Director of Cambridge University’s Medical Research Council (MRC) Toxicology Unit. She admitted there were genetic sequencing problems with Covid-19 mRNA vaccines which caused an astonishing 1 in 4 people injected with the Pfizer/Moderna genetic sequencing serums to experience an unintended immunity response.

Such a horrifying admission didn’t seem to unduly concern Prof Willis, though. She is, according to the DT: “very excited that there is a way to fix this issue, which massively de-risks this platform (mRNA) going-forward.”

I’m sure we are all terribly reassured to hear this, but it might have been better to sort it out before injecting billions of people with it, no? And what are we to make of the blithe dismissal of immune system flare-ups? From what I can gather, such events can be life-threatening.

Normal vaccines take at least ten years to produce; such is the complexity of drug trials. A mere handful of people experiencing death or serious injury as a vaccine side effect would be sufficient to cancel the trial and pull the drug.

mRNA vaccines are not normal vaccines. They are not, in reality, vaccines at all. They are a form of human genetic modification. As such they are subject to much more stringent drug trials and should take a great deal longer than the normal ten years for non-genetic drugs. This was thrown out of the window in 2020.

The refusal to honestly label them as a gene-based therapy enabled our governments to inject us with them after just a few months of trials. Our politicians lied to us, as did Pfizer and Moderna. Most shockingly — and criminally — every single one of our health regulatory agencies, whose sole remit is to protect the health of a country’s citizens, lied to us as well.

All lies. All crime.

Paul Weston is a British-based writer who focuses on the damage done to Western Civilisation by the hard left’s ongoing cultural revolution. For links to his previous essays, see the Paul Weston Archives.

4 thoughts on “Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 17

  1. There is an estimate of 17 million people killed worldwide due to the COVID vaccines. What are we going to do about this mass murder?

  2. “mRNA vaccines are gene-therapy”

    — Except they don’t cure anybody of anything and were never intended to do that. Therefore to me they look much more like WMDs — taking the functionalities they have performed on a biological as well as on a societal one) and the probable intentions (of culling) behind all that into consideration.

    “This was thrown out of the window in 2020.”

    — I very much doubt that. It surely had been in the making for a longer time – just like the planned political takeover (of the Rockefellers’ “Lockstep” Scenarios for the Fututre 2010) that came with it. But that doesn’t make it less of a weapon.

    “Our politicians lied to us, as did Pfizer and Moderna.”

    — No, they didn’t. Puppets cannot lie as they cannot speak on their own – they just transmit the voices of their masters. Thus they’re not even “our politicians”, to begin with, in the framework of the Rona Takeover that is just one element of the ongoing “Agenda 21” takeover. In that sense, they’re not even politicians, they’re enemy agents.

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