Marion Maréchal: “France is Ungovernable”

In the following excerpt from a panel discussion on French TV, Marion Maréchal, the niece of Marine Le Pen, talks about last weekend’s legislative elections. Many thanks to the anonymous translator, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   I don’t know who can congratulate themselves on the results tonight,
00:02   neither left nor right nor center, because the drama tonight is that France is ungovernable,
00:05   I don’t know for how long, even though our country is in extremely bad shape at all levels,
00:08   that this assembly is not representative of what the French really think,
00:12   since today we have an assembly and we may have a government that will pull to the left,
00:17   the Macronists didn’t hide the story of the first round on their wish to cozy up to the extreme left;
00:22   the Macronists didn’t hide during the first round their wish to cozy up to the far left bloc,
00:26   to be able to form a government, even though…
00:29   I witnessed exchanges in this same studio between Macronists and people from
00:36   the New Popular Front, who were already preparing the alliances for tomorrow. But in any case,
00:39   what one must bear in mind is that this assembly is not representative of what the French think.
00:43   When the French are asked in opinion polls about the immigration issue, the issue of insecurity,
00:48   even the economic issues of social welfare, debt, taxes,
00:51   the French are very much on the right. With proportional representation
00:54   as the European Union has, the majority of French are on the right.
00:57   When we stop, of course, at the first round, which is more representative,
01:00   before the tinkering that we have witnessed of parties and alliances counter to nature, the French
01:04   are very much to the right. They will be governed from the left, and this is obviously a drama.
01:08   And so I draw, excuse me, I just conclude on this, a lesson of what happened.
01:13   Because today there are some who bear a huge responsibility for this outcome.
01:16   It is in particular the Republicans who stood up against the RN-Ciotti coalition
01:22   to save about fifty elected members who refused the coalition for public order and security,
01:27   the reduction of immigration, and who have thus favored,
01:30   excuse me, the centrist blocs and the blocs of the far left.
01:33   And so the conclusion that I draw is that the national camp, in the months and years to come,
01:39   will have to expand, will have to work with a real alliance of the right,
01:43   as, unfortunately, this alliance of the left and the far left is doing.
01:47   And so it’s going to be the great challenge, the major obstacle to overcome in the years ahead.

5 thoughts on “Marion Maréchal: “France is Ungovernable”

  1. Ungovernable means a country is edging closer to a large-scale breakdown of public order, which means the traitors are edging closer to experiencing a rude ending of their machinations. Bring it on…

  2. “will have to expand, will have to work with a real alliance of the right,”

    When? In 4 years, your voting base will shrink by a few, whereas those against you will have their base increased due to higher birth rates and immigration.

    There is no next time, there never will be because you will always be outmaneuvered by such methods as you have seen in this election, until it will not be necessary anymore, but by that time you will not have any chance.

  3. The brain dead left has its head in the noose by aligning with the Islamists. Temporary votes until you are executed a la Iran style. You can’t fix stupid. This is so sad from once great civilizations. The younger generation will live through a horror show.

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