Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 8

Below is the eighth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 8: The PCR Fraud

After the deaths driven by the Great Care Home Cull in Spring 2020 fizzled out, the government switched to positive PCR tests to drive the Covid Pandemic. These tests were dishonest and fraudulent.

According to the government’s own research, the average range of false positive test results was 2.3% — which means out of 100,000 tests carried out, 2,300 (2.3% of 100,000) were false (caused by poor testing, storage, dirty instruments etc) and thus should be removed from the data.

If 100,000 tests returned 10,000 positive results, the true positive number would be 7,700 (10,000 positive tests minus 2,300 false positives).

If 100,000 tests returned 2,301 positive results, the true positive is only 1.

If 100,000 tests returned 2,300 positive results, the true positive is zero.

If 100,000 tests returned 2,299 positive results the true positive is minus 1, or in real life data, zero. All minus numbers are effectively zero, no matter how large or small.

Let us look at a typical day in 2020 then. According to the government, 100,664 PCR tests were carried out on 31 May 2020, which returned 1,570 positive results.

For ease of argument, let us call the total number of tests carried out to be exactly 100,000 rather than 100,664.

So, 100,000 tests returned 1,570 positive results. The government claimed 1,570 new Covid-19 cases that day, because they didn’t deduct the 2,300 false positives they should have. If they had, there would have been minus 730 (1,570 minus 2,300) or in real life data, zero.

The 31st of May 2020 was not unusual. Most days during 2020 saw zero new Covid-19 cases if the 2.3% false positive rate had been deducted from the overall positive test result numbers.

The government never deducted it though. To do so would have bought an end to the “pandemic” overnight. Ergo, the government perpetuated the pandemic — for whatever reason — via the fraudulent manipulation of data. The NHS remained closed down as a result, and patients with cancelled cancer treatment or heart operations died as a direct result of criminal, murderous, governmental fraud.

And it gets worse. British Health Secretary Matt Hancock was confronted about the false positives on live TV by Talk Radio’s Julia Hartley-Brewer. Astonishingly, Hancock seemed to be under the impression that the false positive percentage rate should be applied to the positive cases returned, rather than the tests carried out.

If we go back to the PCR tests performed on 21 May 2020 (100,000 tests returning 1,570 positive results) Hancock applied the 2.3% false positive rate to the 1,570 positive results rather than the 100,000 tests.

2.3% of 1,570 equates to 36. So, Hancock subtracted the 36 from the 1,570 and claimed 1,534 true positive test results. As I explained earlier, the true figure was minus 730 (1,570 minus 2,300) or in real life data, zero.

It really shouldn’t be possible to drive a tyrannical global pandemic response based on a poor understanding of maths. Hancock should have been sacked on the spot. The pandemic should have ended there and then. It didn’t of course.

If there was one thing alone during 2020 which persuaded me that the entire pandemic was a colossal fraud, it was Hancock’s dodgy maths (at best) or deliberate malfeasance at worst. The misreading of Covid test data didn’t just happen in Britain of course; the same “mistake” was made across the world.

The sheer enormity — in terms of both tyranny and murderous consequences — of this is almost beyond mere words, but I will write some anyway: a basic “error” was made in establishing the presence of a viral pandemic. Had the error not been made, there would have been no pandemic. The entire political, scientific, medical and journalistic industries failed to notice this most obvious and glaring error….

And it gets worse again. PCR tests are extremely complicated and long-winded. They entail repeated cycles of heating and cooling (in strict laboratory conditions) of the individual test specimens. The standard number of cycles required to determine the existence of a particular viral molecule is 25.

As the number of heating / cooling cycles increases, so too does the chance of creating false positives. The 2.3% false positive average quoted by the government was related to 25 cycles, but when this is upped to 45 cycles the false positive rate rises to 97%.

The government never told us how many cycles were used in the 2020 tests, but it now turns out to have been anywhere between 35 to 45. They were all useless, in other words. The entire thing was a con.

Here are a couple of final thoughts about the PCR testing farce, which might appeal to the more conspiratorial amongst us:

Towards the end of 2020, the government claimed to be processing up to a million PCR tests in a single day. Given the complexity and time involved in each test, one has to wonder if we were being lied to. Does England really have sufficient technicians, laboratories and specialist annealing ovens to carry out such complex tests for a million people daily?

Secondly, why were the nasal swabs so extreme? Why were they rammed so far up our noses? Were they actually designed to harvest something else entirely? Is it possible that the government now holds the DNA record of every single person who was nasally assaulted via a PCR test?

Paul Weston is a British-based writer who focuses on the damage done to Western Civilisation by the hard left’s ongoing cultural revolution. For links to his previous essays, see the Paul Weston Archives.

3 thoughts on “Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 8

  1. Although Paul is a bit of a hero for me his numbers here are pure bollocks… so bad I can’t read the whole article. If the false positive rate is 2.3pc then of 2300 positive results 2.3 pc of 2300 are false.. that’s 53. This is embarrassing Paul. Retract and apologise for not understanding what you wrote.

  2. Stewart, it is 2.3% of the total number of tests conducted, rather than 2.3% of the total number of positive test results returned. Please re-read it whilst bearing this in mind. I am definitely correct here!

  3. I believe you are right, Stewart, but there’s a bigger problem that neither you nor Paul mentioned. The definitions of “sensitivity” and “specificity” require a “gold standard”. There is no “gold standard” for Covid-19, so any numbers presented (such as 95% in the linked article) are purely made up. This is because there is no way to divide the “false positive” number by the “true positive” number in order to get the specificity (and correspondingly the “negative” false and true numbers for sensitivity).

    He should probably instead focus on the way those percentages were calculated and the lack of a gold standard to make the calculations with. He could also get a lot of mileage out of the admission in the linked article that “The UK operational false positive rate is unknown. ” (This is referring to the false positive rate of tests carried out on the general public in the real world, as opposed to tests carried out under carefully controlled laboratory conditions during the validation of the testing procedure itself.) “Unknown” of course includes a wide range of possible values, all the way up to 100%, especially when taking into account the methodologically invalid cycle counts used, etc.

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