The Testimony of the Phones

The propensity of culture-enrichers to take videos of their gang rapes and other crimes and distribute them on social media has helped generate a raft of evidence against a gang of underage perpetrators in Vienna.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Viennese gang rapists

Child raped for months by migrants: This is the criminal record of the suspects

For months, migrants raped a 12-year-old Viennese girl. She was not the gang’s only victim. Now the criminal records and analysis of the suspects’ phones reveal further crimes.


In the case of the months-long gang rape of a twelve-year-old Viennese girl by migrants, their previous convictions have now been made public. Investigators found photos of knives, weapons, cannabis and videos of group fights on confiscated phones, reported the Bild newspaper. The exclusively migrant suspects had raped, filmed, humiliated and blackmailed the girl for months. Ultimately, she turned to her mother, who then called the police.

The paper further quoted the 17-year-old principal perpetrator Ahmad: “The accused is a member of hacker groups that offer credit card data.” At the time of the crime, the Syrian was 15 years old.

Migrants planned “drug trafficking on a larger scale”

On the phone of 14-year-old Syrian Jakub, data forensics experts found recordings of sex “with female minors — sometimes with multiple people,” quoted the Bild newspaper. Further data from the cell phone has now been analyzed: “The iPhone also reveals chat conversations about plans for large-scale drug trafficking and the theft of mopeds. Rumors are being spread about a planned operation in connection with a prisoner transfer.”

The 14-year-old Syrian was sentenced to three months’ probation for theft in November 2023. In May of the same year, he stole a Dacia Lodgy. A few months later — in July 2023 — he stole a handbag.

Jakub was the only suspect in custody until April because he hit two police officers after his arrest and announced that he would “f*** them”. Since the investigating authorities see no risk of a repeat offense, all the others remain at large. Shaban, now 16, went into hiding in Bulgaria with his parents and siblings.

Fake chat histories should exonerate suspects

Meanwhile, the authorities are also investigating the falsification of an alleged chat history with the victim. Her lawyer is citing a report that the migrants created a fake Instagram account to exonerate themselves. The messages supposedly from the victim say: “You know I was raped… I reported it… But the thing is… I wanted it… and I told those guys I was 16.”

The twelve-year-old’s mother is appalled. “Why was I forced to move to protect my daughter, which cost me a lot of money and energy? Why doesn’t the justice system ensure that nothing bad happens to my little girl?” she asked in the Kronen Zeitung. [Well, lady, because the people in power want this to happen to your child and other children to signal their dubious “virtue”. As simple as that.]

Afterword from the translator:

For each and every rape and murder by these culture-enrichers, the blame can be fair and squarely laid at the door of the respective European governments and the apparatchiks of the EUSSR. It is they, with the help of so-called NGOs, who have brought this terror into Europe. Their HATE for the native populations of their respective fiefdoms — or should I rather say thiefdoms? — is unmatched in the history of mankind as far as I can tell. What we have seen happening over these last few weeks in Germany alone, this “microcosm” of cultural enriching violence, can be safely multiplied by the numbers of each and every European city, town or village. And even then, it will only be the tip of the iceberg that we see. This is a war that’s being waged by the “elites” against the people of Europe, and it will get worse if the people do not drive them all out, puppeticians, elites, NGOs, their minions and mercenaries if they have one tiny shred of self-preservation left.

3 thoughts on “The Testimony of the Phones

  1. Compile comprehensive lists of all these Culture Enrichment enabler Politicians and NGOs for each region. Publish their residential addresses and family details.
    These bastards are murdeing entire countries.
    Their time is coming and it won’t be pretty.

  2. But how?
    How we can accomplish this?
    How long and how hard we need to be hit in order to mobilize?
    I just don’t see it.
    I which the path was easy and clear.

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