Palestinian Culture-Enricher in Germany Sentenced to Life For Double Murder

Last year a Palestinian migrant in Schleswig-Holstein went on a stabbing rampage on a train, killing two people and wounding four others. He has now been sentenced to life in prison. His lawyer told the court he has PTSD.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Palestinian killed teenager on regional train near Brokstedt: Life imprisonment for the murderer of Ann-Marie and Danny

In the trial surrounding the fatal knife attack in Brokstedt, Schleswig-Holstein, the Itzehoe regional court sentenced the defendant Ibrahim A. to life imprisonment on Wednesday for murder and attempted murder. The chamber considered it proven that the 34-year-old stabbed two people and seriously wounded four on a regional train in January of 2023.

On January 25, 2023, the 34-year-old stateless Palestinian Ibrahim A. stabbed passengers in a regional express from Kiel to Hamburg near the small town of Brokstedt. The attack killed 17-year-old student Ann-Marie and her 19-year-old boyfriend Danny. Four other people were also wounded, and a 54-year-old later took her own life.

In their plea, the public prosecutor’s office demanded a life sentence and a finding of particular gravity of guilt. The defendant acted out of frustration over an unsuccessful appointment with the immigration authorities in Kiel.

Psychiatric expert: “Ibrahim A. fully responsible”

The trial, which lasted more than ten months and lasted 38 days and involved 97 witnesses and experts, also dealt with the question of whether the defendant was responsible. The defense attorney believes the 34-year-old is not guilty due to a psychotic disorder and is demanding that he be admitted to a forensic psychiatric facility. If the court would not allow this, he pleaded for a prison sentence of ten years for two counts of manslaughter and four counts of dangerous or serious bodily harm. [Where do they find these type of humans, these so called “defense attorneys”? In Do-Gooders Digest?]

A psychiatric expert had denied that Ibrahim A. had psychosis. He is fully responsible. The expert Arno Deister said he saw psychotic symptoms, but no psychosis. There is severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The presiding judge Johann Lohmann has already stated that the chamber assumes that the defendant had PTSD at the time of the crime, but not psychosis.

Ibrahim A. grew up in the Gaza Strip and, according to the findings, came to Germany in 2014. He initially lived in North Rhine-Westphalia and later moved to Kiel. Until a few days before the crime, the defendant had been in custody in Hamburg for another crime [Imagine my shock… NOT]. There and later in custody in Schleswig-Holstein he was observed to be unruly. Several doctors reported in court about the suspected diagnosis of psychosis. [It’s called ISLAM. As simple as that.]

Afterword from the translator:

Why is it, when there are plenty of witnesses and surviving victims to these culture-enriching crimes, that the perps are always considered “not criminally responsible”? Are the victims immaterial to the Law, especially when they are native? How come there are always plenty of “experts” at hand who will — for a substantial fee, of course — attest to this? Do those people have no family, which could be the next victim of this perp if set free, or do they have only “empathy” for those that are committing these crimes, but not with the innocent victims or their bereft families? How can these “Public Defenders” who defend those that are attacking the public manage to sleep?

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