Haha Money Printer Go Brrrrr

This graph says it all:

For more details on the continuing fiscal madness, see this post at the Burning Platform.

It’s now clear that the current crisis will not end well. However, our only consolation in all this is that whatever is going to happen will happen soon.

Hat tip: WRSA.

8 thoughts on “Haha Money Printer Go Brrrrr

  1. Yes, it is accelerating due to high interest rates. In Victoria Dan’s debt after the Covid lockdowns is ballooning to 250 billion which is a lot for 6million people.

  2. I think the plan is clear and “they” (the bankers) can’t do otherwise:

    – The Dollar will meet its hyperinflationary collapse just like any other currency that has been printed in the “brrrrr” fashion…

    – The “Official Alternative” is most probably “Bitcoin” as it is used also by the dollar-connected billionaires like Musk et.al

    – The Ultimate goal is to transition into programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies.

    “What did you say Biden is not a good president? AI powered Applewatch on your wrist caught your dirty mouth and now you can’t buy chocolate for a week. If AI catches you once more you will eat crickets for the rest of the year, worker #2334513!”

  3. “It’s now clear that the current crisis will not end well. However, our only consolation in all this is that whatever is going to happen will happen soon.”

    Ponzi schemes rarely end well, but they tend to go on until the pigeons demand their money back. Madoff’s ran for decades and he only ran into trouble after The Great Recession spoiled the scam. If/when you start seeing massive bank runs, I reckon that’s a good indicator that something’s happening.

    • Pssst, Fred, offshore, Switzerland has nice small banks that will protect your money once you convert the dollar into Swiss Francs and gold coins, the sooner the better if you want to survive the coming fun and games.

      • “Pssst, Fred, offshore, Switzerland has nice small banks that will protect your money once you convert the dollar into Swiss Francs and gold coins, the sooner the better if you want to survive the coming fun and games.”

        Here’s something to consider: In the event of a national and/or global calamity and/or grid-down event and the Swiss have your stuff (presuming you don’t live in Switzerland), how’re you gonna get [at] it….especially, if—in a life-or-death emergency—you need it NOW?

        For those without dual citizenship and the means to quickly reach your offshore store BEFORE calamity occurs, I think caching’s probably a safer and more practical solution. But, as with ALL solutions, caching comes with compromises and downsides.

        If you can’t hold it, you don’t own it.

        • Fred, it is rather easy to get Swiss citizenship once you open a bank account, so go there and open one for Pete’s sake. Swiss Banks are the oldest in the world since the Knights Templars disappeared and formed the Cannons of Switzerland, Putting gold into deposit boxes and cashing dollars for Francs means you will always have it unlike anywhere else. I have American, Swiss, Austrian and German citizenship, so traveling to where my money is isn’t a problem.

  4. The crisis is going as plan, you will own nothing and your housing ,food, and rights to reproduce will be in the elites hands. Now go eat your THC edibles ,watch your movies ,play with your phones, enjoy your mean less sexual hook ups , and let the elites decide your future and when to leave this world.

  5. Fred, it is rather easy to get Swiss citizenship once you open a bank account, so go there and open one for Pete’s sake. Swiss Banks are the oldest in the world since the Knights Templars disappeared and formed the Cannons of Switzerland, Putting gold into deposit boxes and cashing dollars for Francs means you will always have it unlike anywhere else. I have American, Swiss, Austrian and German citizenship, so traveling to where my money is isn’t a problem.

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