The Final Solution to the German Question

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Apollo News. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

German flags banned at large demonstration “against the right”

Hundreds of thousands take to the streets in Berlin “against the right”. German flags are banned — and the organizers reveal that the bottom line is that they simply want to demonstrate for left-wing politics.

Hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated “against the right” at the Reichstag in Berlin on Saturday. The organizers spoke of around 300,000 participants. 100,000 people registered. The demonstrators on the grounds in front of the Reichstag building shouted “All together against fascism” and “All of Berlin is stopping the AfD”. Slogans such as “No room for racism” could be read on posters. Many of the chants and posters were specifically directed against the AfD and its representatives. The demonstration is inspired by a manufactured report by “Correctiv” about an allegedly racist “secret meeting” in Potsdam. Following the rally on the lawn in front of the Reichstag building, a human chain is planned as a symbolic “firewall” around the Bundestag.

But anyone who wants to demonstrate with black, red and gold in front of the “heart of democracy” is not welcome there: national flags are “expressly forbidden,” report observers of the demonstration. It is said that this was announced several times by the organizers.

Demo for the left — and against Germany?

Chancellor Olaf Scholz described this weekend’s demonstrations as a “strong signal” for democracy and the Basic Law. The fact that the flag of democracy and the Basic Law — black, red and gold — is undesirable at these demos raises doubts about this representation. In the past, there were already bans at demonstrations “against the right” in Germany: black-red-gold flags were unwelcome there and, if not banned, then generally ostracized and frowned upon. A demonstrator who wanted to sing the national anthem of the Federal Republic of Germany was forcibly removed from the stage amid loud boos.

According to the organizers, the demo is open to everyone: “Everyone who wants to stand against the shift to the right in society, against fascism and right-wing extremism is welcome,” says Tareq Alaows, refugee policy spokesman for Pro Asyl and co-founder of the “Hand in Hand” alliance who organized the protest. But then he reveals that it is by no means just about the AfD. The protest is also directed against other parties: “Right-wing extremism cannot be combated by everyone moving to the right.”

Democratic parties supported this border shift, for example by restricting the rights of “refugees”. The migration lobbyist Alaows reveals: At these demos it is not just the AfD, but every form of conservative politics that is the enemy. In the end, this Saturday too, the demonstration will not be “against the right”, but rather for left-wing politics. [This guy uses taqiyya very aptly, because these idiots don’t even notice that it’s all about enslavement and Dar al-Islam.]

Afterword from the translator:

It’s a contradiction in terms… when hundreds of thousands are supposedly demonstrating against fascism, which is not being implemented by the AfD, but definitely by the ruling traffic light Government. After all, it’s the current traffic light government which is actively involved in a proxy war against Russia, whose participation, however, is rejected by the majority of the population.

Here the AFD is clearly the party of the anti-fascists, because they reject wars with German participation against whatever and whomever. And why are there hundreds of thousands on these particular demonstrations? They are not demonstrating for, but against Germany, and therefore are demonstrating for the abolition of fundamental rights, which is at the top of the list in Brussels among other things. In their eyes the Germans simply enjoy too many freedoms, and they want to change that. It wouldn’t be the first time that the Germans are running, completely out of their senses, after the wrong “pied pipers”…

I think Bertolt Brecht said it quite appropriately: “Only the dumbest calves choose their own butchers.”

You can also see where the German haters and destroyers are located. These people who allow themselves to be mobilized against “Rächsts/Right” by the government-affiliated NGOs are followers without an activated mind, if they have one at all. Anyone who puts the display of the national flag and the singing of the national anthem in the “right-wing corner” shows in which direction Germany should go according to the will of these left-wing slobs. I’m pretty sure that the “final solution to the German question” has already been discussed and decided at the last Davos conference. It’s quite amazing how quickly people seem to forget their own country’s past,the awakening will be brutal for the German people all over again — if they survive it.

7 thoughts on “The Final Solution to the German Question

  1. The German people – because of their history in the 1933-1945 era – are particularly vulnerable to being gaslighted into despising their own birthright as native Germans. And it is quite apparent that the globalists and billionaire oligarchs and their ideological allies are more than happy to exploit this vulnerability.

    The antidote is to remind themselves that they did not commit the crimes of that regime, the vast majority of whose perpetrators and victims alike are no longer alive. Why should a twenty year-old German be held responsible for the crimes of people which were committed long before he was born, and whom he never knew?

    The politically-correct ‘woke’ notion that guilt for some act or another – whether real or imagined – can somehow be inherited and passed down from generation to generation is utter madness, and should be called out for the unmitigated falsehood and sophistry that it is at every opportunity.

    Germany made moral redress for her mid-20th century crimes a long time ago. There is no reason for any native German to feel ashamed of being German or ashamed of being him/herself. Indeed, there is much in that nation’s history and many accomplishments – of which to be proud.

  2. What the Germans are going to get as a future ruler is going to make ole Hitler look like a choirboy. The left is making anyone right of Marx a Hitler wannnabe, but the average German is now getting angry at being made to apologize for everything, the young white native German looks and sees what his government is more on the side of the 3rd worlders , green insanity and the EU which is squandering their futures and they are getting mad as hell and are not going to take it any longer. The strong, ruthless, hard men is waiting in the shadows for the right moment. When the hardmen come out, they will be followed by the angry native white men because they will deliver on their promises to rid these 3rd world untermensh who vexes them and the leftist who betrayed the country and it’s people. History says so, because in the end, we are all tribal and gravitate to our own when times of crisis rears it’s head. Let the good times roll.

    • “the young white native German looks and sees what his government is more on the side of the 3rd worlders , green insanity and the EU which is squandering their futures and they are getting mad as hell and are not going to take it any longer.”

      You’re spot-on there, G.

      “I think Germany’s soon gonna be forced to choose who gets the limited cache of energy this winter—the factories (e.g., BMW, Mercedes, Audi, et al) or the people. Quietly, some German steel factories are being shut down, so I reckon the answer’s clear.
      What happens when large factories shut down and the government mandates severe limitations on energy distribution? (hint: the masses get restless when their “green” ‘toddler sophisticates legislate them into cold, dark, hungry and unemployed).” —posted to fb (Sept 2022)


      “Prediction: I believe there’s an international movement—which may become violent—that’s quietly intensifying AGAINST commie-toddlerism (aka socialism, fascism, Marxism, et al) and its practitioners (aka elites, sophisticates, the leftist ruling classes, et al). I believe my previous predictions of a Bosnian-style civil war in the US may’ve been too myopic, therefore missing the wider (i.e., global) scope of swelling outrage.” —posted to fb (Sept 2022)

      Let the “good times” roll, indeed.

      • Fred, throughout the white western countries, there is a palpable under current of anger that is starting to run through them against anything 3rd world and less and less sympathy or empathy for their grievance theaters, the young white men are looking through the lens of their governments hate them and getting mad about it, especially as females move increasingly left and think they no longer need a man. You are also getting men to move further nationalistic by the left blaming them for all the worlds problems. It is a recipe for tribalism that will explode in the leftist faces much to their collective horror, it will be a force that will not be stopped, for nobody does war better than the white man, especially when the gloves come off. As for the parasitic left and their well laid plans? They forgot one very important element, when the SHTF, strong alpha white men always stick with their own and the weak, leftist beta males will rue the day they woke up the bear. Kipling’s Poem, Beware the Wrath of the Angry Saxon really does sum it all up to what is now happening.

        • “Beware the Wrath of the Angry Saxon really does sum it all up to what is now happening.”

          I remain ambivalent (hoping against logic/reason) and fear that J6 was a preview of that “Angry Saxon” response. But, if/when large numbers of middle-classers’re forced to watch their kids starving, I could be proven wrong..

          • J6 was a peaceful riot lead by so many govt agencies to count, why wouldn’t it get out of control. To sit and listen to my many young relatives on both sides of the pond , they are getting very angry at governments that vilify them for all the ills of today and are increasingly saying diversity is a plague and want nothing to do with it, they are now openly siding with their own tribe and could care less and less about the 3rd world tribes in our western nations to the point of hostility towards them. As history has shown time immortal, this does not end well.

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