Strengthening Democracy Means Crushing the Right Wing

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

“Dismantle networks, drain financial sources”

Interior Minister Faeser is pushing for a democracy promotion law

Federal Interior Minister Faeser is determined to push a democracy promotion law through the Bundestag. Right now it is “high time” to strengthen the work of “civil society initiatives”. Critics suspect something different.


Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) has called for the rapid introduction of a democracy promotion law. It is currently more important than ever to strengthen associations and people “who make our democracy strong and vibrant,” said Faeser to the Rheinische Post. [I guess she means ANTIFA and DİTİB — Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs] According to the minister, it is “high time” to financially support the “countless civil society initiatives”.

According to the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, the law is intended to provide more funding for associations that say they are committed to democracy and against extremist activities. [I take it that she means by “extremists” those farmers and normal people who fear for the safety of their families because of insane government policies and the cultural enrichment spree by invading marauders from hostile “cultures”.] The draft law was presented by Interior Minister Faeser and Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) in 2022; the Bundestag has not yet voted on it.

Faeser praises anti-right demonstrations

Criticism of the planned law came primarily from the Union [CDU/CSU] and AfD. They fear that under the guise of combating extremism, the federal government will only support projects that are close to their own worldview. The Union and the AfD also criticize the fact that there is no extremism clause in the draft law that checks projects for their constitutionality. [Well, that would disqualify the entire German government and all the old political parties] They fear that left-wing lobby groups will be financed in the name of promoting democracy. [10 points for grasping immediately what this self-serving “law” is all about.]

Meanwhile, Faeser praised the anti-right demonstrations last weekend. The fact that “so many people take a stand and fight” even in small towns and in East Germany is “an encouragement and a mandate at the same time.” Faeser believes that German citizens expect the state to “protect all those who are subjected to racism, exclusion and hatred.” To achieve this, the Interior Minister wants to “dismantle right-wing extremist networks, drain their financial sources, take away their weapons and harshly prosecute agitators and violent criminals.” [And here we can clearly see where the hare lies buried in pepper. This “law” is only aimed against people who fight for their freedom, livelihood and safety of their loved ones from ideological retarded haters of everything that is German.]

Afterword from the translator:

This “law” is what you’d call a Trojan horse — as if they didn’t have a whole herd already in Germany and the West. Looks nice at first glance, but WHAT is hidden inside?

As far as I understand it, all the Red-Green front organizations will be further “strengthened” — of course in the name of democracy, and who could object to that? — in order to be able to take “effective” actions against “unwelcome troublemakers”. Of course, this is being done with the money that was previously taken by forced taxation from those “unwelcome troublemakers”, who are actually the ones that have created and added value to the prosperity of the country. And through those taxes they force now the people to pay for their own executioners. Who needs enemies with a parasitical government like that?

3 thoughts on “Strengthening Democracy Means Crushing the Right Wing

  1. We know that the American Founding Fathers regarded democracy as mob rule. They were right and are still right all these years later. Whatever the European ruling class mean by “democracy,” you can be sure that nothing good will come of it, at least as far as common people are concerned.

    “Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.” ~ William Pitt

  2. These feckless stupid females are going to make revolution very very messy. I can’t wait to see their faces when they are dragged out of their homes and offices for their date with retribution.

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