Working For Our Muslim Future

The young “French” woman in the following video avers that she was born in France, but doesn’t like the country. She would prefer to live in a Muslim country, but she foresees an Islamic future for France, and clearly regards it as her distasteful duty to remain in her despicable infidel milieu in order to further the process of Islamization.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   In France, I was born in Nancy. Nancy is close to Germany. And I don’t like France.
00:04   I say it normally. And why don’t I like it? Well, first of all, for all that’s going on. Besides,
00:07   it’s not a Muslim land. You see, I would like to wake up and hear the Adhan [call to prayer].
00:10   And a lot of people are like that. So yes, you see, we are here, we are working for our future.
00:14   Like you, you’re here, you may have your CDI [permanent work contract] at a low price to pay your rent.

11 thoughts on “Working For Our Muslim Future

  1. I wonder how much of “grass is greener on the neighbors lawn” is in this woman’s thinking: I get the feeling that she lives bad life, she is not happy, but being perpetual victim the reason can’t be her – the reasons for her living bad life are – “FRANCE”

    “everywhere else it’s better I bet, but here…”

    Anyhow – are frogs and snails halal?

  2. But she’ll take one for the team, and force herself to live for free off the france taxpayer.

    Eat for free…

    Healthcare for free…

    poor sad “french” woman… let’s all feel sorry for her… /sarc

    seriously though, why doesnt she MOVE then!!?!!

  3. Well, as soon as the French gave up Christianity, a spiritual vacuum appeared in France. A vacuum naturally sucks in all sort of things, and as there is so much Islam around the formerly Christian world, it got sucked in huge amounts. Being a primitive rationalist religion, which even a moron can easily understand, and having a strong penchant for proselytising, Islam has strong competitive advantage compared to Buddhism or other Oriental and pseudo-Oriental religions. Another advantage of Islam is its unashamed aggressiveness. Muslims suppress and eradicate all other religions without any états d’âme.

    Well, they may sometimes show a modicum of tolerance for “people of the Book” – Jews and Christians, but not necessarily. In the present political climate, for example, they are quite ruthless with Jews and only a tad less so with Christians.

    The laicité of which the French are so stupidly proud cannot save them from Islamisation. It is a shallow ideology of self-centred hedonists. People who put their bodily comforts above all other thing will not die for an ideology. After all, you can convert to Islam and have a nice and comfortable life. Muslims, on the other hand, are ready to kill and to die for their faith.

    France needs a new Charlemagne and a new Joan of Arc if it is to be saved. But where would they come from? Not from a lycée where children are taught that Islamophobia – like any sort of intolerance – is a mortal sin.

    • In every society, there is the dire wolf who lives amongst the sheep, unnoticed and unrecognized until it is too late when the dire wolf bares his fangs and feasts. This is no different, there is always strong, hard, ruthless men waiting on the fringes to takeover when men get too weak and feckless to act, and there will always be lesser men to follow them to make things happen. When this happens, and history bears me out on this, things are going to go from what we have now, to complete mayhem.

      • “In every society, there is the dire wolf who lives amongst the sheep, unnoticed and unrecognized until it is too late when the dire wolf bares his fangs and feasts.”

        In every society there’re a small number of sheep dogs who prey on the wolves. Although it’s not a proper plan, I HOPE the sheep dogs’re unchained before it’s too late.

      • Oh the German G woke up.G, you are not wolf, remember.just a sheep in clothing of a wolf.You are German, remember, you are all cruel and destructive till you get a bump in the nose from real worriers.
        That happened twice, it may happened third time, I hope.

    • How would a Charlemagne “fix” things without followers who believe their hearth/home/family are worthy of defending? How could a Joan-of-Arc without followers of faith?

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