Giorgia Meloni: “There is a Process of Islamization of Europe”

The following video is not current — these remarks made by (now) Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni were uttered at a press conference during the Italian general election campaign in 2018.

I would be remiss if I failed to note that Ms. Meloni has been disappointing, to say the least, in her actions as Prime Minister concerning mass immigration into Italy. Nevertheless, it’s still good to hear her say these things.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

01:45   One last thing: this morning Salvini, who is in Marche right now, said that Islam
01:50   is incompatible with the Italian constitution. After what happened on Saturday,
01:55   isn’t that a bit like fanning the flames?
01:58   Look, if you want Salvini to account for his statements, you should ask him, not me.
02:04   That said, I think that there is a problem of compatibility between Islamic culture,
02:09   or a certain interpretation of Islamic culture, and the rights and values of our civilization.
02:14   I can’t overlook the fact that most Islamic cultural centers in Italy
02:18   are funded by Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia is a country that applies Sharia at home,
02:22   and Sharia means stoning for adultery, death penalty for apostasy, death penalty for homosexuality.
02:28   I think we need to raise these issues, which doesn’t mean to generalize about Islam.
02:32   It means to raise the ongoing issue: there is a process of Islamization of Europe,
02:36   which is very distant from the values of our civilization.

12 thoughts on “Giorgia Meloni: “There is a Process of Islamization of Europe”

  1. It is perhaps salutary that Italian PM Giorgia Meloni is discussing Islam at all, but it is difficult not to be struck by the peculiar passive voice used: “There is a process of Islamization of Europe….”

    The Prime Minister is the elected head of state in Italy, a position of considerable power and influence. In theory, the holder of the office ought to be able to speak frankly and freely to the country and its people. So why is Ms. Meloni so hesitant? Why is she walking on eggshells? If one didn’t know better, one could almost say she is afraid of something. If so, what is it and why does it frighten her?

    It must be said that if the Prime Minister is afraid to speak about Islam in a blunt and straight-forward manner, then she is already living under sharia law and ought to don the burka, the headscarf, and other modest dress – and begin walking behind men when she is out in public. Does she know that she is already a dhimmi?

  2. Now she’s coming to the Party, when it’s far to late for a peaceful solution.
    The damage has been done to Italy and Europe, irreversibly in many aspects and countries.
    Islam has been open about its intent since the 7th. Century, and hasn’t changed its stance against us one bit.
    How many rapes, murders and terror-attacks against our people and institutions does it take for these spineless cowards, the puppeticians of the Gloablists, to smell the mass-grave they have dug and partially helped filling with the bodies of the innocent NATIVE people of their own countries?
    When it’s their turn? And that is the most likely scenario when this is left to the Loony Left and these so called “Liberals”.
    A Reconquista needs to be started by the Native population, and the mental state they’re in, after decades of brutal mental abuse, makes this also questionable.
    Europe doesn’t need a “Leader” that promises what he or she can’t or is even unwilling to deliver, Europe needs REBELS that will fight for their Countries and Peoples Freedom from the yoke of Islam and Globalism – which is in my eyes a synonymous entity.

    • I was reading about the opioid epidemic in America recently. Doctors who refused to believe what the sales reps from Purdue were telling them about their new drug, Oxycontin, were described by the drug pushers as suffering from “opioidphobia”

      Thousands of working people had their lives wrecked. Many working people died. No one did anything.

      Then the sons and daughters of people in power began to get addicted, and to die.

      Then – and only then – did the authorities do anything about the opioid epidemic.

      You may be right – the same thing might be happening here. We all know that the ruling class don’t care if we live or die. That’s old news.

      Maybe once their own sons and daughters are affected, they’ll start to think differently.

      Of course by that time, it will be too late.

  3. Talk is very cheap. She has identified the problem, and done nothing to provide a solution. I’m not the prime minister of Italy, she is. If she does nothing about the problem, despite publicly identifying it, then why not? What are the forces holding her back?

  4. @JohnK

    Re: “I’m not the prime minister of Italy, she is. If she does nothing about the problem, despite publicly identifying it, then why not? What are the forces holding her back?”

    You made the point better and in fewer words than I did above… so thank you.

    What are the forces holding her back?

    Italy, like other members of the EU, no longer runs its own country. Isn’t that the crux of the matter, that ordinary Europeans have been co-opted by the increasingly tyrannical EU in Brussels? And if PM Meloni isn’t really free to set policy, including immigration policy, for her nation ~ can she really be said to be in charge at all? It is quite clear to me that the answer is firmly in the negative.

    The fact that national governments still exist in places like Italy is a sort of Potemkin Village effect, a front, for the fact that those “national governments” don’t really steer the country anymore so much as the faceless apparatchiks in Brussels do.

    • I agree with you. There is little freedom of manoeuvre for governments in the EU, and following Brexit, it seems that there is not much outside it.

  5. She’s been described as ‘far right’ by the BBC. We can see the problem, can she see the solution – any solution….?
    Close the mosques, ban the Koran, ban street and shop signs in Arabic, search for weapons and tunnels in mosques, police protection of churches and synagogues, deport Slim criminals, outlaw FGM, close the borders, send mariners back.
    Let’s see how peaceful they are.

  6. Deportation on a grand scale is the only solution at this point ,with closing borders down .No western European country has leaders that will buck their EU overlords .Civil war will give the overlords an excuse to put everyone into a lockdown mode with nothing on line or print going against them , social credit score system with only electronic “money” for all good and services. You go against big “EU” (brother) you get your heat cut off ,your health care cut of, your bank account cut off ,your “protection” from the police turn against you and a bullseye on you for the local Islamist to kill you. It will be a race to see what kills you first the freezing elements ,your lack of medication ,lack of food , target by the local police , or the ever angry jihadist. Your elected leaders have for years have appeased both the overlords wishes and imported millions of savages to do the ground work of braking your cultural ,tradition , law ,and general stability of everyday life.

    • Deportation ? Really??!! That time hs come and gone and now we will have to use hard ruthless force to make them leave of their own accord, that means throwing off the shackles of the so called human rights industry and start [intemperate recommendation redacted]. Get it yet? Or are you still clinging to the naive belief that this can be done in a civilized way?

      • “We will have to use hard ruthless force to make them leave of their own accord, that means throwing off the shackles of the so called human rights industry and start [intemperate recommendation redacted].”

        I disagree.
        For years, I’ve been championing what most of The Party (US Democratic Party) had been suggesting as the only reasonable way to deal with ILLEGAL aliens before it was taken over by infantile Bolsheviks (aka commie-toddlers)…

        “Immigration Proposal Targets Employers : Border: Democrats…urging that the state be allowed to SEIZE FIRMS GUILTY OF HIRING UNDOCUMENTED WORKERS.” —LA Times (Aug 1993)

        I would add that landlords, who’re providing housing to ILLEGALS, should also be arrested…
        “Once the [facilitating] jobs/housing dry up, most who’re here ILLEGALLY will self-deport without feeding the media’s insatiable thirst for stories about tearful splitting-up of families and with little or no [additional] cost to American tax-payers.” —posted to fb (2007)

        • The difference between 3red world Catholics of Central and South America and 3rd worlders of African’t and Middle Eastern countries, the Catholics won’t riot and kill people by the thousands like the bloody African’ts and savages of islam. Islam and African’ts respect bloody brunt nasty force.

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