A Room of Your Own… But Just One

Berlin is planning to solve the housing crisis (which has been exacerbated by a huge influx of “refugees”) by mandating that single renters occupy only one room.

Yep, that’ll fix it.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Der Status:

Absurd Reaction to the Housing Shortage

Maximum one room per person: Berlin wants to cram in tenants

The housing shortage in Berlin is nothing short of legendary: As a result of political mistakes and mishaps, normal citizens in the German capital can hardly afford an apartment of a halfway decent size. Instead of providing more living space, the CDU-led Senate also wants to ban the city’s residents from renting more than one room per person.

Homemade housing shortage in Berlin

The situation on the Berlin housing market is the result of decades of poor political decisions. First, a red-red Senate under former mayor Klaus Wowereit sold almost 200,000 city apartments to real estate companies at bargain prices. Rents on the free market became more and more expensive: average earners were pushed into the outskirts or beyond the city limits, high-earning Bobos (bourgeois-bohémien) secured second homes and celebrated expensive parties in inner-city attic apartments.

The problem became more and more virulent, so the later red-red-green city government introduced a rent cap, which, however, turned out to be unconstitutional in this form. The Federal Constitutional Court found that only the federal government could regulate rent law. The citizens, who were given false hopes of cheaper rents with the botched law, sometimes had to literally ruin themselves due to the back payments of their rents…

There is always room for migrants

What followed was a constant pathwork: the expensive repurchase of 14,000 of the once cheaply sold apartments from “Vonovia” and “Deutsche Wohnungs” was just a drop in the ocean. And although the living situation became more and more precarious, one advertised with campaigns such as “We have space!” for the acceptance of more and more asylum seekers in Berlin.

The new black-red city government is not moving away from this: they recently called for the continued admission of Afghans. And this despite the fact that new apartments have only been available for asylum seekers and other migrants for a long time. If necessary, even senior citizens have to make room for the large clans of new residents, a notion that the federal traffic light* government also likes.

Instead of new buildings, citizens are being penned in

Now the governing mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) came up with a new planned housing idea. From now on, single people in the capital will only be allowed to rent one-room apartments, while couples without children will only be allowed to rent two-room apartments. However, the rules do not apply to the hip attic apartments in the Bobo districts, but to the remaining approximately 360,000 state-owned apartments. This applies to all concluded contracts from next year.

In plain English this means: While the wealthy can continue to spread out in city center lofts and penthouse apartments, ordinary mortals have to move even closer together. This has even drawn criticism from the FDP, whose Berlin Secretary General Lars Lindemann described the requirements as “shameful”: “The new construction goals have been missed for decades and now the people of Berlin have to answer for them.”

Rent increases are also planned

In addition to the agreement limiting citizens to a tight residential silo, the new agreement with the six state-owned housing companies also contains a hefty rent increase, which should also apply to existing rents. Depending on the size of the apartment, residents should have to pay up to €100 more per month. The fact that the mini-cabins, which can be the ultimate in affordability for young couples who have not yet been able to realize their desire to have children, fall into the category that are “only” €50 more expensive, is probably little consolation…

Afterword from the translator:

I advocate converting entire garage complexes (garden gazebos should not be excluded) and then making these garages available as living space for Germans. After all, cars are frowned upon in green ideology anyway, so why put them in housing? I just hope I haven’t given any political actor the idea of making this a reality. Although puppeticians don’t give a damn about their own people — as long as they don’t rebel against these parasites — and will do what they want. And as long as they can squeeze them dry for their next dopamine fix and virtue-signals to their peers, they are in hog heaven.

“A person under the influence of a cult is similar to that we observe in addicts. Typical behaviour for both includes draining bank accounts, neglecting children, destroying relations with family and losing interest in anything except the drug or cult.” —Keith Henson

*   “Traffic light” coalition government:
    Red:   Social Democratic Party
    Yellow:   Free Democratic Party
    Green:   Alliance90 / The Greens

8 thoughts on “A Room of Your Own… But Just One

  1. Perhaps requiring the politicians to first turn over the surplus rooms in their mansions to feral afghani rapists before asking the same of others would be a logical requirement.

    As there is no such thing as logic in Clown World and even the profit motive is sacrificed in the effort to dispossess white Europeans of their cultural and genetic inheritance, nonviolent practical solutions will be ignored.

    Which inevitably will lead to practical solutions of the violent kind; those will assuredly be richly deserved by the parasites who have brought about this present evil and their orcs who thought they could live off of the destruction of white civilization with impunity.

    • Yes, that is typical of those leftwing loonies. They demand anything but dont do it themselves.

    • You know as well as I do that massive bloodshed is inevitable. Clown World lives in the land of denial thinking all things will work out and ignore the reality of it all. The look in the collective faces when all hell breaks lose is going to be priceless.

  2. Quantitative Easing created lots of “free money” and real estates are considered a safe haven investment for those lots of free money, creating one class that wants to buy more real estate than they need, and other class that can’t efford to compete with the friends of the owners of the money printing press.

    Second problem is the Landlords are discouraged from actually making money on their real estates, because such behavior goes against the goals of our socialist utopia, and therefore investors don’t really want to invest in the development of new real estate.

    Third, and also major problem is the building regulation, which does not allow a lowly peasant to build himself a wooden cottage with a stove, so that he can live in at least some comfort, but he has to spend millions on green deal stuff that make the building exceedingly expensive.

    Nothing in the market actually encourages people to build houses, except the ridiculously high prices 4 times the building prices, because the housing market is simply overregulated, and the bankers went mad with their printing presses at the same time.

  3. German property is very strange compared to other countries. Those apartment companies Vonovia and Deutsche Wohnen are part owned and totally controlled by Blackrock. Almost everything in Europe is part owned and controlled by Blackrock even German chemical industry.German govt policy would be to enrich Blackrock, not the people.
    Through “horizontal power” ownership of all competitors they disguise their shareholdings then their consulting arm is tasked by governments to review and guide policy in regard to their own investments as they know such about every sector.https://www.investigate-europe.eu/posts/blackrock-the-financial-leviathan-that-bears-down-on-europes-decisions?ie_s=ga&pk_campaign=en-blackrock&pk_source=google&pk_medium=cpc&gclid=CjwKCAjwpJWoBhA8EiwAHZFzfpLYl7bRKUg_SVFLwsHy0VthN91ywaIqnSjEpCykmmLVvqQn2h1CLhoCf3MQAvD_BwE
    “In chemicals for example, BlackRock dominates on both sides of the Atlantic with significant holdings – between 5 and 10% – in all major global chemical groups: Bayer, BASF, DuPont, Monsanto, Linde and the French companies Arkema and Air Liquide.”

    By spreading ownership it avoids having to declare its interest. It’s direct ownership is below the threshold, but seems not often checked anyway.

    • Blackrock, and it’s incestuous siblings Vanguard and State Street have their filthy fingers in many pies both inside the FUSA and around the world. In fact one of the biggest players in prolonging the slaughter of Ukrainian males and the forced diaspora of it’s remaining population is none other than Blackrock, which has all kinds of lucrative designs on Ukrainian land and physical assets which they plan to acquire at fire sale prices after the Russians are driven out.

      Aside from having assets measured in the trillions and control of innumerable cooperations through purchasing the largest minority share position in those companies, Blackrock and it’s incestuous partners are also major campaign donors and the prime mover behind much (most?) of the wokeness and Diversity Inclusion Equity movement that is infecting most major corporate boardrooms. Want to understand why Budweiser would make such abysmally stupid moves to alienate it’s customer base against it’s own financial interests?

      Financial inducement and profit motive is not what drives their worst behavior. It is ideological in the sense that it’s ideology is destroying the white race and western civilization in every western country. And arguably implementing a neo-serfdom where you will own nothing (the “and be happy” part is just a lie to fool useful idiots), and live in the pod and eat the bugs and where most of us are slated for extermination.

      If there was ever a better case for breaking up monopolies or reining in and scattering to the winds disruptive and openly destructive and subversive players in society I don’t know what it is. Every last one of their holdings needs to be divested and I daresay given free of charge to the individuals and families who currently inhabit them, and the remaining sums and personal fortunes confiscated and used to remove the tens of millions of orcs from across the west and returned to wherever they originated from or have affinity for.

      • Come on Moon, you know darned well we ain’t removing these orcs to return to their land of origin, this will be done the good ole time honored way, [redacted]. It’s simple economics, bullets are cheap, sending them back costs thousands of good hard earned cash.

  4. I see the photo above is of invaders – I mean refugees… calling for more refugees…. Hijabs abound.

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