When Paul Becomes Paula

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the German-language service of the Epoch Times. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

When Paul becomes Paula: New law causes criticism

A new key issues paper by the traffic light government* has met with criticism. It would enable citizens to have their gender and name changed once a year. Critics see it as open to abuse.

The traffic light coalition wants to enable citizens aged 14 and over to have their gender and first name changed once a year. A simple declaration at the registry office would suffice. Hormone treatment or gender reassignment surgery are not necessary. Up until now the hurdles have been high. Those affected had to obtain two psychiatric reports and put up with an expensive court case.

At the end of June, Family Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) and Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) presented their plans in “Cornerstones of the Self-Determination Act”.

For children up to the age of 14, the parents must submit the declaration to the registry office. If the parents object, a family court should be able to replace the parents’ declaration. Children over the age of 14 can make the change themselves.

Prohibition of disclosure

In addition, the draft law stipulates a ban on disclosure. This means that a fine can be imposed for disclosing or investigating a person’s (trans, non-binary or intersex) changes in their status against their will.

“Intersex” people [who have biological characteristics of both sexes] can already change their gender entry and first name with a simple declaration at the registry office. A medical certificate or an affidavit is sufficient. Only one renaming is possible per year.

All costs of gender reassignment treatments are to be fully covered by statutory health insurance in the future. At the same time, educational and advisory services are to be strengthened.

AfD warns of a Waterloo in the next elections

The AfD [Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany] deputy in the European Parliament Joachim Kuhs criticizes the traffic light coalition’s initiative: “The federal government is pushing the transgender hype among young people, which is rejected by the general public.” He warns that the future right to self-determination clearly restricts parental rights and is an attack on parents and families.

“If the federal government insists on pushing transgender youth through, they will see their Waterloo at the next elections,” Kuhs continued. “There is no force in the world as powerful as a mother fighting for her children.”

The planned law, like the introduction of so-called children’s rights in the Basic Law, is part of gender ideology — with the aim of gradually depriving parents of their basic rights.

Transgender attack against the family

According to this agenda, decisions would always go against the family in the area of upbringing, education and culture and other ethical issues such as abortion. The state, on the other hand, is gaining more power and influence over its “subjects” behind the guise of promoting individual rights, according to the MEP.

“Marxism already had this point in its program. And today, cultural Marxism finally wants to destroy this last stronghold of conservatism and tradition,” the AfD politician continued.

However, Kuhs is optimistic. Many families have already clearly recognized that the family is a haven of tradition and values, including Christian values. And they realized that “these forces want to destroy them. That’s why they fight against it like that.”

Augsburger Allgemeine: Draft law threatens to further split

In the Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung, Bernhard Junginger calls for more sobriety in the debate and warns against misuse of the new law. It threatens to further divide society. The government must provide answers to questions: “Will women’s changing rooms be teeming with lascivious bearded men who identify themselves as women with their ID? Are female shelters like the “Frauenhaus” [women’s shelter] in danger? Can a corporation beautify the proportion of women on the board by having the chief financial officer become female?”

Lots of transgender trouble

Precisely because of the unanswered questions, Junginger sees a lot of regulatory work and trouble looming for municipalities, schools and companies. The legislature must not only enact the law, but also provide orientation. In practice, a lot would change for a few people affected, but nothing at all for most people.

“Would it really be conceivable that Robert Habeck would become Roberta in order to become chancellor? Would voters play such a game? Hardly,” says Junginger. [If Robert(a) does, give it a straight razor at the “coronation”, and the problem will be solved rather quickly and satisfactorily.]

Afterword from the translator:

This is double gene therapy for children, bypassing the parents… Good luck!

At school, the child’s mind is being “vaccinated” towards queer. Uncertainty in the defenseless little ones and disempowered parents. Everything comes from the state for the benefit of the child. Just like it was during the Nazi era and later in the DDR, just on steriods, utterly destructive ones.

What actually happens to a small child who is adopted by a gay couple? Does this child believe the same-sex couples are the progenitors/birth parents?

How is it handled at the child welfare office? I mean, with the increase in same-sex marriages, the demand for children should also increases, right? How will this increasing demand be met? Have the limits for adoptions been lowered? Or will only “queer” and “vaccinated” couples be allowed to adopt? (If there are any white babies left to be born.)

Does it have an impact on the development of the child and thus society if it now has these “new role model” parents?

To my way of thinking, this is the mental retardation and neglect, in its final stages, of a sick elitist pedophile society. One can only hope that it will crash soon and terminally.

*   “Traffic light” coalition government:
    Red:   Social Democratic Party
    Yellow:   Free Democratic Party
    Green:   Alliance90 / The Greens

12 thoughts on “When Paul Becomes Paula

  1. Interesting to speculate how this would work out in child custody and support determinations. With how badly courts treat men this might become a valid gambit to equalize or turn the tables in one’s favor. Declare oneself to be a female and then how will a judge make heads or tails over whom to divorce rape?

  2. Previously, Russia has always chosen between its own path and orientation to the West, and this choice to the West has always won because it was more progressive.
    But that’s in the past. Nothing else to focus on.

  3. Re: ““If the federal government insists on pushing transgender youth through, they will see their Waterloo at the next elections,” Kuhs continued. “There is no force in the world as powerful as a mother fighting for her children.”

    The intentional gaslighting of minors – a.k.a. children – to get them confused about their own sexuality and brainwashed into sex-change operations and the like… ought to be a felony carrying severe jail time as a penalty for those found guilty of said crimes. As depraved and evil as the worst of the Nazis and hardcore Stalinists were, I don’t ever recall them telling people, let alone children, that men were women and vice-versa. This is truly a new low in the long annals of human evil.

    Prison time is getting off lightly. In a less-civilized age, anyone caught doing this would have received a drum-head court martial or trial, followed by hanging from the nearest suitable tree.

    • That is the problem right there! We have become too civilized to the point fighting back is considered a crime. I can’t wait until this whole rotten house of the west comes crumbling down and the strongmen take over.

  4. As the West descends into madness….
    This Will Not End Well.

    Supposedly, Voltaire said, “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”

    I believe that is true.

    • It has to come to some kind of confrontation sooner or later. But who knows what the result of that will be.

  5. Now, I don’t think that there should be any restrictions on people changing their names, in general. So that part is a step in the right direction, if for all the wrong reasons.

    But the thing in general is pure and total idiocy!

  6. Hm, let me think a second:
    As a woman I enter retirement age a few years earlier than as a male.

    Hm, as I no longer have any interest in supporting this state and considering I do not like my kind of work, maybe I should change my gender or whatever to female, say I am in my menopause, maybe I even get more percentage in the severly handicapped area (surgery at the spine and you enter severely handicapped area) and can retire even more earlier.

    Sounds like a good deal to me.

    Ok, the disadvantage is that I must spout the leftwing liberal words of madness for some time.
    But when I have reached male retirement age I switch back to male.

    The only one who doesnt like it will be the finance minister. But as the politicians dont care about Germany, so why should I?

      • I dont care about THIS Germany.

        But I would gladly give my life for the REAL Germany.

        And anything that brings the death of THIS Germany closer to reality should be embraced, so that the REAL Germany emerges.

  7. If you have an UNO reverse card you will be able to do it again on February 29th. Two times in one year. So every 4 years you can try it out for 2 months. For low income people you can make your own card. You don’t have to buy a pack of cards. Is this all it takes to legislate? No. One piece is missing. I have had no contributions from Mattel to my campaign or pac fund. I did the other part. I told lies. My political career is over now.

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