
Seneca III sends what he describes as “another little rant” about the bizarre shibboleths of our time.


by Seneca III

What a strange world we live in, when how we choose to define our sexual identity determines what is reality and what is not.

I self-identify as a heterosexual XY Alpha male husband and father. My preferred personal pronoun is ‘Mr. No Way!’ if you are one of the latest crop of deviant weirdos attempting to intimidate me and mine whilst denigrating our normality and sexually healthy way of life. In essence, I choose not to share my space or my time with you mass hysterics, your groomers and your political vote-whoring protectors.

The terms bi-gender, genderqueer, non-binary, omnigender, pangender, transgender etc. are an illustration of the peak insanity that has afflicted the acolytes of this retrogressive cult, and now I hear that their latest incarnation is as ‘male lesbians’, an inevitable product of sick minds desperately seeking new ways of describing their surreal, masochistic, self-imposed afflictions.

However, sane people living in the real world are most welcome to call me by my given name and sex while together we watch with morbid fascination as this gibbering swarm of alphabet people emerges from the darkest, twisted corners of the human psyche screeching their denial of evolutionary reality.

I would posit that Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing on this lot, and that it is time to cull this latest herd of perverted gender dysphoriacs before they cull us by having us legally punished for trying to isolate our children from their infection or have our careers destroyed for refusing to use their moronic personal pronouns.

Stonewall et alia, you are known for what you are — destroyers of civilisations.

—Seneca III, Middle England, this Easter Monday in the year of our Lord 2022.

For links to previous essays by Seneca III, see the Seneca III Archives.

4 thoughts on “Self-Identification?

  1. And see what happens when you tell them that as they were at birth was the result of the Lord God’s creative efforts. Oh, and BTW, you had better be ready to defend yourself from a hysterical attack. Been there, done that, and lit a fuse to about five sticks of 90 Proof TNT.

  2. ‘…and now I hear that their latest incarnation is as ‘male lesbians’, an inevitable product of sick minds desperately seeking new ways of describing their surreal, masochistic, self-imposed afflictions.’

    I’m gratified that at least one person reads my tips to the news feed.

  3. “Male Lesbians” have been a “thing” for ages now! In fact it’s the insistence of the [manly appendage] in a frock that lesbians, by refusing to have sex with them, are TRANSPHOBIC!!! that woke a lot of people up to the total [nonsense] they’ve been spouting.

  4. I’m anticipating some grandchildren in the next few years. If their parents insist on sending them to Crazy School, I’ll have to gracefully step out of their lives.

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