Stand by our side: Copenhagen Freedom Rally on May 4th

From Vlad, a request to mirror his post.

This is an update by the For Freedom in Denmark group, the Danish version of Pegida.

Stå ved vores side d. 4. maj – For Frihed

This is an official release by the people at -For Freedom- in Denmark. Please come celebrate freedom from tyranny with them on the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Denmark from the Nazis. Below, the official release in both English and Danish. Please feel free to mirror on your own sites to promote this event for all freedom loving people.

Rally “For Freedom” (“For Frihed”)

Stand by our side the 4th of May, 2015 – The 70th anniversary of the day of Denmark’s liberation

Time: 18:00

Place: Axeltorv (outside the Palace Cinema, Copenhagen)

This is a demonstration for the preservation of our democracy, our freedom of expression and all the liberties, freedoms, rights and values which are the very foundation of our Western society. Those values that are now under threat by Islam.

The Leftist group Revolutionary Anti Fascists are, however, again planning to, on Monday the 4th of May, attempt a blockade of our Monday demonstration “For Freedom”. Last Monday the 27th of April we met fierce opposition from them as some of you might have read in the media. On their website the group a few weeks back touted that they would, up until the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Denmark next Monday, systematically attempt to prevent us (who they call Islam hostile group) from being able to hold public rallies and by that date to permanently shut down us (For Frihed – For Freedom) down. In other words they will try to prevent a peaceful and legal demonstration which, incidentally, is a violation of the Danish Penal Code Section § 137. “He who attempts to prevent the holding of a lawful public gathering, is liable to punishment by fine or imprisonment of up to two years.” In other words they are anti-democratic and want to silence us. More can be read on their fascist “anti-fascistic” website –

Therefore, we need as many as possible participants to demonstrate that freedom of expression, together with all good democratic values are worth fighting for and that we cannot be subdued or cowed. We will not be bullied. This demonstration is not without its challenges. However we have very good support and protection by the police who show up in great numbers and who do a great job in taking care of us and who have clearly shown, duty notwithstanding, [they]are obviously also on the side of democracy.

We hope that as many of you as possible will join us to mark this important evening. We, and Denmark, need your support, your strength, and your courage.

Below in Danish:

Demonstration ”For Frihed” d. 4 maj, 2015

Stå sammen med os d. 4. maj på 70-års dagen for danmarks befrielse

Tid: 18:00

Sted: Axeltorv (udenfor Palads Biografen, København)

Dette er en demonstration for bevarelsen af vores demokrati, vores ytringsfrihed og alle de friheder, rettigheder og værdier som udgør selveste fundamentet i vores vestlige samfund. Et samfund som nu er truet af Islam.

Venstrefløjsgruppen Revolutionære Antifascister planlægger dog atter, mandag d. 4 maj, at forsøge en blokade af vores mandag demonstration »For Frihed«. Sidste mandag d. 27. april mødte vi voldsom modstand som nogle måske har læst i medierne. På deres webside har gruppen fremturet at de vil, frem til 70-årsdagen for Danmarks befrielse næste mandag den 4. maj systematisk forsøge at hindre os (som de kalder den islamfjendske gruppe) fra at kunne holde møder i det offentlige rum og at helt lukke os ned. Altså at de vil prøve at forhindre en fredelig og lovlig demonstration hvilket i øvrigt er en overtrædelse af straffelovens paragraf § 137. ”Den, som søger at forhindre afholdelsen af lovlig offentlig sammenkomst, straffes med bøde eller fængsel indtil 2 år”. Mere behøves ikke siges – de er anti-demokratiske og vil at vi ties. Mere kan læses på ”anti”-fascisternes webside –

Vi har derfor brug for så mange som mulig deltagere for at vise at frihed, ytringsfrihed og alle gode demokratiske værdier er værd at kæmpe for og at vi ikke kan kues. Denne demonstration er ikke uden sine udfordringer men vi har rigtig god støtte og beskyttelse af politiet som gør det rigtig godt og som tydeligvis også er på vores, og demokratiets, side.

Vi håber at så mange som muligt vil være med denne vigtige aften – vi, og Danmark, har brug for jeres støtte, styrke og mod.