Australians say “No” to Sharia

The Q Society, a prominent anti-sharia organization in Australia, recently commissioned a poll to determine Australian attitudes towards Islam. The results are summarized below in a Q Society press release.

Morgan Poll Finds Majority of Australians Concerned About Islam

24 November 2013, Melbourne — According to a recent Morgan poll conducted on behalf of Q Society of Australia Inc., the majority of Australians are clearly concerned about Islam and 70% believe Australia is not a better place because of Islam. The survey, completed in late October, found a majority (53 per cent) of Australians want full face coverings banned from public spaces and 50.2 per cent want Islamic sharia law banned all together.

Australians over 65 are most concerned with 59 per cent in this age group stating that a growing Islamic population and Islamic immigration would be bad for Australia. Mature Australians and Liberal/National voters have a significantly negative view of Islam. Notably only 15 per cent of Australians think Islam and terrorism are not related. Multicultural advocates seeking to cancel Christmas, Easter or ANZAC Day celebrations in their quest to not offend other cultures should take note that 96.5 per cent of the population disagree.

The omnibus poll conducted by Roy Morgan Research Ltd has an error margin of 4 per cent.

Q Society spokesman Mr Andrew Horwood said the poll results validate the need for new strategies and policies. While followers of most religions seem to get along well, Australian politicians must acknowledge Islam is not just another religion and the growing concern is not a fringe issue. Q Society offers a proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding, written by former Muslim scholar and sharia expert Sam Solomon as a starting point for developing strategies and policies.

The president of Q Society, Mrs Debbie Robinson, invites political leaders to address the problem with an open mind and consult with non-Muslim experts on Islam and secular ex-Muslims for guidance. Mrs Robinson points out that it is dishonest and counterproductive to discredit concerned Australians as ‘racists’ or ‘islamophobic’.

Australians are not alone as millions of Europeans are faced with similar problems. Muslim mass immigration and multiculturalism began in Europe two decades before the Whitlam government started the multicultural experiment in Australia. Polls in the Netherlands indicate the openly Islam-critical PVV will be the strongest party in the next elections to the parliament in Den Hague with PVV’s parliamentary leader Geert Wilders MP most likely the next Prime Minister. Mr Wilders visited Australia in February 2013 following an invitation from Q Society. He spoke in Melbourne and Sydney at sold-out events.

Contact for this release:

Mr Andrew Horwood, VP Community Relations and Media
Email — Phone 0435 153 142

Further references:

Q Society of Australia Inc is a national civil rights organisation run by volunteers since 2010. Members are concerned about the socio-political problems associated with the rise of Islam and sharia law in Australia; as well as religiously-motivated human rights abuses against religious minorities in many OIC-member countries. The society seeks to critically inform and lobby for an open discussion about the impact of political Islam in Australia. Members promote an integrated multiethnic society and oppose attempts to silence debate under the pretence of multicultural tolerance and political correctness.

5 thoughts on “Australians say “No” to Sharia

  1. Liberal democrats will have little success in resisting creeping Islamisation unless the toxic doctrine of institutionalised multiculturalism is exposed for what it is, a Trojan Horse for Sharia. The real threat to our liberties is not terrorism but the continuous accommodation to Moslems’ demands.

  2. As heartening as it may be that 44% of Australians believe that there is a strong direct relationship between Islam and certain cited – see below – terrorist acts (with 47.3% of the professional/manager occupational category holding that view), the chilling aspects are:

    1. A majority of people under 35 (55.7% of 18-24 year olds and 58.8% of 25-34 year olds) believe that the increase of people in Australia following Islam and increased immigration rom Islamic countries is “Good for Australia” This compares with a majority of Australians over 50 believing it is “Bad for Australia” (50.1% of those aged 50-64 and 59.3% of those over 65);

    2. That 27.6% of 18-24 year olds and 21.2% of 25-34 year olds believe that the cited terrorist acts are “Not related to Islam”!

    Bear in mind the question posed was:

    “You may have heard of some terrorist acts including 9/11, the Bali bombings, the Boston Marathon bombing and the shopping mall siege in Kenya.”

    The only inference here is that the education system-media brainwashing of the youngsters for the past few decades and their consequent ability to adopt ideological positions disconnected from observable realities has been successful.

    It is the young who are “active”: the shameful, violent, demonstrations against the recent tour of Geert Wilders included assaults upon and intimidation of attendees of Wilders’ speaking venues by such demonstrators. Note also that Wilders was effectively banned in Western Australia and had many venues refuse to hold his speaking functions (or cancelled his bookings).

    The prognosis for Australia is not good.

  3. I received an email in reply to a letter I sent off to then Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott, prior to him being elected into his current position as Prime Minister.

    I raised two concerns to him about the impact of multiculturalism and Islam was having on our nation.

    He wrote me a very lengthy reply which only confirmed what I suspected about him.

    He is totally committed to a multicultural Australia and believes Islam does not represent the threat that some people make it out to be!

  4. I pity those able to see what’s coming but unable to stop the tide.

    I’ve changed my posting name in honour of our fate.

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