A Culture-Enriching Gang Rape by 13-Year-Olds in Courbevoie

Courbevoie is a culturally enriched suburb of Paris. Last weekend two 13-year-olds and a 12-year-old abducted a 12-year-old girl in a Courbevoie park and gang-raped her. The assault was reportedly prompted by the boys’ discovery that the girl was Jewish.

Below are two articles about the incident. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Le Figaro:

Courbevoie: Two adolescents charged and held for rape and anti-Semitic violence against a minor

by Ambre Lepoivre
June 18, 2024

A 12-year-old girl was dragged into an abandoned building in Courbevoie, in les Hauts-de-Seine, by three minors. She was subjected to violent sexual acts coupled with death threats and anti-Semitic remarks.

Two adolescents were charged Tuesday evening, 18 June for “gang rape, death threats, insults, and anti-Semitic violence” against a 12-year-old girl in Courbevoie (Haut-de-Seine), near Paris, facts that raise real emotion in the Jewish community and beyond. According to the Nanterre Prosecutor’s office, a third suspect, also a minor, has been placed under the statute for participatory witness for “rape” and charged for the other infractions targeted by the investigation.

Two of the three adolescents, aged 13, were placed under a detention order by a detention judge. One was placed in the Nanterre detention facility, the other in that of Porcheville in the Yvelines. The third, aged 12, was released under a provisional judicial measure, the prosecutor’s office said.

Unleashing of violence

On Saturday, 15 June, an adolescent girl spends the afternoon with a friend before being accompanied home. While crossing the Henri Regnault Park, she encounters two boys, one of whom she knows slightly, and who block her path, forcing her to go with them to an old daycare center, now abandoned. A third boy joins them and insults the young girl’s religion, calling her a “dirty Jew”, according to the statements of the girl to police, with whom we have been able to consult.

What follows is an unheard of unleashing of violence: According to our information, the girl is hit, thrown to the floor, and photographed. One of the attackers holds a lit lighter next to her cheek and threatens to “burn” her. They force vaginal and anal penetrations on her as well as fellatio, and threaten to kill her if she talks to the police.

Abandoned in the deserted building, the girl returns home and reveals the horror that she has just been subjected to to her parents, who alert the police. Her friend, who was present at the moment the two boys took her with them, was able to provide a detailed description of the suspects. The video surveillance images also permitted the investigators to confirm the presence of the three suspects near the scenes of the crime.

The investigations, first assigned to the Courbevoie police station, then to the Territorial Brigade for Protection of the Family, led to the arrests of the three suspects during the daylight hours of Monday.

The second report is a German-language one. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

Brutal anti-Semitism

Gang rape: Muslims attack Jewish girl

With a brutal gang rape, 12- and 13-year-old Muslims punish a girl for her Jewish origins. The background to the crime shocked France.


Three teenagers aged 12 and 13 have shocked many French people with an anti-Semitic gang rape. The Muslim perpetrators apparently abused the 12-year-old girl only because she comes from a Jewish family and had previously kept this a secret out of fear. They also threatened the child with death.

The crime took place in Courbevoie , a town of 82,000 inhabitants in the suburbs of Paris. The perpetrators ambushed the girl on Saturday in the Henri Regnault Park and forced her into an empty shed. According to a police report, they called her a “dirty Jew” and brutally raped the child one after the other.

Gang rape and death threats

After the ordeal, the victim reported what had happened to her parents, who called the police. Two days later, officers arrested the suspected perpetrators. Investigators accuse them of aggravated rape, sexual assault, extortion, death threats, bodily harm and insult.

On Tuesday, the young people were brought before an investigating judge. They are being held in a detention center for minors. Some French media report that one of the rapists was in a relationship with the girl and could not bear the fact that she had hidden her Jewish roots from him. Therefore, he and his accomplices decided to gang-rape her.

Afterword from the translator:

I don’t know about you, but at that age I didn’t know any boy that was in a “relationship” with a girl. Friends, yes. Anyway, I seriously doubt that this was true; most likely the Muslim boy took a fancy to her and she refused him, and when he found out that she was Jewish… Well, we all know how they are like when they are thwarted by a kafir. And then, after they “captured” the girl, and as good Muslims, they just applied Quran 4:24 — It’s all “LEGAL”, isn’t it? Why anyone in their right mind would let their own home get infested with such vermin is beyond me, deliberately or misguided. Those boys along with their parents and the rest of their families should be deported immediately, and if they have citizenship, strip it and throw them out. They will otherwise see this as weakness and will carry on as before. Next time they will kill.

3 thoughts on “A Culture-Enriching Gang Rape by 13-Year-Olds in Courbevoie

  1. Beyond horrible. And the perpetrators were only 13 years old! What type of twisted ideology has young adherents perform such depravity? The words of a Byzantine Emperor come to mind.

    “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”

  2. Muslims have raped and killed for 15 years now in the West with minor repercussions. Now Jew killing and rape is even blessed by the deranged Free Palestine movement that our far left brainwashed have condoned. This is horrific.

  3. Why do we continue to be surprised by the acts of barbarism committed by Muslims of any age? They are raised with hatred embedded in their religion. While Western civilization has separated Church and state, prioritizing the state, Muslims have done the opposite by putting religion first. It seems their entire religion is based on terrorism against those who are not Muslims.

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