“The Chamber is Already Full of Devils”

Last night’s debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden has fully occupied the memespace of the Internet. Everybody is discussing it, especially the talking heads of the MSM, but also all the pundits and bloggers and social media mavens.

I’m staying away from it as much as possible. One of the main reasons is that it is all so deeply, deeply insane. It’s disturbing, and comic, and demonic, all rolled into one.

I feel like I’m living in a planet-wide madhouse. And if I watch too much of this stuff, I’ll get sucked into the vortex of lunacy myself, and never find my way out.

So I won’t be blogging debate-related matters. There will be items about it in the news feed, and I recommend Conservative Tree House for comprehensive coverage. This post is especially interesting. Power Line is also doing in-depth analysis.

This brief snip from Mark Steyn fully aligns with my own take on what’s really going on:

You have to figure that that’s greatly to the advantage of the Deep State, and that’s why they’d like to keep it that way. It’s quite something to teach the people the lesson that representative politics is just a meaningless joke, third-rate dinner-theatre in which all the faux-combat is an obvious sham. In the Soviet Union, the point wasn’t to persuade you to believe the lie but to force you to live with the lie. Reducing the two-year US election cycle to the same state inflicts an even more brutal humiliation on the masses.

So why weren’t they able, after a week-and-a-half of dosage experimentation, to shoot the stiff enough of the juice to pass him off as being back in his State of the Union top-of-the-game mode?

As my former GB News colleague Neil Oliver observed long ago on The Mark Steyn Show, formulating a useful rule of contemporary politics:

This is happening because they want it to happen.

11 thoughts on ““The Chamber is Already Full of Devils”

  1. I wasn’t able to watch the debate because of family commitments. Did Donald play his ‘Trump’ card or was Joe merely Biden his time knowing that he would be re-elected regardless of the actual vote count?

  2. I believe they might be planning the “failure of the US Dollar as a World Reserve Currency” – And Joe was the only idiot in town who didn’t get what they were putting him up for. To go down in history books as a symbol of a final decadency of the old Republic – before the new Caesar comes in town and sweeps the room – or – “drains the swamp”…

    Joe is going to be the scapegoat. A Symbol.

    That – And – yes the elderly abuse that is Joe Biden in his role of “POTUS” would also serve as a “proof” that “The Republic” can’t exist any longer because “look who’s gonna be the president if…”

    And you thought Star Wars was fiction?

    The Old Republic is going down, in comes the “Empire”.

  3. I forget who said it first, but “nothing in politics happens by accident.”
    When you adjust your paradigm, everything happening makes sense. People who don’t understand what’s going on and why, do not have the proper paradigm through which to view the events of the world. Shift your paradigm until the world starts making sense, and then you will be able to see where this is all going

    • “When you adjust your paradigm, everything happening makes sense. People who don’t understand what’s going on and why, do not have the proper paradigm through which to view the events of the world. Shift your paradigm until the world starts making sense, and then you will be able to see where this is all going”

      That seems to be key.

  4. I think the country will be victim of many multi-sided false flag events in the next month ,we could all be losing many of our freedoms .Biden is just a figure head the cat is out of the bag whoever is the puppet master will start the planned events soon in my humble opinion.

  5. I’ve known for a long time that there are federal bureaucrats who consider Presidents to be mere passing epiphenomena and who have the real power. They are probably in the intelligence agencies. Those who control the media control the political direction of the country.

    My hope lies in my observation that occasionally they make mistakes. No one is all-powerful. And their frontmen in the Democrat party make mistakes as well. I think that Trump’s 2016 election surprised them and so they have been doing what they can to prevent a repeat of that. It may be that the Biden debate debacle is one of their mistakes. It is probably the result of Biden’s DEI election campaign. Not all Democrats have been on board–white men such as Axelrod (capable but evil) were excluded from campaign decisions. I detect the fell influence of Obama here.

  6. “representative politics is just a meaningless joke”

    — Yes, and it’s not only the USA: the whole [former] West is a Potemkin Village now. The Great Globalist Takeover HAS ALREADY TAKEN PLACE — its HQ is just operating hidden behind thick walls and curtains of various pseudo-realities.

  7. Obama could be the ring master of this circus of democrat clowns ,or he Obama has to answer to some higher order of a cabal of elites .Either way I am sure they have plan B to abort Trump winning the election or America not even having a election .It could be World War 111 it could be many 911 type terror acts planned in groups around many cities in America. It could be Iran firing off a nuclear device it gets from China , it could be dozens of things .The fact we have the idiot in chief and his wife head care taker in charge we the alphabet agencies really running the show by taking orders from someone or some group does tee me off just a little.. We could be in the end of days count down ,or just the end of times as we know them.

  8. If the deep state is trying to help Trump win, it may be because they think white males will fight in a war if Trump is President, no one will fight for Biden.

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