Senegalese Culture-Enricher Runs Wild With a Knife in Saxony

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Drunk Senegalese in Saxony harasses women and attacks passers-by with a knife

In the community of Gelenau (population 3,000) in the Erzgebirge region of Saxony, a drunk Senegalese man attacked passers-by with a knife on Saturday. As Bild reports, a 41-year-old was wounded and taken to hospital. At around 8:40pm, local police received an emergency call after witnesses saw the man attacking another man with a knife. At the scene, officers found the victim had severe cuts. The attacker was able to escape.

As a police spokesman told Bild, the suspect returned to his home address, an asylum accommodation in the Spinnerei district of Drebach. There the drunken Senegalese was overpowered by a special unit around 9:30pm. Because he was mentally disturbed, he was taken to a psychiatric hospital. [Well, isn’t that a surprise for a change?] The suspected weapon, a knife with a large blade, has not yet been located.

The 36-year-old is now being investigated for grievous bodily harm. The police are also examining evidence that the Senegalese man is said to have harassed several women in the area of a supermarket before the attack.

Afterword from the translator:

I guess that next to the jab-doctors the loony-bin professionals must have a right BONANZA in Germany. Where else can they get so many psychopaths delivered FREE by the government, whose care will be charged to the populace? The simple fact is that many crimes committed by these “migrants” would not have been committed if they had been turned away at the German border. But that would defeat the purpose of those who pay for these invaders to come into Europe and destroy.

One thought on “Senegalese Culture-Enricher Runs Wild With a Knife in Saxony

  1. Yes, when will the police do its duty of protecting the german citizens by doing you know what.

    “No, he was able to escape, grab my gun and then shot himself 5 times in the back of his head.”

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