Wringing the Chicken’s Neck for Allah

The recently released Bangladeshi Islamic radical Jashimuddin Rahmani has called on West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to “declare Bengal’s independence from Modi’s rule” in a viral video. Rahmani, the leader of the al-Qaeda-affiliated Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT), a designated terrorist organization, also threatened to “break up” India and “hoist Islamist flags in Delhi”.

Note: The Siliguri Corridor, also known as “the Chicken’s Neck”, is a stretch of land around the city of Siliguri in West Bengal, India. 20-22 kilometres at the narrowest section, this corridor connects the seven states (“Seven Sisters”) of northeastern India to the rest of the India.

Many thanks to Ashok for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

For a detailed report on Jashimuddin Rahmani’s provocations, see The Struggle for Hindu Existence.

Video transcript:

00:02   I am warning India.
00:08   Do not dare to look at Bangladesh.
00:13   Bangladesh is not a small country.
00:17   Bangladesh is a country of 180 million Muslims.
00:22   This country is a mosque. This is our sacred land.
00:26   If you dare to look at Bangladesh, your eyes will be taken out.
00:32   Take a step forward, and your legs will be broken
00:36   Reach out, and your hand will be cut off.
00:42   If you take one step towards Bangladesh, we will free the Seven Sisters [states in northeast India];
00:46   we will tell China to capture the Chicken’s Neck corridor [narrow neck to northeast India].
00:50   Tell the Seven Sisters to go inside the wedding hall.
00:55   Tell Kashmir to get ready for freedom.
00:59   I say to Pakistan and Afghanistan, you will help Kashmir.
01:07   Work for Kashmir’s freedom.
01:11   We will tell Mamata Banerjee of West Bengal,
01:15   declare Bengal’s independence from Modi’s rule.
01:21   In this way, I will tell the Sikhs of each state of India, that your time has come.
01:28   You should now declare your independence
01:32   from the entire region, by destroying the Hindutva [Hindu rule] movement,
01:37   by breaking India into pieces, insh’allah,
01:42   this Tawhid people will return to Delhi’s Mosque Nagpur.

Hat tip: Upananda Brahmachari

2 thoughts on “Wringing the Chicken’s Neck for Allah

  1. With the hospital grab and from a hospital room and bed is he giving his speech from a mental ward in a hospital? Sounds like he has been choking his own chicken too much!

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