Political Warfare

Vlad has posted a major content-rich article about various aspects of Marxist dialectics that are currently being deployed throughout the West to achieve targeted political results.

The quotes and videos are too lengthy to reproduce here in their entirety. I advise everyone to go over and read the whole thing at Vlad’s place.

This, to me, is the kernel of the discussion:

Esoteric vs. Exoteric teachings. When one thinks of Kamala Harris, we may have the quintessential example of esoteric messaging. What sounds like word-salad to most thinking people can be interpreted by the masses as being some nicety which people can allow themselves to think they understand in their own terms. “Strength through joy” might be an example, but also, something like “imagine a future unencumbered by what has been” is clearly esoteric messaging. Sophisticates in communist doublespeak know exactly what both these phrases mean.

To which I might add this quote from Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll:

“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.”

One thought on “Political Warfare

  1. “When one thinks of Kamala Harris, we may have the quintessential example of esoteric messaging. What sounds like word-salad to most thinking people can be interpreted by the masses as being some nicety which people can allow themselves to think they understand in their own terms.”

    Just like being there..

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