A Gold Medal for the Bladed Weapons Olympians

It appears that the Paris Olympic Games have been extended, to allow for the intramural Afghan knife-fighting competition.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Le Figaro:

Paris: Four injured during brawl between Afghans in the middle of the street

by Guillaume Poingt
August 31, 2024

The incident occurred on Rue Dormoy in the 18th arrondissement during the late morning on Saturday. Six individuals, two of whom were armed with knives, were arrested.

A brawl between Afghan nationals produced four wounded Saturday, 31 August at around 11:45am on Rue Dormoy (Paris 18e), Le Figaro learned from police sources. The wounded were treated by emergency services in absolute or relative urgency. A security perimeter was visible on the street where the incident occurred in the late morning while traffic was interrupted.

In the images circulating on social media, we can see some thirty individuals, some armed with clubs or wooden boards, confronting each other in the middle of the street. Six individuals, including two carrying knives, were arrested, the prefecture of police tells Le Figaro.

3 thoughts on “A Gold Medal for the Bladed Weapons Olympians

  1. The trouble is they like to” share” their cultural enriched with non-believers ,part of that enrichment is sticking people with shives and knives .Like rape ,robbery ,assault , general filth, senseless violence , chaos ,all part of the enrichment of living in a modern urban city in western Europe in the 21 century.

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