We All Scream For Ice Cream

Culture-enriching knives have become active again in Stuttgart. On this occasion they seem to have been craving ice cream.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Ice cream parlor in Germany 2024: Syrian (17) stabs several people in Stuttgart

Brutal knife attack in Stuttgart: According to police, a 17-year-old Syrian stabbed several people on Tuesday evening. One of the people attacked, a 37-year-old man, is still in critical condition, report Stuttgart police.

The Syrian is said to have been on Königsstraße with two other companions at around 6:25pm.

Knife scandal between ice cream parlor and optician [A scandal? Is that what they call these attacks now? Ridiculous.]

There, the three got into an argument with five other people “for reasons as yet unknown”. A stabbing then allegedly broke out between an ice cream parlor and an optician, reports Bild. [And here I thought that it was a scandal that had broken out.]

In addition to the critically wounded 37-year-old, there were a 24-year-old and a 47-year-old man, as well as a 33-year-old and a 52-year-old woman. The women were unharmed, the other two men were slightly wounded, according to the police.

The 17-year-old is to be brought before a judge at the request of the Stuttgart public prosecutor’s office.

The alerted officers launched an immediate manhunt. The 17-year-old was arrested at the scene of the crime, while his two companions escaped. “The investigation into the 17-year-old’s companions is ongoing,” wrote the police. The 17-year-old Syrian is to be brought before a judge on Wednesday at the request of the Stuttgart public prosecutor’s office.

Witnesses are asked to contact the criminal investigation department at +4971189905778.

Afterword from the translator:

Earlier on I heard from my mother that she had been approached by the diocese of the Catholic church in Trier and asked if she’d be prepared to become a “sponsor” and to permanently give them €16.67 per month, so that they can buy a “sea-rescue ship” to bring in more of these knife-wielding invaders. My mom ignored that request.

When one thinks that the Catholic Church was once an organization that defended, consolidated, strengthened, cultivated and made Europe successful… and today(?), the exact opposite is the case.

But many people who want to hold on to the great successes of the past and do not realize the extent of the moral decline in that institution have not yet understood this. They think they are “avant-garde”, but in reality they are self-destructive and ruinous. Of the people who have come since 2015, how many have accepted Christian doctrine and culture? How many people have been converted to the Christian faith and have become cornerstones of host society? And how many of those have committed all sorts of crimes against their host, have raped and murdered? I guess we all know that answer.

Of those who have been Christians for a long time, hundreds of thousands leave the sinking Catholic and queer Protestant church ship every year. Also, bringing in new waves of “boat people” has nothing to do with Christianity, and paying for these boats cannot disguise their ridiculous behaviour and spectacular failure as an institution. They are the enemy within.

One thought on “We All Scream For Ice Cream

  1. Germany must acknowledge how it has been enriched by these new immigrants and how lackluster its culture remains without the blood of these Muslims and Africans. They must allow millions more. Think of the benefits unrestricted immigration will bring, economic prosperity, job growth, new entertainment possibilities, increased housing demand. Think of the dire future prospects of Japan, Korea and Taiwan due to a culture lacking the glorious contributions of these Muslims and blacks. The stagnation, the lack of change. You owe it to the future to listen to the Pope and allow as many third worlders to settle in Germany to create a new, greater Germany. Just as they have in Britain and France.

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