Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 13

Below is the thirteenth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 13: Does it work?

No, the Covid-19 vaccines are not effective at all. They don’t stop infection or transmission, contrary to what we were told at the time. When it became apparent they didn’t do what a vaccine is supposed to do (stop infection and transmission) we were then told the vaccine was effective in minimising the infection and keeping us out of hospital.

This was a lie. No one actually knew if this was the case. Nothing in the vaccine trial suggested this might be true and, more to the point, the claimed minimisation of infection was never actually tested or evaluated in any of the trials. As I say, this was simply a lie.

Do you remember the fanfare in late 2020 when we were told vaccine redemption was close to hand? Do you remember the adulation and the frenzied gratitude toward those lovely, thoughtful, deeply caring people in the Big Pharma Industry who arrived like the heroic cavalry at the 11th hour to save us all from certain death?

The vaccine is 95% effective we were told. Hoorah for the vaccine! And out most of us duly trudged to wait in line for our jab of salvation. What did they mean by 95% effective, though? Effective against what, exactly? If the vaccines didn’t stop infection, transmission, severity of illness or death, where on earth did the “effective” in 95% effective come from?

We were led to believe it simply meant that out of every one hundred vaccinated people, ninety-five could happily get Covid-19 and shake it off in a jiffy, whilst five unfortunate people would not. This is not the case at all, though, and has to do with Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) and Relative Risk Reduction (RRR).

Approximately forty-two thousand people were involved in the Pfizer vaccine trial. Twenty-one thousand were given the vaccine, and twenty-one thousand a placebo. The latter is known as the Control Group. A few weeks later both groups were tested for signs of Covid-19 symptoms such as a cough, cold, fever etc, which were “confirmed” by a positive PCR test.

In the vaccinated group, eight cases of Covid-19 were discovered, and in the control group, one hundred and sixty-two. Eight is 5% of one hundred and sixty-two, which allowed Pfizer to claim a 95% effectiveness RRR rate (If only 5% of the vaccinated tested positive, it presumes a 95% efficacy rate relative to the unvaccinated).

This means nothing of course, considering less than 1% of the unvaccinated control group contracted Covid-19. An RRR of 95% in no way suggests the vaccine is 95% efficient in stopping an infection. It is basically an accountancy sleight-of-hand. It is a real-world medical fraud.

You will notice the numbers of those infected were extremely small. This presented a marketing problem for Pfizer. Only 0.4% of the 42,000 people involved in the trial tested positive for Covid-19. This effectively means 99.6% of them were at no risk from Covid-19 regardless of vaccination or not.

I won’t bore you with the maths, but this leads to an Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) of just 0.86% which is not terribly useful when it comes to selling a vaccine to the public. A 95% RRR efficacy sounds so much better than a 0.86% ARR efficacy, doesn’t it?

In normal times, both the ARR and RRR percentages are clearly stated with regard to a vaccine. But not in 2020, the year of lies and fraud on a colossal scale. Refusing to divulge the weedy 0.86% ARR (whilst pretending the 95% RRR meant a real-world 95% effectiveness in stopping an infection) may have only been a lie via omission, but in terms of scale it was a veritable whopper.

Paul Weston is a British-based writer who focuses on the damage done to Western Civilisation by the hard left’s ongoing cultural revolution. For links to his previous essays, see the Paul Weston Archives.

3 thoughts on “Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 13

  1. “Do you remember the fanfare in late 2020 when we were told vaccine redemption was close to hand? Do you remember the adulation and the frenzied gratitude toward those lovely, thoughtful, deeply caring people in the Big Pharma Industry who arrived like the heroic cavalry at the 11th hour to save us all from certain death?”

    “Although The Party and their media drools’ve so far been able to keep a lid on it, the stats’re beginning to reveal a pattern of [myocardial and other] side-effects related to the [experimental] “messenger RNA vaccine” affecting more than the random, normal or expected percentages of the vaccinated. As the evidence mounts, I think many will come to realize that TRUMP GOT PLAYED by the medical/pharma “experts” when he exercised his power to “Warp Speed” (i.e., rush) the “vaccine” through (and past) the normal system of scientific checks and balances that test for long-term SAFETY and efficacy. For a [new] disease that’ll prove to’ve been far less serious than claimed, I reckon history’ll reveal the cure may’ve been worse than the disease, especially in its long-term and, as yet, unstudied effects.
    Don’t comply, THINK.” —posted to fb (June 2021)

  2. The reaction by the state/medical/pharmaceutical power structures was possible because that is their business model. The Oxycontin affair, the use of SSRI drugs despite everyone involved knowing that the “chemical imbalance theory” is simply not true – this is the background of “big pharma.”

    Now we have a pretend “vaccine” that is said to work so that people will take it, then it turns out it doesn’t work all that well, then it turns out it doesn’t really work very well at all, then it turns out the “patients” have to keep taking it . . .

    The “vaccine” scandal used and adapted the SSRI “medications” model, only the perpetrators broadened the scope because people didn’t have to actually present with any “symptoms” to begin with. But the underlying model is very similar.

    Check out the work of James Davies and Joanna Moncrieff on SSRI drugs. The “vaccines” are far from being the only scandal in the pharmaceutical field.

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