Chechens vs. Syrians: Who Will Win?

The following article concerns enricher-on-enricher violence in Vienna. The main protagonists seem to be Syrians and Chechens. When the knives and iron bars come out, I’m sure Syrians make formidable adversaries, but Chechens are reportedly the nastiest fighters of all.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Austrian daily Heute:

Chechens against Syrians

Gang fight in Vienna— Now there is an explosive twist

For days, a bloody conflict in the Vienna migrant community has been escalating. Now the “elders” are reportedly negotiating a peaceful solution.

by Maxim Zdziarski

There has been a conflict between Chechens and Syrians in Vienna. In January, there was reportedly a fight — since then there has been a bloody feud between both communities on Vienna’s streets.

Last weekend the dispute between both groups reached its sad high point. On Friday there was a gang fight between Syrians and Chechens, in which knives and weapons were used. Just two days later, Syrians were attacked by masked men at the Meidling train station. There were injuries here as well.

Hate continues on Internet

The Criminal Police are now investigating with alacrity. A 29-year-old Chechen has already been arrested. In his apartment, a blank pistol was found.

While the youths continue to agitate against each other massively in their chat groups, others from the communities are trying to finally settle the dispute. They speak of “making peace”, which means peace between the two parties. On the other hand, others continue to foment hatred. “Chechens and Turks will continue to f*** you in Vienna until you regret being born at all.”

“Elders” reportedly to bring peace

Explosive: Not only state institutions, but the “elders”, that is, respected personalities within the diaspora, are reportedly already working on a peaceful solution — this was explained by a Chechen influencer on TikTok. Apparently, there will reportedly be a meeting in which the hatchet will be buried. Whether and when that will take place remains to be seen.

5 thoughts on “Chechens vs. Syrians: Who Will Win?

  1. Re: “While the youths continue to agitate against each other massively in their chat groups, others from the communities are trying to finally settle the dispute. They speak of “making peace”, which means peace between the two parties. On the other hand, others continue to foment hatred. ‘Chechens and Turks will continue to f*** you in Vienna until you regret being born at all.'”

    Interesting possibilities abound for those so inclined and who relish a bit of detective work. Here are just a few of them…

    The Sunnis and Shi’ites have been at one another’s throats almost since the time of Mohammed 1,400 years ago, their disputes arising in the aftermath of his death in 632.
    It is has been said that the believers like to fight so much that when there aren’t any infidels around, they’ll feud amongst themselves – and this isn’t at all mistaken.

    Many Syrians are Shi’ites; many Chechens and Turks are Sunnis ~ is this the source of the dispute?

    Then there is the historic animosity between the Arabs and Turks, which is based upon perceived racial-ethnic differences dating back many centuries. They fought openly during the Great War, the Arabs on the side of the British and Lawrence of Arabia and the Turks on the side of the Central Powers, including Imperial Germany.

    The Turks (and perhaps the Chechens, too) view themselves as racially and ethnically distinct from the Arabs; there have been skirmishes in the past based upon this, too ~albeit not all that recently. And since all sides are Muslim, they find themselves allied just as often as they are at odds.

    Confused yet? Welcome to the simmering stew of ancient Middle Eastern grudges, insults and grievances. And we haven’t even begun to talk about the Israelis or the various western nations…

    It is also possible, on the other hand, that these disputes have nothing to do with the ancient and tangled web of loyalties and alliances of the Middle East and SW Asia; instead, they may simply be due to teenaged hormones run amok and the pent-up aggression of young men who, lacking a socially-acceptable means of letting off steam, simply decide to take it out upon one another.

    They could be fighting over turf, control of lucrative drug, human trafficking, and other criminal enterprises – or both.

    It could simply be their version of “king of the hill,” in other words a contest for dominance and establishment of a dominance hierarchy, which men in groups have done since human prehistory.

    It is politically-incorrect to say so in these hyper-sensitive times, but the ugly truth is that sometimes men – in particular young men – with nothing else better to do like to fight. They seek conflict, and if necessary, provoke it – to get them what they want.

    And when those males have few prospects, or lack access to females and/or wealth and status, all bets are off.

    There are very good reasons why sociologists, demographers and others who study the condition of human society pay a lot of attention to the number of young and unattached men in a given society, and their relative contentment or lack thereof. Lots of angry young men are often a bell-weather for trouble coming to a society or civilization.

  2. Let us remember how unquestioningly European politicians and media took the side of the small but proud Chechen people against Russians in the 1990s.

    In the Western coverage of the Chechen war everything was black and white, without any intermediate shades: a noble beautiful people in the Caucasus revolted against the cruel subhuman Russian oppressors who reacted with ruthless unjustifiable cruelty.

    The West raised a tsunami of anti-Russian hatred and a thermonuclear explosion of love for Chechens.

    Europe opened wide her loving embrace for Chechen refugees.

    Well, now the little but proud people is repaying Europe’s love.

    Perhaps, now at least some Austrians and other Europeans will listen to those who tell them that Chechens indulged in violence against ethnic Russians in Chechnya long before the conflict started. That as soon as perestroika began, Chechens started killing young Russian men and abducting Russian girls who became sex slaves in their villages. That, besides sex slavery, Chechens have always practised ordinary slavery: they kidnapped non-Chechen men, sometimes outside Chechnya and brought them to their villages where these men were exploited as household slaves, living in pits, suffering beatings. That Chechen men consider honest work as something below their dignity and prefer to make a living from organised crime, leaving all the hard and dirty work to women and slaves. And that Chechnya has always lived by its tribal laws ignoring Russia’s national legislation. For example, vendetta and honour killings have always existed in Chechnya.

    Austrians and other Europeans will have to believe those inconvenient truths because now Chechens are doing similar things in Europe. Competing with Arabs, Turks, Albanians, Gypsies and other cultural enrichers.

    Unpleasant as it may be, Austrians can console themselves with the thought that there never before has Austria been so beautifully diverse!

  3. Remember also how the West took the side of Albanian terrorists against Serbs in 1999. It seems that whatever happens the ruling elites of the West will always support enemies of traditionally Christian nations.

    Where does this hatred of Christianity come from?

  4. Self loathing has been taught in Western schools and universities for some time.
    Most of the immigrants coming to Europe and the US continue to be single, young males of fighting age. Surprise, surprise- they are fighting, raping and committing every crime imaginable. Not to mention, plotting terrorist attacks when radicalized.

    • And why are there so many of them? One reason is that US neocons decided to destroy the secular and well-to-do regimes in Iraq, Libya and Syria plunging these countries into a hell of civil war, communal violence, lawlessness, utter poverty and famine. I am especially furious when I think about the tragic fate of Middle East Chrisians. They enjoyed relative security and prosperity under Saddam and Assad. Now there are practically no Christians in Iraq and very few in Syria. Most have been either brutally murdered or thrown out of their countries. Has President Bush spared a thought for them? Or Obama? Or Trump? Or Biden? Does anyone in the West care?!

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