Are the Gloves Coming Off?

I reported on Tuesday about an Iranian culture-enricher in Bavaria who attacked police officers with a knife and was shot to death for his troubles. The follow-up article below provides more background on the incident, including the extent of the unfortunate refugee’s attacks on police, and his criminal background, which involved previous convictions.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this piece from Junge Freiheit:

New details

Iranian stabs police intern

Why did the federal police officer shoot the Iranian knife attacker in Lauf, Franconia? It has now emerged that the perpetrator had stabbed an intern shortly before. And also that he had previously been convicted.


The public prosecutor’s office has released further details on the death of an Iranian who was shot by a federal police officer. According to the report, the attack by the 34-year-old at the train station on the left bank of the Pegnitz in Lauf, Middle Franconia, was far more dramatic than previously known.

The attacker had already stabbed an intern who wanted to become a police sergeant, reports the Bild newspaper. Only a protective vest saved him from serious injury or even death.

Iranian first attacks police car

The situation was apparently much more dangerous than previously portrayed. The man suddenly tried to open the door of the patrol car with the three federal police officers and had a knife in his hand. Then he hit the car.

The officers drove a few meters further and then got out. They used pepper spray on the armed man. Even after a warning shot, the migrant did not drop the knife, and stabbed the intern. The female federal police officer then shot him in the stomach.

Without giving any details, senior public prosecutor Heike Klotzbücher also told Bild that the tolerated asylum seeker had been charged with several criminal offenses. He had also already been convicted.

Afterword from the translator:

If he had already been convicted of crimes committed, why then was that splash of toxic feculence not flushed down the toilet? A minimum of three new INDIVIDUAL cases come to light every day. And with all the previous cases since 2015, the perpetrators are people who simply have no business being in Germany or Europe, and from whom the state deliberately fails to protect the native populace. This has nothing to do with integration “gone wrong”. After all it is very simple: whoever comes to Germany or Europe has to show respect, consideration and humility towards the country that takes him in. Then they are easily integrated. But integration is not on their agenda, conquest and subjugation on the other hand are. It should be becoming increasingly clear even to the dumbest that there is a system to this: on the one side called “tolerance” and the other “concerted attacks”, “individual cases” and whatever meaningless wordplay they can come up with. To my way of thinking this system can now justifiably be seen as a “civil war”, waged by the government against the people with the help of hostile mercenaries, paid for by the forced taxation, and can be called exactly that. What else could it be?

2 thoughts on “Are the Gloves Coming Off?

  1. “What else could it be?”

    Anarcho-tyranny is a term used to describe a system of government that fails to enforce or adjudicate protection to its citizens while simultaneously persecuting innocent conduct. It is a form of armed dictatorship without rule of law.

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