The Knives Have Migrated to Vienna

Apparently those culture-enriching knives ran out of targets in Germany, so they turned to Austria for some new anti-kuffar action.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Austrian daily Kronen Zeitung. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Vienna: Police Officer Attacked

Neck narrowly missed: Video shows knife attack

The treacherous knife attack on a police officer in Vienna’s “Favoriten” district is still shocking the day after. The Krone newspaper has now been given footage of the scene — the video is not for the faint-hearted. [see the original article for video]

The suspected perpetrator appears from the side behind an officer who is carrying out a check. Suddenly the dark-haired man — according to information from the “Krone” he is a 41-year-old Jordanian — reaches out and stabs with full force.

The young police officer survived the attack with minor injuries. However, as the footage suggests, he was incredibly lucky — the attacker appears to have aimed for the officer’s neck area. He missed by a few centimeters, and the blade bounced off the stab-proof vest.

The 24-year-old police officer also reacted very quickly and immediately moved away from the attacker, who was then knocked down with an electric shock device — reported.

Another video shows the suspect being overpowered: [see the original article for video]

“It didn’t matter to him whether the police officer died”

As has since become known, the Jordanian apparently wanted to commit “suicide by cop”, i.e. let the police kill him — at least that’s what he said in his first interrogation. He had private problems. “It didn’t matter to him whether the police officer died,” said Markus Dittrich, spokesman for the Vienna police. The suspect is now being investigated for attempted murder. [I guess he was after those 72 virgins that are promised when a Muslim dies in an attack against the kuffar.]

The case represents another low point in the “Favoriten” hotspot and is causing deep shock not only in police circles. “I would like to thank all the police officers who were involved in this life-threatening operation and who successfully handled it in a professional manner. I wish the injured officer a speedy recovery,” Interior Minister Gerhard Karner told the Krone.

The reason for the identity check at Keplerplatz was that police officers had previously been pelted with glass bottles. A weapons ban zone had been set up in the area just a few weeks ago. [Well, that must have frightened that guy.]

Afterword from the translator:

The moment I build my own town I’ll make it mandatory that each and every citizen, from a certain age, is regularly trained in arms and ARMED in public. Those who refuse will have to leave and take their chances in those places that have “weapons ban zones”. Good luck. Everyone who comes to visit will be thoroughly searched and has to relinquish any weapons found — which includes a tooth-pick — at the town gates. I’m pretty sure that then no criminal would even think about of messing around with us.

7 thoughts on “The Knives Have Migrated to Vienna

  1. When will the West realize that all cultures are not the same and all peoples do not share the same values? When will people realize that there are those that will bury us for no other reason than we do not accept their worldview and never will.

    In America I am seeing a great nation and culture being destroyed by feral animals who hate merit, excellence, industry, and individual responsibility. I know where I stand and where I will always stand.

    • “In the US, the cops would had a dozen rounds into the sub human savage before it hit the ground.”

      Sure about that?!
      The “US” you’re referring to doesn’t really exist anymore. Today, in Obamerica—where I am now—cops must FIRST consider the [legal] ramifications of their [defensive] actions and, then, act accordingly.

      “Derek Chauvin, the former Minneapolis police officer convicted of murdering George Floyd, was stabbed by another inmate and seriously injured Friday at a federal prison in Arizona.”

  2. Not in many American blue cities cops are held to a standard that they could lose their jobs if they used “too much force” without even using their guns on violent “mental ill” or drug up idiotic violent people. Violent “mental ill” people are released without bail to punch women in the face during daylight working hours in good areas of Manhattan. Or push people into moving trains in the evening hours .Right now a private citizens is facing murder charges for stopping a violent crazed man(with a lengthy rap sheet for senseless violence)who was threating passages in the morning rush hour subway train. He used no weapon to subdue this man who was hop up on dangerous drugs and died because of it ,the good Marine who stop this manic last name is Penny .

    • Google Second City Cop for the truth about blue city Chicago, Ill. You will find that the Chicago cops support and vote for real President Donald John Trump.

      It is a great blog exposing the evils of democrats in that city.

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